50 - Ursula's Mother

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EPISODE 197 - Alam Na
Jan 19 2024

Arthur is now stressed by all the happenings as Troy is comatosed and Hector is now being treated after he acquired a lot of injuries so he went to the vending machine to get some coffee when all of a sudden, he was shocked when he saw the guy beside him that looks like Bart Perez. Arthur quickly get his cup of coffee and he left Bill alone at the vending machine area. Arthur gasped for air as he couldn't help but to be scared every time he saw Bart as his existence is a grim reminder to him that he's the inferior Perez and no one would love him if Bart existed. Arthur told himself that he's glad that Bart is now dead and his ghost won't bother him anymore as his body is now rotting under his grave. Meanwhile, Yael told Bia that he can't help but to be very worried about his Lolo so Bia told Yael that he'll contact Hector but when the old man's phone rang, the nurse heard the ringing from Hector's pocket so she grabbed the phone and answered the phone. Bia felt glad that someone answered her call but she was surprised as it was not Hector who answered the call. The nurse asked Bia who she is and Bia told her that she's Hector's daughter so the nurse told her that her father is now in the hospital as he acquired a lot of bruises so Bia asked on what hospital Hector's confined right now and the nurse told her that he's now in St. Marcus Hospital. Yael noticed that Bia looks so anxious so he asked her what happened to his lolo so Bia told him that they need to go to St. Marcus right now as something bad happened to Hector. The two rushed to the hospital to see the old man while Melda is still clueless on what's happening so she went to the kitchen to drink some water and she realized that she can contact Arthur and ask him so she called Arthur but no one answered the call so she told Berta that she will leave the house for now as she will follow Ursula on her whereabout as she has a strong suspicion that the lady knew something that she didn't know but Berta told her that she would be in danger if she go against Ursula. Melda told Berta that she knew that Ursula threatened the hell out of her but those empty threats wouldn't scare her and she would do everything to cut Ursula's horns and stop her from being evil. Meanwhile, Mia is now sleeping in the bed when she dreamed about Hector and she asked the old man why he's standing nearby the ledge so the old man told her that Ursula is about to kill him and he needs her to save him. Mia told Hector to hold on as she won't allow him to fall but Ursula suddenly arrived and Mia asked her what will she do so the evil lady pushed Hector on the ledge and the old man fell on the ground. Mia was shocked when she saw that Hector died as he fell on the concrete so she tried to attack Ursula but Ursula held Macy and the latter threatened her that once she go near her, she wouldn't hesitate to kill Macy like how she killed Hector. Mia is now crying as she's begging for Ursula to spare her sister but Ursula suddenly shot Macy on her head and this made Mia shocked when she saw how Macy was brutally killed. Ursula laughed and told Mia that everyone in her family is now dead and no one will ever love her anymore as Troy is now hovering between life and death and Tupe is still missing. Mia tried to attack Ursula but she suddenly woke up and Mauro asked her if she's ok so she told him that she can feel that something wrong's happening right now in the mansion as Ursula is on the roll now on doing their evil stuffs. Mauro told Mia that they're now on their way to their new home so she should detoxify her mind from too much stress. Mia went to the window area as she stared at the vast ocean and she closed her eyes and prayed for the safety of Macy and the rest of the people who are left there in the mansion. Melda is now on her way to the hospital and as she's in the middle of the road, traffic stopped her from reaching her destination in a haste so she asked the taxi driver if he can use some shortcut as she badly needed to go there but the driver told her to be patient as he don't want to be reported to the police. Ursula arrived at the hospital and she asked the nurse if Hector was confined here and the latter led her to the room where Hector was in. Arthur was there and Ursula pretended to be shocked as she saw the bruised face of the old man so she asked what happened. Arthur told Ursula that Hector was attacked by unknown men and he suffered plenty of injuries including a head trauma after someone hit his head with a bat and according to what the doctor told him earlier, Hector might be unconscious for the next few days. Ursula told Arthur that he's not alone in his fight as she will make sure that no one in their family would experience any atrocity. Arthur told Ursula that he has a strong suspicion about the person who perpetrated all of this. Ursula gulped as she felt that Arthur already has a lead on who did all the crime so she asked him who's that so Arthur told her that he would never spill anything to anyone as at this point, trusting someone is a risky game and he would make sure that he'll cover his every moves so that his enemies would be baffled once he attacked them. Ursula's eyes were filled with anger as she felt that Arthur is now on his way to end her so she told Arthur that she wil help him on his mission. Melda is now furious so she paid the taxi driver for her fare and told him that she'll walk her way to the hospital and when a random man arrived, he told Melda to ride at her back as he'll bring her to the hospital. Melda was confused by what the masked man said but she still rode at the back of his motorbike and wore some helmet and they quickly traversed the traffic and went to the hospital immediately. Melda arrived at her destination and she thanked the masked man for his effort so the guy told her that she can get his number just in case she need some help. Melda told the masked guy that she'll definitely save his number to her phonebook. Little did Melda knew that the guy under the helmet is no other than Bill. Meanwhile, Arthur texted Mauro and told him that he need to see him for the weekend for his new mission but Mauro called him and asked him why he needed to be in a mission when he's now on his way to Cebu. Arthur told Mauro that this will be their biggest mission and if he can do it, he'll make sure that he'll be paid a huge sum of money. Mauro can't help but to follow Arthur's instruction and choose his job over spending time with Mia. Melda is now inside the hospital and the nurse guided  her to Hector's room and when she saw the situation of the old man, she got emotional and she hugged him immediately while Ursula was shocked by the sudden appearance of the old yaya in the hospital. Melda cried out loud as she realized that Hector is now in the middle of life and death situation so Ursula told her to stay away from him as his condition might get worse if she continue on crashing her body to his injured body. Melda faced Ursula with disgust and she slapped the hell out of the lady's face and told her that she's a demonic villain and she already knew that she's the one who hired men to attack Hector. Ursula laughed and told Melda that she's right and she won't hesitate to hire some men to attack her too because her mouth is now becoming a liability to all her missions. Melda told Ursula that she's not scared to die as she'll make sure that in her wake, all of the dirty secrets of their family will be aired in public. Ursula asked Melda what kind of secret does she know so Melda told her that since they're already here, she's now ready to reveal to her that Blesilda and Juanito didn't have a baby girl as Arthur and Bart are the only real heirs of the Perez family fortune and Blesilda badly wanted to get a baby girl so she hired a yaya and that yaya happened to be pregnant so when the yaya gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Blesilda took care of the baby and all of a sudden, the whole Perez family went to the US while the yaya suffered extreme depression from being separated from her child. Ursula was speechless by what Melda said so she asled her what's the bottomline of her story so Melda told her that she's not biological Perez and the reason why she's here in this world because a yaya gave birth to her and that yaya's name is Melda. Ursula was shocked with Melda's revelation so she told her that it's not true so Melda told her that she can conduct a DNA test if she want to since they're now here in the hospital so that all her doubts will be debunked. Ursula sat down and she told Melda that she's a Perez and no one can ever change that fact but Melda told her that no one can change a fact that she's a child of a yaya and she will never be on Arthur and Bart's level as she's only an adopted child. Ursula grabbed her gun and told Melda that she will kill her.

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