41 - Paranoid

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EPISODE 161 - HIred Killer
Dec 8 2023

Mia and Loida finished their groceries and they went to their favorite resto where they eat their meals and Loida noticed that Mia looks so paranoid so she asked her why she's still thinking about that criminal guy. Mia told Loida that Pilo is her only ace for her to know the truth regarding Bart's death as she badly wanted to prove that Macy is innocent in that crime. Loida told her that Pilo is now living far away and for sure, he won't come back unless he needs more money and that'll be the time that he needs to go back to his work as a criminal. Mia told Loida that she badly needs Pilo right now and she will do everything just to get his services again but her bestie told her that maybe she need to pray harder so that God will return her favorite criminal back to her. Meanwhile, Melda is washing the dishes and Hector told her that he prepared some coffee for her so that she will have a better mood this morning but Melda ignored him and continued on doing her chores so he asked her what happened and why she acts like a spoiled brat again. Melda rolled her eyes and told Hector to stay away from her as she don't wanna see his face so he asked her what's the problem between them so Melda told him that she heard what he and Arthur said last night and she heard everything bad that he said towards her and that's enough for her to think that a guy like him is a piece of trash. Hector told Melda that he was drunk last night and his heart is not in the good place that's why he said those hurtful words. Melda slapped Hector's face and told him that she trusted him with all her heart only for het to know that he's also the same scumbag that she knew before. Ursula noticed the commotion in the kitchen so she asked Hector what happened so he told her that Melda is having tantrums again so he felt bad about it. Ursula told Hector that she never thought that even old people have LQ so the only thing that can cure a woman's tantrum is to buy her some stuff that she likes so Hector asked Ursula to help him on fixing his image towards Melda so Ursula smiled and told him that she's in the mood for shopping now so she told him to prepare as they'll go to the mall right now. Hector smiled and told Ursula that she's like an angel in his life. Meanwhile, Bill went to the Valencia mansion and he noticed that the house is now looking so peaceful so he assumed that Xavier is now finally put to reace so he pressed the doorbell to see if there's still someone left inside. When the gate was opened, Bill was surprised as Mrs. V is still there so he asked her if she's now ok but she told him that she needs someone to drink with so Bill told him that he's ready to share her misery. The two drank some liquor and Mrs. V told Bill that she have no idea what to do with her life now as she have no one to share her sadness. Bill and Mrs. V spent the night together and as the influence of alcohol prevailed, the two creatures were left with no choice but to feel each other's body head and shared the bed with love surrounding them. Bill regained his sobriety at 8:30PM and he noticed that his body was naked while Mrs. V is lying on his chest and he felt that he gave too much towards his boss so he stood up and put his shirt and pants on but before he left the room, Mrs. V woke up and asked him to never leave her as she have no one besides her right now. Bill told Mrs. V that he already gave himself to her and he think that its enough for him to leave now. Mrs. V stood up and she hugged Bill and told him that she's now madly in love with him and she wanted to start a new life with him in the US but Bill told him that its not possible as he already has a family here in the Philippines and his niece needs him right now and he frankly told Mrs. V that the only thing that he felt for her is respect as she's his boss. Mrs. V became emotional and she told Bill to love her but Bill left and the poor woman was left in her bedroom with misery in her life. Meanwhile, Ursula helped Hector on buying the perfect necklace for Melda and when Hector saw the jewelry that he wanted to give to Melda, Ursula told him that he have nothing to worry about as she will buy that for him so Hector was shocked when he heard what she said so he told her that he can afford this necklace so she shouldn't release anything from her pocket. Ursula told Hector that she already considers him as her father and Melda as her mother so as their daughter, its her responsibility to make their relationship stronger. Hector smiled after Ursula purchased the necklace and she told him that they need to go home now. Arthur and Macy bought some food for their dinner and Troy was surprised as there are lot of foods so Macy told them that she craves some meal from Mia's resto so she bought something. Melda noticed that they bought some food outside so she walked out and Troy noticed it so he approached her and asked what's her problem. Melda told Troy that she's already useless here in the house as they're now patronizing food from the outside instead of her homecooked meals so she told him that she can now start packing her bags. Troy told Melda that she matters to them and the reason why Macy bought some food so that she can have some break from working too hard and he reminded her that they appreciate her efforts on maintaining the mansion. Arthur called Melda and told her to join them on their dinner and Macy felt uneasy as the old yaya sat down so she tried her best to ignore her and eat her food. Ursula and Hector arrived at the mansion and they told Arthur that they bought something for the old lady so Melda asked if she's the one that they're talking about. Hector approached Melda and told her that he felt bad on what he said towards him when he's drunk so as a peace offering, he bought a beautiful necklace and hopefully, this'll heal all the wounds of their relationship. Melda was shocked when she saw the jewelry so she asked Hector if he's being serious with this one and the old man said yes. Ursula told Melda that they really took time and effort to find the perfect peace offering for her so she should accept that. Melda can't help but to feel loved in the mansion and she accepted the necklace from Hector and she hugged him afterwards. Arthur and Troy were very happy that finally, Hector and Melda are now in good terms but Macy wasn't feeling any of it so she told Arthur that she's now finished with her meal so she wanna go to the garden to breathe some fresh air. Ursula and Melda sat down with Hector at the dining table as they shared dinner like they're a big family. Meanwhile, Mrs. V is now in her living room and when she called the hired kilelr to come inside the mansion, she was surprised as the man is already sitting at her back so Mrs. V faced him and told him that she's glad that he's here now so that they can discuss his mission and she wanted to make sure that this'll be done as clean and as fast as possible so that she can fly now back to America. The killer asked Mrs. V any pictures of the person that she wanted for him to kill and Mrs. V didn't hesitate to give the photos of Ursula and Tonet and she told him that Christmas time is coming and she wanted them to grieve instead of being happy in the most wonderful time of the year. The killer told Mrs. V that this job is very easy for him and he'll make sure that the job will be done as soon as possible. Meanwhile, Macy felt left out in the mansion now as Melda is now being treated like she did nothing wrong and she was surprised as Tonet is standing by her side and offered her some drinks. Macy smiled and she asked Tonet if she's been here for a minute and the young lady said yes and she knew that she's being bombarded with problems too so she told Macy to sit down and they'll drink harder. Mia is now in the terrace as she felt uneasy after she saw Pilo earlier at the mall so Lala gave her a glass of milk and asked her what bothers her so Mia told her that she's now very scared as the horrific person of her past is now about to ruin her life again. Lala told her that its really a bad thing but she told her that she'll keep on praying for her safety. Mrs. V told the killer that by next week, he should have a solid accomplishment on killing Ursula so the killer told her that everything's set. Before the killer left, Mrs. V asked what's his name and the man introduced himself as Pilo.

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