34 - Anonymous Donor

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EPISODE 133 - Payment
Nov 6 2023

Mia is now committed to her goal on making sure that Ursula's goons will slowly eat away the flesh of their boss so that she can give justice to Bella's death and to all other undisclosed crimes that she's about to discover in the future. Meanwhile, Macy went to the veranda as she's still unprepared to tie the knot with Arthur so Berta gave her a glass of milk. Macy felt glad that there's still a person who takes care of her in the mansion so she told Berta that even if she's very close to Mia, she wasn't brainwashed by her words against her younger sister. Berta told Macy that Mia never spoke ill about her as all the time, she kept on telling her how grateful she is for having a beautiful young sister. Macy felt that what Berta's saying was real so she asked her if Mia would still accept her in her life. Berta told Macy that Mia is the kind of person who never put grudge in her heart as she's like the kindest person she ever knew in her life and for sure, Mia would accept her back as she's still the baby sister that she knew. Macy told her that things are never the same right now as the gap between her and Mia are getting further and she's still heartbroken after she pushed her on the flight of stairs that killed her baby. Berta told Macy that she and Mia are just victims of circumstances and if they allowed to enter their relationship again as sisters, it would blossom again to a better bond and they'll have a renewed ties to each other. Macy hugged Berta and told her that she's really the best yaya in this mansion. Loida was shook when Pilo told her that they'll kill Lando now and toss his body off the cliff so she told him that its not right but Pilo told her that he can't afford to lose everything that he worked hard for especially now that Ursula is his ultimate enemy. Loida is now very scared as Pilo called Lando and told him that they need to talk about something. Lando and Pilo are now standing nearby a cliff so Pilo thanked Lando for his service as he made him proud with the success of their attack at the Halloween party in P'Dairy. Lando told Pilo that it's his pleasure to serve him and be his friend so he hugged him. As Pilo is hugging Lando, he grabbed his arms and pushed him off the cliff. Loida screamed loudly as she saw how Pilo pushed the young man off the ledge but luckily, Lando held on a root and begged Pilo to save him as he still don't wanna die yet. Pilo laughed and told Lando that he don't wanna lose all the things that he worked hard for when the police caught them so the only way for him to dispose the people that he think might jeopardize his plans is by killing them. Loida asked Pilo to spare Lando from danger as he don't deserve to die but Pilo told her that its too late as he already made up his mind. Lando used his remaining strength to hold on for his dear life on the root but Pilo stepped on his hand and that led Lando to fall down on a very steep ciff and his body landed on the sharp rocks and the sharp edges were the thing that killed him due to strong impact. Loida was traumatized by what she saw so she asked Pilo why did he do that so he told her that its his job to clean up the mess before the mess would clean him up. The two of them left and Loida told Pilo that she needed to go home now as its already late so Pilo told her that what she saw earlier will remain a secret for the two of them as he don't want to be put in jail again. Loida assured that she will never tell anyone about what she saw earlier. The next day, Mia packed her bags as she already decided to leave Ursula's condo as she don't want to associate herself with anything about that lady again and Wilma helped her on transferring her things to her newly purchased home nearby Ray's house so Mia told her that she's excited as finally, she bought her own home and now, they're officially neighbors. Wilma told Mia that she's truly blessed by God as few months ago, she's living in the slums and now, she already have her own house and lot. Mia told Wilma that Ray is like an angel to her life as the moment he offered her a job in his resto, that's when her life changed for the better and now, she can have whatever she want because she already have the money. As they arrived in Mia's new house, Wilma was amazed as it looks so simple but elegant so Mia told her that she chose this property to be simple as she wanted her future kids to know the importance of hardwork to achieve whatever they want in their life. Yael is now outside the ICU as he's watching his Lolo Hector fighting for his life and he remembered what Mia told him last night that Hector needs to be transfused with an AB type blood to make sure that he will be saved from the peril that he's in now so he went to the nurse station and asked the nurse if he can be tested so that he'll know if his blood type is matched with Hector's one. The nurse tested Yael's blood for them to know if he's compatible to donate blood for Hector but few hours later, the doctor told Yael that unfortunately, he's not compatible with Hector and they need to find a blood donor as soon as possible, or else, the old man will perish. Loida was very traumatized on what happened last night so she went to the bar as she drink her emotions out so that she can forget about what happened to Lando. Mia went back to the resto and she asked Norma, the head chef if Loida reported for duty today but she told Mia that she filed a leave as she's not feeling well right now so Mia called her friend and asked her what's happening. Loida told Mia that she's now in a bar nearby the resto as she wanna unwind for awhile so Mia went there and asked Loida why she chose to drink liquor instead of reporting for duty today. Loida got emotional as she told Mia that Pilo brought her with him to his mission and she witnessed how that ruthless man pushed Lando off a cliff and she can't report anything of it to the police as Pilo will surely kill her. Mia was shocked when she found out that Loida's life is now in danger so she told her that she have nothing to worry as she will make sure that Pilo won't be able to hurt her. Loida told Mia that she don't wanna hide all of her life just for her not to be traced by that evil man so Mia assured that Pilo won't have a chance to pull off any violence against them as she'll face him and teach him a lesson. Yael texted Bia as he needed something from her so when she arrived at the nurse station, the lady driver asked the young man what he wanted from her. Yael told Bia that since she's his Lolo Hector's daughter, he wanna ask her if she can test her blood if she's compatible to donate. Bia felt guilty as she knew that her blood type is O so she told Yael that she can't donate anything to Hector as they're not compatible. Berta is now cleaning the garbage when she saw a paper in the can and when she read it, she saw that it was Macy's old biodata and when she saw her blood type, she was amazed as she's an AB positive. Macy is now at the dining room as she's eating her salad when Berta approached her and asked if her blood type is AB so Macy said yes. Berta felt happy as Hector badly needs blood now and she can be a perfect donor for him so Macy remembered the time when Hector submerged his face on the mud so she told Berta that she would be very happy to help him. The next day, Yael asked the doctor if they already have a supply for an AB positive blood and luckily, he told him that there's a person who donated an AB positive blood for Hector and that person chose not to disclose its identity so he felt like this is some sort of miracle as the blood is very compatible to Hector's blood as if they're related. Yael was amazed as he have no idea that there's a random stranger who has a blood with strong compatibility to his Lolo so he told the doctor that the person who donated might be a distant relative of his Lolo and its very important for him to know the identity of that person.

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