31 - Liars All Around

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EPISODE 121 - Tease
Oct 23 2023

Gene was tensed by the fact fhat he will be married to Lala as deep in his soul, Mia is still the one that he loves the most. Lala asked Gene if he's fine but he told her that he's not yet ready to marry her as he still wanna enjoy their relationship here. Lala felt the pressure that the wedding is putting over Gene's shoulder so she told him that he'll tell her  uncle Bill to give them space so that they can just enjoy their relationship first. Bill is now sipping coffee as he's still awake and when Gene approached him, he felt that the young man has something to say so he asked him what's going on in his head right now. Gene told Bill that he can't believe that he really looks like his dead father so Bill told him that he's overwhelmed about the comparison between him and Gene's dead father so he explained to him that he wanted to be known as Bill as his name is really Bill and not Bart or anything else. Gene asked Bill why Lala is his niece but he told him that she is just an adopted child and she knew it from the start so she just lived with it but when her adoptive mother died, Lala lived with him since she's just 9 so he brought her here in Montevista to live a simple life as he needed to work in Qatar so after 25 years of being an OFW, he's now ready to settle here in the island and he'll make sure that Lala will have a better life than she's having second right now. Gene asked Bill if he knew about his origin as he felt that his resemblance to his dad is not just a mere coincidence so Bill told him that he lived alone his whole life as his Lola Bernardina was the one who raised him and he strived hard as a farmer for so many years before he earned the money that he needed to work in Qatar so that he can escape from the chains of poverty that struck them. Gene told Bill that many people would be happy if he leave this island and follow his footsteps to the city so Bill told him that he's now very contented here in the island. The next day, Mia is still frustrated as she didn't convince Pilo to switch sides and she's now thinking a way to make sure that he won't refuse her offer next time. Loida went to Mia's office and she noticed that her boss looked so stressed so she asked her if she's ok with her new role in the resto. Mia told Loida that she's feeling fine now but her mind can't stop thinking about a certain person whom she wanted to get as that person will be a huge asset to her pursuit on finding out the truth about a certain case. Loida told Mia that if she needed help regarding that, she knew a person that can surely bring that certain person on his knees and he will beg for her help afterwards. Mia asked Loida to bring that person that she's talking about to her as she wanna negotiate something to him. Meanwhile, Arthur is at the garden and he was surprised as Bia wore a very sexy swimwear and she jumped to the pool and swam. Arthur can't believe that Bia has a very beautiful body so when she emerged from the water, he told Bia that she's a very gorgeous woman and he really wanted to have an experience with her. Bia told Arthur that she wouldn't stop him if he wanted to share a night with her as she's single and Macy is nowhere to be found. Melda saw that Bia is now at the peak of her plans on luring Arthur so she took a photo again and made sure that Macy will see it and Bia will surely be thrown off the mansion this time. Bia and Arthur are now enjoying their company as the two are now in bed and Bia gave herself to the old man while thinking about Macy as she felt bad that she need to betray the person who gave her the job. Melda is now sitting with a smile at the garden as Arthur and Bia are now doing the sin that'll explode on Macy's face later on so Hector asked her why she's smiling like she just killed someone. Melda told him to stop judging her every actions as she's just having a lovely afternoon coffee. Hector asked her where's Bia so Melda told him that she went to the mall earlier as she told her that she wanna buy her costume for Halloween next week. Hector is now feeling very unsettled as he felt that there's something wrong happening right now in the mansion. Loida called her friend as she asked him to go to the resto as someone needs his service right now and there'll be a huge bulk of money involved on this one so he better get quick before Mia changed her mind. The man told Loida to patiently wait for him as he'll arrive at the resto as soon as possible. Arthur and Bia finished their thing and he told her that he's a better lover than Macy so Bia told him that she's more experienced than that girl. Arthur kissed Bia's lips and he told her that he wanted her to have a nightly affair with him as he's not getting any younger and his needs as a man just gets more intense. Bia told him that she won't let him suffer from his loneliness as she'll make sure that he will be filled with happiness and sexual satisfaction. Meanwhile, Loida told Mia that they need to go to the park now as that's what his friend suggested to be the meeting place so Mia told her that they need to waste no time now so they need to go. Bia is now cleaning herself up as she looks so messy after the intense action with Arthur. As Bia went out of Arthur's room, Macy entered the mansion and she saw that Bia came from Arthur's room and she even saw her fixing her hair as if something happened inside. Melda was surprised as Macy already got home so she got anxious and she asked if she just arrived and Macy said yes so she asked her if Berta is there as she wants her to cook food as she's hungry. Arthur went downstairs and he was surprised as Macy is now in the mansion so he asked her if she wanted to have dinner outside. Macy felt that there was something strange that was happening behind her back so she told him that she would love to have dinner with him and she wanted to eat in Ray of Lite resto. Arthur was surprised by Macy's choice so he told her that it's a very interesting thing for her to do so she told him that she just wanna spend quality time with him. Meanwhile, Loida and Mia are now in the park as they're waiting for the man that Loida called to help Mia on her mission so when a man on a hat arrived, Loida told Mia that finally, his friend is now here and for sure, he will be a great asset to whatever plans she is cooking right now. When the man removed his hat, Mia felt hopeful as the man that Loida hired looks so experienced when it comes to fighting so she asked him what his name was. The man introduced himself as Omar and he told Mia that he will help her with whatever plans she wanted so Mia praised him and told him that he looks so seasoned when it comes to illegal transactions so she told him that she needs to teach Pilo Enriquez a lesson. Loida was shocked when Mia gave Omar the details regarding Pilo and she also gave a huge amount of money. Mia noticed Loida's stare so she clarified to her that the money she gave to Omar is from her savings as after she left the mansion and Ray gave her a very lucrative work, she made sure that she could save money in times like this. Omar saw the profile of Pilo on the files that Mia gave so he told her that he won't kill this man but he'll just teach him a lesson. Mia told Omar that Pilo needs to learn how to suffer so that when the time comes that his savior will come, he can never refuse the favor that his savior wanted and that savior she's talking about is no other than her.

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