03 - Judgment

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EPISODE 09 - Mia's Regrets
June 14 2023

Troy told Mia that Macy is an evil witch and instead of admitting that she's the one who killed his father and he hired a lawyer to make sure that the innocent won't rot here inside the jail. Mia was surprised by what Troy did and she thanked him for everything that he was doing and Troy told her that he will make sure that during the final trial, the judge's verdict will be favorable. The next day, Macy, Troy and Tupe gathered in Bart's office as today is the day when Atty. Regalado, Bart's personal lawyer will announce the content of his last will and testament and Troy is very confident that he will get the majority of the shares but Macy smirks and tells them that they shouldn't celebrate unless the lawyer announces all the content of it. Atty. Regalado arrived at the office and asked everyone if they were ready for Bart's last will and Macy is the only one who said yes and this caught Troy and Tupe off guard. The lawyer told them that Bart made a video presentation for the distribution of his wealth and properties and as the video played, Bart explained to his sons that he loves both of them and he also loves Macy so she is now included on his last will as he knew that this time, she is now her wife. Bart gave 50% of his shares on the company to Macy while 25% and 25% of shares will be given to Tupe and Troy so this made Troy shocked and he has no idea that their dad treated them below his whore GF and as the video continues, Bart gave the mansion in Batangas to Macy and his condo units in Manila to Tupe while the vacation house in Tagaytay will be given to Troy but the brothers wanted the Batangas mansion so they felt mad with their dad as all of the things that he gave to them were just scraps and Macy benefitted a lot. Atty. Regalado told them that they already arrived at the end of the video so Troy lashed out and told Macy that he knew that she planned to kill their dad as Bart already gave her a huge piece of his wealth and she wanna grab her shares immediately so Macy smiled at him and told everybody that she's not the one who controls everything that happens in this world and she think that all of this is just a perfect example of a perfect coincidence. After the reading of the last will and testament, Macy felt dizzy and she immediately went to the comfort room and vomited out so she felt that there was something wrong with her so she bought a pregnancy test kit to see if she's really pregnant and a few minutes later, she found out that she's now pregnant to Bart's child and she's very happy that finally, she have a strong weapon against Tupe and Troy and she will never be swept away from the mansion. Troy is still pissed off on how small his shares were after what he did to the company and that made him more eager to bring Mia out of jail as that's the only thing that he can do now to bring his father's death justice but he needed to unwind now so he went to jail and he visited Mia. Mia was glad to see Tupe again but she asked him why he's here so he told her that the reading of Bart's last will and testament happened and Macy got majority of the shares and she acted like she won the lottery so Mia told him that Macy is becoming a monster in front of them so she promised to herself that once she get out of prison, she will be the one who'll chainsaw the horns out of Macy's head. Troy told her that he'll do his very best to bring her out of jail. The next day, Beth visited Mia and asked her if she was comfortable inside as she brought more pillows in case she's not having a good night sleep so Mia told her that she's fine with her sleep but she's not fine with the fact that she used herself as a shield for Macy to be spared from the crime that she did. Beth was confused on what Mia means by that so Mia told her that she lied to everyone about Bart's death and she even framed herself up just to save Macy but she regretted it so much that she did that to her evil sister as Macy just became more evil. Beth was shocked when she found out how martyr Mia is so she told her that she's not running as a candidate for sainthood for her to do that so she asked her again what's her next move and Mia said that Troy will do what he can do to bring her out while keeping Macy out of the frame but she will make sure that Macy will pay big when she gets out of jail. Beth warned Mia that revenge is not a good thing for her especially that she is a former nun and deep inside her heart, she knew that all of those things are not good. Mia told Beth that she will never do such a thing towards her sister. Macy is now very happy that all the riches are now on her name and she even hired a new secretary and her name is Bella and she told Macy she's already very experienced in this world and she can help her with being the best boss in town. Macy asked Bella why she wanted to be her secretary so Bella told her that she's been in the game for 8 years now and she even became Bart's secretary before but it seems like Bart doesn't like her at all so nothing prospered but now, she finally found the lady that made Bart crazy so its a pleasure for her to apply to the best boss in town. Macy felt that Bella is just goofing around and she's not really sincere with what she's saying so she just let her talk and when she got the chance to say what's on her mind, she told her that she really is the perfect applicant and with all her wit and charm, she's now hired. Bella was shocked so she hugged Macy and told her that it was an honor for her to be hired by a legendary goddess so Macy told her that starting today, she will not just be her secretary but also, her eye as she wants to make her as her personal spy to everyone who wanna topple her out of her throne. Bella told her that she won't allow anything or anyone to break the crown of Queen Macy. The next day, the first hearing is now about to happen and the Perez brothers are present together with Macy while Mia is on the other side with Atty. Suarez, the lawyer that Troy personally hired to help Mia on her case. Mia faced Macy this time and she asked her if she's happy now from all the fortune that she inherited undeservingly and Macy said that she loves every cent of it and she's excited for what the future lies ahead for her as she's cooking something now and everyone will surely love the finished product that she will serve later on.

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