11 - The Ship is Sinking

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EPISODE 41 - Aksidente
July 21 2023

Yael and Tonet are now trying their very best to save Lolo Hector so they carried him and they jumped off the burning ship. Tonet and Yael are struggling as they swam in the middle of the ocean at night but few hours later, Tonet lost her consciousness so Yael got very stressed as he's carrying two unconscious individual at his back. The next day, the 3  got driven by the waves to a very remote island and Yael got both Tonet and Hector safe. Meanwhile, Mia is now at the garden and she noticed that Troy is alone so she approached him and asked why he look so bothered and Troy asked her if Macy is really an evil person as someone called him yesterday and told him that Macy killed his dad and she's the reason why he got amnesia. Mia felt that the truth will set Troy free but she fear that it will cause more chaos to the family especially now that Tonet is still missing so Mia told her that her sister is a very kind person and she's not a criminal and she will never wish to wipe out his memory so all of the accusations that the random caller told him are all false. Troy thanked Mia as he felt that her words gave him assurance and he will make sure that his love for Macy will never fail. Mia told him to take care of her sister as Macy deserves all the love that she needs. Meanwhile, Hector and Tonet are now both awake so when they saw that they're on an island, Hector panicked and asked Yael what happened so Yael told him that the ship that they're in got burned. Tonet felt so thirsty so he asked Yael if there's water but he told her that they're now in the middle of an island and they can't basically do anything. Tonet told Yael that they need to find a way to survive as they will die in the island if they continue to dwell in helplessness here. Hector told them that they need to find woods and coconuts so that they can have water and fire to survive the harsh weather. Mia is now listening the radio as she's washing the dishes and she heard the big news about a ship from Batangas to Cebu that was ravaged by fire and most of the passengers jumped from the burning vessel and some of them died. Mia felt bad with the disaster that happened as she remembered the time when her mom and dad dying on a sinking ship. The news continues and Mia heard a very familiar name as the anchor told that a famous personality was in the ship and her name is Tonet Dizon. Mia was shocked when she heard about this so she quickly called Tupe and told him that Tonet was inside the burning ship and most of the passengers died or jumped to the open sea. Tupe was very shocked about the news so he asked Mia about the name of the Shipping Company and Mia said that its Red Star Shipping Lines. Tupe didn't waste any moment so he went to Red Star office and asked them if there's a passenger named Tonet Dizon and the staff told him that their system has broke too so he needed to wait for it to be fixed. Berta saw Mia being so anxious so she asked her if Tonet already died and Mia told her that she believe that Tonet is safe and she will never think about her death as Ursula deserves to hug her child. Berta told her that her mother also died on a tragedy at the sea and she always blame herself for her death as her mother really conquered the wavey waters just for her to be present at her birthday. Mia told Berta that everything happens for a reason so maybe she should forgive herself now for what happened to her mom as no one wanted for her to die like that. Meanwhile, Ursula is at her office and she was surprised as Macy suddenly entered and brought coffee for her so Ursula asked her that she never thought that she already had a new secretary. Macy told her that Tonet's absence made her more vulnerable so she wanted to be the shoulder that she can lean on. Ursula told Macy that she will do everything to find Tonet as all the riches that she have will be useless if her daughter is not around her. Ursula received a call from Tupe and when she asked him what happened, Tupe told her that there's a ship from Batangas going to Cebu that was devoured by huge fire and he found out that Tonet was inside the ship so there's a possibility that she was one of the casualties of the accident. Ursula got very shocked by what she heard so she told Macy to go with her as she needed to confirm about Tonet being inside that burning ship. Macy didn't hesitate so she went with Ursula to the Batangas Pier and when they arrived there, Ursula saw a lot of dead bodies and she broke down and hugged Macy. Tupe saw them and told them that Tonet was not yet found and there's a possibility that she survived from the incident so Ursula told Tupe that she will do everything just for her daughter to be found. Macy asked Tupe if Tonet is the only one who went to the ship but Tupe told her that Tonet was with 2 other guys, an old man named Hector De Jesus and a teen boy named Yael De Jesus. Macy got confused as both of the men that Tonet went with at the ship shared the same name as hers but she took it with a grain of salt and think that its just a coincidence. Mia is now very worried inside the mansion so when Xavier visited them, he asked her if they already had a news regarding Tonet  and Mia told Xav that Tonet was one of the passengers of a ship that was devoured by fire adn she fear that she's one of the casualties of the tragedy. Xav cried and hugged Mia and told her that it will be very hard for him to accept if Tonet really died on that incident. Mia told him that there's still hope as long as Tonet's corpse hasn't yet found, she will still believe that Tonet is alive. At the island, Tonet managed to drink and eat from the coconut that Yael harvested so Hector apologized to them for being a weakling as he should be the one who would save them but his age hinders him to do it. Yael hugged his Lolo and told him that they shouldn't blame themselves on this tragedy as all of them are helpless but he believe that one day, rescuers will come and save them. Tonet felt happy that Yael and his lolo are very close and she wished that she can accept the fact that Ursula is her real mother. Macy is now with Ursula and they sat down at the bleachers in the pier while waiting for updates so she asked the latter where is Tonet's father and Ursula told her that she missed that idiot so much so Macy asked her why they got separated. Ursula stood up and told Macy that she don't share the dark secrets of her life to snakes like her as she knew that she will use it against her in the future. Macy was caught off guard with what Ursula told her and she reminded her that she already changed for the better.

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