16 - One vs. All

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EPISODE 61 - Public Enemy
Aug 14 2023

Troy was extremely pissed when he found that Macy is the majority owner of the company so he told her that she don't deserve anything from his dad. Macy told Troy that she deserves it as no one knew how hard it is for her to go with that man and now, she wanna admit to everybody in the mansion how hard it is for her to be in a relationship with him. Macy told Troy how she was abused and sexually objected by Bart and how all of his friends would take turns on her like an overused towels so all of her anger issues towards Bart took a toll on her and that's her motivation to get the rifle and intentionally killed the man who abused her. Troy and Melda gagged on what Macy said but she's not yet over as she told them that the moment she found out that she's pregnant with Bart's child, she planned to use it as a weapon but things shifted as Troy was shot in the head so instead of keeping the baby, she aborted it and pretended like nothing happened as she don't want Bart's legacy to still continue on thriving. Troy was very mad on what Macy did to his potential sibling so he slapped her and told her that she's a very wicked woman. Mia stopped Troy and told him that Macy has all the right to do that as she's still the owner of her body and she don't want that baby to suffer more. Macy told Troy that Bart is a piece of trash and she knew that he was never a good father to everyone of them including him as all he wanted is for them to work for him. Macy went upstairs and Troy can't believe how Macy hurt him with the fact that Bart is a useless father to them so he went to the kitchen and opened a bottle of wine. Melda asked Troy if he really believes on what Macy said about Bart as she knew deep in her heart that Bart is not a bad person and Macy is just a vile woman. Troy told Melda that after Macy said about Bart, he suddenly remembered all the bad things that he did to him growing up so what Macy said made sense to him about Bart. Melda told Troy that Bart only wanted the best for them and he's not a bad person like what Macy was saying so he told her to leave him alone as he needed to contemplate. Tupe went home and he noticed that Troy is already drunk at the kitchen so he tried to carry his brother but Troy got conscious and told him to leave him alone as he don't care about him. Tupe asked Troy why he's dumping himself in hell after what Macy did to him so Troy told him that he hate everyone and all he wanted now is peace. Tupe left but before he went to his bedroom, he heard a noise at the living room and when he went down, he saw Ursula on the floor so he asked Mia to help him on transferring her to her bedroom. Mia woke up and she immediately helped Tupe on carrying Ursula back to her room as the boss is now very drunk. Mia felt bad for the people that was affected by Macy's destructive actions so she told Tupe that she need to talk to him about what what her sister. When Ursula was fixed at her bedroom, Tupe and Mia went to the garden and Mia told him that she wanted to apologize for what Macy did to them as she don't know what she's doing right now. Tupe told Mia that she don't need to apologize as she was not the one who committed all those sins but they can't just let Macy leave the mansion as she still has the right to live here and the majority of company shares in P'Dairy still belongs to her. Mia told Tupe that if she's on Macy's shoes, she wouldn't allow her to be consumed by wealth and she will start her life again away from this town. Tupe told Mia that Macy is already a fully developed monster and she feeds on money and power at this point so the only thing they can do now is to make sure that she won't destroy anyone's lives while they're living in her world. Mia swallowed the bitter pill by realizing that the monstrosity of her sister is now irreversible at this point so she told Tupe that she won't surrender until the time will come that Macy will return to her arms and treat her like her sister again. Meanwhile, Hector can't sleep so when Yael woke up, its already 3AM and he asked his lolo why he's still wide awake and Hector told him that he felt that something's wrong as he dreamed about Ma. Cecilia who's attacked by the people and they throw rocks to her so that woke him up. Yael told his lolo that he's still thinking about his children right now even if they're separated for 2 decades now and Hector said that he can't stop thinking about them as everyday, he regrets the time that he left them. Yael asked his lolo if they have pictures of them so Hector grabbed his wallet and gave the photos of the two kids to Yael and told him that they're the prettiest kids in his life and he will give his all just to find them. Yael gazed at the photo and he asked his lolo if he can have the photo with him as he'll help her on finding them so Hector told him to take care of the photo as that's the only thing that reminds of his 2 girls. The next day, Tonet went to her mother's bedroom as she just went home from her Mama Wilma's condo as they adviced her to stay away from the chaos in the mansion and when she saw that her mama got fever, she got emotional and she asked Yaya Berta to grab hot water and towels for her as her mommy is sick. Berta prepared the water and towel for Ursula but Mia saw her and she asked what happened so Berta explained. Melda heard what they're talking so she grabbed the hot water and towel and told them to stay away from Ursula now. Mia asked Melda why she's starting to spite them again so Melda told her that she don't need to explain the damage that Macy did to everyone here. Mia told Melda to give her the hot water and towel but Melda insisted so the two got on a tug of war of the hot kettle. Berta told them to stop but Mia ended up pushing Melda and the hot water splashed on her chest and that made the old yaya scream in pain. Mia was shocked that she accidentally burned Melda so she told Berta that they needed to bring the old woman to the hospital. Mia was emotional as she apologized to Melda but Melda only slapped her and told her that she's a monster just like her sister. Tupe saw what happened so he told Mia and Berta that they need to rush her to the hospital now. Tonet saw what happened at the kitchen so she felt bad for Mia as she knew in her heart that she's not a bad person. Everyone in P'Dairy right now was surprised as Macy still appeared, unbothered by what happened as she sported black shades and red high heels so when she entered the office, everyone looked at her and she asked them if they're shocked. Vivian asked Macy if she's here to file her resignation but Macy laughed and told them that she will never leave this place.

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