08 - Exotic Career

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EPISODE 29 - Ligwak
July 7 2023

The board was shocked by Ursula's revelation so she told them that she went to the US and accidentally used the money to treat her goiter as it was very life threatening to her and Bart also signed a confidential check to help his poor sister during the rough times of her life. The board asked why she needed to hide it from them and Ursula said that Bart doesn't want them to know about the hardship that he's experiencing so made sure that the funds that will be acquired will be labelled as confidental. Ambrosio got speechless after Ursula told the board a convincing story and that ended the board's accusation to her and when the meeting was over, Ursula went to CR as she breathe a huge relief as she survived her possible downfall and she told herself that Ambrosio will pay big time for the betrayal that he did to her. Meanwhile, the food is now delivered to the HR office and Macy already lost her appetite after Ursula's magnanimous performance in the board room so Mrs. Arañaz told Macy that the pizzas are now here but she told them that she need to go to CR so that she can breathe. Macy went to CR and she didn't expect Ursula to be there so she asked her what happeend and the latter told her that there are snakes that surrounded her and she felt sick thinking about that. Macy showcased that she care for her so she hugged and told her that some people truly wanted a successful woman to fall from her throne and that's just how life works but she told her that she will help her on making sure that she will kill the snakes that surrounds her. Macy hugged the evil witch and inside her mind, she told herself that this is not the end of her vengeance towards her as next time, she'll make sure that she will fall down and roll in the mud. Meanwhile, Mia is busy in the kitchen when all of a sudden, Tonet arrived as she brought a guy in the mansion so when she went to the sala, Mia was surprised and asked her cousin if he is Xavier. Tonet told Mia that she wanted Ursula to know about Xavier so Mia told her that she need to be prepared as she felt that Ursula is very critical about men so Tonet told her that she's ready. Its Friday evening for the Perez's so this means that they will have a fancy dinner so Berta and Mia prepared lobster and crabs so when the people are complete in the mansion, they're excited for the luxurious meal so Ursula, Macy, Troy and Tupe sat down. Tonet appeared and told Ursula that she have a visitor so she asked her who is that so Xavier appeared and Tonet introduced him. Ursula smiled as she saw the guy so she told him to sit down and join them for dinner. Everyone in the dinner table is silent and Xavier felt awkward so he asked them if this is really the mode when they're eating and Macy told him that they eat like they're inside the Vatican and whoever creates noise will be damned. Ursula told them that she felt that the old tradition seems very odd nowadays as they have Gen Z's in the building and she wanted the dinner table to be lively so she asked Xavier to tell them about his life. The house became very noisy when Xavier shared to them how he grew in States and how he became a pro singer and this made Ursula entertained so after the dinner, Macy asked him to sing for them. Tupe and Troy told them that they will prepare the pool area as they'll set up a mini stage for Xavier's mini concert so Mia also got very excited. As the stage and lights are all set, Xavier grabbed his guitar and told everyone to gather around him as he'll sing for them. The night was filled with music as Xavier showed to them his talent and Mia felt emotional as Xavier sang "Walang Kapalit". Berta noticed Mia's tears so she asked her if she really is a very shallow person so Mia told her that she's just softhearted that even the slightest tune can make her cry. Ursula was very impressed with Xavier's talent so after the mini concert, she told him that he will really go places with that voice of him and Xav told her that for sure, he'll reach his dreams especially now that Tonet is there to inspire him. Macy teasted Tonet and told her that her hair already caused a huge traffic in EDSA so Tonet told Xavier that she's looking forward to what the future will bring to them. The two hugged and made everyone in the house kilig so Xavier told them that he needed to go home so Tupe told him that he will bring him there as its very hard to commute now so Xav said yes and Tupe told Tonet to come with them so Macy pushed her and told her to go now. The 3 went to the car and Ursula told Macy that Tonet is now growing to be a woman and she's very proud to see that. Macy told her that she also felt the same kilig when she met Bart but that's the thing of the past. Xav is now home and Tupe saw that they have a huge house also so Xav told them that his parents are still in the US so he's the only one, with the yayas, who's living in their house. Tonet hugged Xav and told him to take care and have a good night so Xav went inside the house. Tupe felt that Tonet is now very serious towards Xav so he told her that love is like a maze so she should be careful and be aware that there'll be obstacles so Tonet told him that she's ready fot that. The next day, Mia went to the garden and she saw Ursula peacefully sipping her coffee so she asked her boss if she's not going to work. Ursula told her that she took a leave today as she felt that she deserve to spend a time with Tonet in the spa and shopping. Mia asked Ursula if she can ask a question about her dead child so Ursula asked her what's it so Mia asked where did the housefire happened that killed her child. Ursula asked her why she suddenly became interested on her dead child so Mia told her that she's just curious so Ursula told her that her daughter died in her Yaya's house in Bolinao Avenue and she can't forget the name of her Yaya, Lilybeth Briones. Mia now has a clue on Ursula's child and she wanna make sure that she can decipher it all before the month ends. Meanwhile, Troy is now on his office and one of the staff went inside and brought him some chocolates. Troy was curious as to who'll give him these gifts and he was surprised as a very familiar person entered his office. Troy asked him who he is and the man introduced himself as Brennan and he is his long time friend. Troy got confused as he can't remember who is Brennan but he remember his face and how they treated each other before so Brennan told him that he knew what happened to him as he suffered amnesia and he will help him remember the things that he needed to be reminded of.

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