25 - Miscarriage

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EPISODE 97 - Fall
Sept 25 2023

Macy was rushed to the hospital after she suffered from an injury due to her fall from a flight of stairs in Cafe Arcellana. Mia was very nervous right now as there's a tendency that Macy will suffer from a miscarriage so she told Wilma that she can never forgive herself if something happened to Macy so the latter hugged her and told her that she shouldn't blame herself as her sister was the one who attacked her first. Meanwhile, Ray is now at the hospital as he visited Ursula and right now, he's inside the ICU as he shared to her how evil Macy is for being jealous towards her own sister and at this point, he wanted to leave her as she's becoming very toxic but he hope that Macy will have a successful pregnancy as he wanted to see his child from her. Ray is about to leave the hospital when he saw a group of nurses rushing a pregnant woman inside the ER so he asked her what's happening. The nurse told Ray that a woman named Macy De Jesus fell from a flight of stairs and this made him extremely nervous not just for Macy but also for their child. Mia and Wilma followed the ambulance and they arrived on time at the hospital so when they asked the nurse where's Macy, Ray saw them so he asked Mia what happened to her sister. Mia bursted out all her emotions and she apologized to Ray as Macy slapped her with utmost intensity but she wasn't able to stop her raging sister so she held her hand but that action pushed Macy back and that led her to her painful descend to the stairs. Ray was shocked to know that Mia and Macy got on a brawl so he told her that if there's someone who needs to be blamed in this situation, it is him as he was the one who triggered Macy to act like that. Wilma told the two that both of them shouldn't blame themselves as Macy is the one who attacked them first. Meanwhile, Troy went home now and Melda noticed that he looks so stressed so she asked him what's the meaning of the redness in his eyes so he told Melda that his nightmare is back as Arthur came back from Canada and he will be the acting CEO of P'Dairy. Melda was shocked to know that Arthur already arrived so she asked Troy where does he live now so he said that he's now in a hotel but he told him that he will live here for the mean time starting this weekend. Melda felt that Troy's feelings are now taking the best of him so she asked him if he needed some antidepressants so that it can alleviate his situation but Troy told her that he don't need anything as he will face that man using all the anger in his heart and he'll make sure that the poor man will scream in pain as he'll also lock him inside a cabinet. Arthur is now in his hotel room and he can't stop thinking about Ursula and Tupe who's now in danger so he grabbed Bart's pic from his wallet and he told his deceased brother to help him on fixing the Perez family as everything is now in shambles. Arthur also has a picture of a young girl whom he never saw again since she's just 2 years old and in his mind, he named her Aina as the mother of his child didn't let him see her. Arthur is now on a quest to find her and he'll make sure that the moment he finds her, he'll make sure that she will live like a Queen. Meanwhile, the doctors are now doing their best to save Macy's baby and Bella is now crying as she wasn't able to save her bestie from the painful fall from the stairs. When Bella went to the nurse station, she saw Mia and Wilma so the two asked her what's happening to Macy now so Bella told them that she have no idea if her bestie's baby will still hold on as the fall was extreme. Mia felt bad so she told Wilma that she needed to go to a chapel as she'll pray for the safety of her sister so she walked out. Wilma and Bella are left together so the former told the latter that Macy is still the one who suffered from all her impulsive actions. Bella told Wilma that she felt bad for her bessie as no one truly loves her and everyone just seems to throw her to the ditch but the latter told her that if only Macy opened her eyes that her sister Mia truly loves her and cares for her then she won't be very miserable like how she is now. Ray is now waiting for the doctor to come up from the ER so that he'll be informed about the condition of Macy and their child so when the doc came out, he immediately asked him what happened. The doc told Ray that all of them tried their best to save the welfare of the baby in Macy's womb but sadly, the impact of the fall was intense and it resulted to a miscarriage that led the baby to also detach itself from the womb. Ray was devastated when he found that his child didn't survive the mishap and he became very emotional so he asked the doctor what will happen to Macy now. The doc told Ray that his GF didn't suffer any broken bones but she need to stay in bed so that she can recover from the impact of the fall. Mia saw Ray crying in front of the doctor so she asked him what's wrong and without saying any words, Ray hugged her. Mia got very emotional when the doctor told her that Macy suffered miscarriage and the baby was already removed from her womb now. Meanwhile, Macy is still unconscious and inside her mind, she saw a glowing image of a child without a face running around her and she realized that it was her baby girl who's not yet born and she hugged the child. Macy cried when she hugged the glowing image but all of a sudden, the child ran away but she tried to chase her. Macy continued on running until the glowing image suddenly vanished and that made her feel so devastated. A tune of a music box lullaby engulfed Macy's imagination and as she walked away, the glowing image of a child came back and hugged her once again. Macy grasped the child for the last time and the child walked with a very familiar person, and that one was Bart. Bart and the child smiled to Macy and both of them disappeared. After the series of dreams, Macy opened her eyes and she noticed the bright light above her and she noticed the lightness in her feeling. When Macy touched her tummy, she felt that the bump was gone so she thought that she already gave birth to her child. The doctor came in and he noticed that Macy is already awake so he asked her if she felt fine but she said that her back is still in pain from the fall. The doctor told her that she needed to rest in able for her to fully recover but Macy asked him where's her child. The doctor felt nervous as Macy really thought that her child was alive and he have no idea how to say it properly that she suffered a miscarriage. Macy asked him to give her the child so that she can see her sweet eyes but the doctor told revealed that due to the impact of the ground as she fell from the stairs, the baby in her womb suffered the damage and this resulted to a miscarriage. Macy was speechless when she heard that her baby died and tears suddenly flown from her eyes while telling the doctor that its not true. The nurse entered and brought a box that contains the fetus. The doctor explained to Macy that since the baby is already in its 7th month, the child loss was considered as a stillbirth and not miscarriage. Macy hugged the box and tears streamed from her eyes.

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