37 - Scammer

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EPISODE 145 - Scam Alert
Nov 20 2023

Mia told Vivian and Bren that her decision is now final as she personally saw how the two of them were taking advantage of her sister so she'll file a TRO against them. Troy saw the commotion at the pantry so he asked Mia what was happening so Mia told her that she saw the two idiots taking advantage of Macy's vulnerability. Vivian rushed back to her office and she grabbed some tissue as she got emotional since she doesn't wanna lose the job that she worked hard for because of Macy. Troy brought Mia to his office and he asked her to cancel her desire to file a TRO against Bren and Vivian as it will taint the reputation of the company. Mia laughed and told Troy that he doesn't need to be worried as she has no plans on filing a TRO against the two idiots and she just wanted to teach them a lesson that Macy is not someone they should mess with. Meanwhile, Tupe is now preparing himself for a mission and Bill noticed that there's a stranger inside his house so he grabbed the vase and asked the man that he thought was a stranger what he was doing inside his house. Tupe laughed and told Bill to calm down as it's just him and he's now planning to penetrate the mansion again as a new person named Gino. Bill was impressed as Tupe really looked like a stranger with his long hair and mustache but he asked him how he would do his plans. Tupe told Bill that he doesn't wanna disclose it for now but everyone would be impressed by his plans on gathering evidence against his evil aunt, Ursula. Bill told Tupe that in case he needs help, he's just one call away so Tupe told him that he can handle himself. Meanwhile, Syl already gathered a lot of money from his neighbors after he shared to them the good news about the investment scheme so while he was counting the money inside the bedroom, Wilma entered and Syl quickly hid the cash underneath the blanket so she asked him what he was doing. Syl told her that he's just reviewing the documents that they got so that he can go back to their province to get the files that they don't have. Wilma felt that her husband is hiding something so she told Syl that she doesn't want any secrets in their marriage as she wouldn't hesitate to break up with him in case she knew that he's having an affair with another lady. Syl stood up and told Wilma that he'll never cheat on her as God knows how much he loves her and he'll do everything to make sure that their relationship will remain intact and strong. Wilma was very touched by what Syl said so she told him that even if they have no kids of their own, she'll still forever love him until the end of time. When Wilma left the house, Sancho knocked and Syl opened it so the latter told him that he already achieved the quota of 20 people and they all trusted him to invest. Sancho congratulated Syl and he told him that he really did a great job so he told him that he would bring him to his boss so that he can personally get his commission income. Syl was very happy about what Sancho said so he went with him inside a white van and they left the village. Tonet arrived at the house and she noticed that Syl willingly rode inside an unknown white van so she was confused what was the meaning of that. Hector saw Bia at the garage and he noticed that she looked very sad so he asked her what's wrong and Bia told her that she wanna take a break from her work here in the mansion and go back to her old province in Zambales. Hector told Bia that he's willing to give her some money to help her recover from all the things that happened to her here in the mansion. When Bia saw the money that Hector was about to give to her, she tried her best not to accept it but she need to eat and live so she was forced by her necessities to accept the money. Bia hugged Hector and told him that she will try to distance herself from Macy for awhile and hopefully, when she comes back, their relationship will heal and Arthur will be married to her. Ursula saw Bia and Hector hugging so she asked them what's the meaning of their emotional moment so Hector told Ursula that Bia wanted to go home to the province for a while to recover from what happened between her and Macy. Ursula prohibited Bia from leaving as she needs her right now especially that she's back in P'Dairy. Bia told Ursula that she already made up her mind and no one can stop her from leaving the mansion so Ursula dragged her in the library and told her that the moment she left the mansion, she'll never be accountable on anything that happens to her so Bia told her that she could handle herself. Ursula felt that Bia's absence in the mansion would weaken her force against Macy so she called Sancho and told him to bring one of his men into the village as she needed to scare someone. Sancho told Ursula that he already texted one of his men about the matter but he asked her what they would do to the poor Syl. Ursula told him to do now what they need to do to that man. Sancho stopped the van and told Syl that he needed to go down to check if there were bad people who followed them. Syl trusted Sancho but a few minutes later, a group of armed men arrived and fired some bullets through the air and this made Syl very scared so when the armed men went to the van, Syl was the one that they got so they asked where the money was. Syl was very nervous as he didn't wanna give the money to the criminals but the criminal pointed the gun towards his head and asked him if he wanted to die or not. The poor Syl was carried away by his fear so he gave the vault with the money from the investors and the criminal kicked him out of the van. Syl was left alone in the middle of the road while the criminals took the van and he noticed that Sancho was also captured by the criminals as he kept on screaming for help inside the van so Syl tried to follow them by running but it was too late as the van drifted off quickly. Syl was now extremely stressed as the money from the investment scheme was lost. Meanwhile, Tonet went to Mia's house as she wanted to talk to Wilma so when the two sat down at the garden, Tonet told her that she has a bad feeling that Syl is now in danger as a white van passed by their house and Syl went inside that van. Wilma told Tonet to stop overthinking as Syl knew what he was doing about everything in his life. Lala told Wilma that she already finished her tasks at the garden so she asked her if she could watch TV. Wilma allowed Lala to open the TV but the moment she opened it, a breaking news flash reported that a man named Sylvio Dizon is now wanted by the police after he scammed a number of residents in Sapphire Village, Batangas. The police were now in a citywide search for the scammer who took 6M pesos from different people. Wilma was shocked when she heard the news and she told Tonet that her instinct is right as Syl is really in danger now. Syl is now clueless that the police are now searching for him so when he saw a nearby police station, he asked them to help him as his money was robbed by a group of armed men and his friend was also kidnapped by them. The police saw that the man who's now in front of them and the man named Sylvio Dizon who scammed a lot of people is the same person so they quickly grabbed their handcuff and arrested Syl as he's a criminal for scamming people and using the robbery reasoning to escape from his illegal actions. Syl was confused as to why would the police arrest him but before he can react, the police already put him at the back of the police mobile and was sent to jail. Ursula is now watching the action inside her room on her TV and she called Sancho to tell him that he did a good job on alerting the police about Syl's illegal tactics and now, that poor man will be put in jail and a few days from now, Ray's house will now be her property. Wilma tried to call Syl's phone but he didn't answer so when Mia got home, she asked them if they already knew the news that Syl is now in jail as he'll be arrested for the crime that he did.  Tonet told Mia that they need to go there to help her dad but before they left, Wilma broke down in tears as she couldn't believe that Syl would go to the point that he would scam a lot of people just to gain easy money. Mia consoled Wilma and told her that she believes that Syl is innocent from this issue and someone wanted to frame him up.

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