05 - Rise and Fall

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EPISODE 17 - Company Ball
June 23 2023

Tonet woke up so early as she cooked breakfast for Mia so when Mia woke up, she was surprised as plenty of food are already cooked for her. Tonet told Mia that she prepared all of that so that she won't stress herself. Mia smiled and told Tonet that she really felt that this party is a huge deal for her so it's a very good thing to hear but she told her that she needed to keep her status lowkey at the party as she don't want to be at the spotlight of controversies again especially that Macy will surely attend at the party. Tonet told Mia that she will Macy and she will make sure that they'll gonna vibe along. Meanwhile, Ursula saw Troy and Macy at the garden as they ate their breakfast together so she asked both of them if they're ok and Troy told Ursula that he's now getting better and he felt so alive when Macy is around him. Macy told Ursula that she felt that all of the tragedy happened so that they can start all over again with no hatred dividing them so Ursula told her that she love hearing good news but she warned Macy that if Troy forgot everything that happened, she didn't so she should still be cautious as she have eyes watching her. Macy think that Ursula is cooking something so she tried her best to be observant as she can't afford to be humiliated at the party again. Tonet and Mia were now cleaning the house before they prepare themselves for the party but a surprise visitor suddenly arrived so when Tonet opened the door, she was shocked as it was her Nanay Wilma and Tatay Sylvio  so Mia told Tonet that she purposely called them so that they'll witness their young lady blossoming into a classy woman. Wilma told Mia that she's very proud of Tonet as she really raised her well and now that she's almost an adult, she can't help but to be amazed on how gorgeous she became. Mia told them that its not yet the time to be emotional as she and Tonet needs to put makeup and she don't want those tears to destroy them. Sylvio told them that he'll wash the dishes as the sink is already full and Mia laughed and told him that they really forgot about that. Mranwhile, Ursula is now cooking an evil plan against Macy so she approached Macy who's now in the garden and asked her if the necklace and ring that she brought looks good on her and Macy said that it looks perfect. Ursula explained to Macy that the jewelries that she owned are from Dubai and 100% diamond so no one can really question the authenticity of it. Ursula also called one of her friends, Frida to be the witness of what she'll do so when she arrived at the mansion, Ursula introduced Frida to Macy and told her that Frida is the one who gave her the jewelries. Macy was stunned by the beauty of the jewelries so she asked Ursula how much is  it and Frida answered it by saying that she needed 3M Pesos to purchase it. Ursula told Macy that she will give it to her when the time comes that she wanted to but right now, this is still her property. Macy can't believe how beautiful the ring and the necklace so it stayed in her mind the whole day and she plans to steal it from Ursula. As the day progressed, everyone involved in the Company Ball are now preparing for the grand event and Macy asked Bella to do her makeup at her room so when Bella was doing Macy's makeup, Macy told her that she can't put her mind away out of the diamond jewelries that Ursula owned but Bella warned her that its a very dangerous thing for her to do that but Macy said that she really wanna grab it from that woman. Meanwhile, Tonet is now very ready for the company ball as she did her and Mia's makeup and Wilma told Tonet that she really has a bright future when it comes to fashion as she knew how to dress herself up and be a bonafide fashionista. The company ball has officially started and all the major investors are present at the event and everyone marvelled when they saw Troy after the incident so when he walked at the red carpet, everyone took a photo of him and everyone was surprised when he and Macy were together so the press asked them if they're now in a relationship but Macy told them that its too early for her to answer that question as she and Troy are just friends. Ursula noticed that Macy is enjoying the limelight so she told her bestie Frida that the show has just begun as she will make sure that the night won't end without the stupendous surprise that she will showcase later on. As the party goes on, Tupe and Mia arrived and everyone was shocked as the killer of the old Bart is at place so Mia told Tupe that she felt awkward here but Tupe told her that its just normal as this is her first time to attend a very special event and this won't definitely her last so she need to calm down. Tonet was also with them so she used this chance to showcase her dress to her followers on IG and when one of the promotional managers of P'Dairy saw her, she was gagged with Tonet's whole ensemble so she told Tonet about their search for an ambassadress of their product and she felt like she found the one that will represent their product with such grace. Tonet was shocked when the manager showered her with praises so she told her that she's really happy about her complement and she knew that choosing her as the ambassadress will be the best decision that their company will ever make. As Tonet and the manager are now exchanging numbers, Ursula is now onstage to have her speech. Ursula told everyone that their family is still grieving for the death of the patriarch Bartolome Perez and as his only remaining sister, she will make sure that the company will still be in good hands and the tradition of serving quality products to the customers will never cease. Everyone applauded Ursula's speech and as the party continues, Macy saw Mia nearby so she approached her and asked her why she's here so Mia told her that Tupe invited her. Macy praised Mia for being such a thick faced bitch and still parading herself in front of the people who knew that she's a criminal. Mia reminded Macy that without her, saving her from the mess of Bart's death, she's now rotting inside the jail and the least she can do is to be thankful. Macy tried to slap Mia but Mia stopped her hands and told her that she's not a nun anymore and she won't allow anyone to hurt her. Ursula suddenly screamed as her necklace was gone so she told everyone to stay inside the venue.

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