12 - Layers of Lies

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EPISODE 45 - Young Love
July 26 2023

Tupe asked Ursula why she keep on putting herself down for Ray so she explained that Ray is still the father of Tonet so he deserves to experience the love of his daughter. Tupe was pissed with what Ursula said after what happened to them at the past so he walked out. As Ursula and Ray were the only people left in the hallway, the former slapped the latter and told him that if he do that next time, she will make sure that he will lose all his rights. Ray apologized for what he did and he made sure that he won't do that same act again. Meanwhile, Macy is now back home and when she entered the mansion, she saw Berta cleaning at the living room so she asked her about Troy and Berta said that she have no idea where is his boss. Macy slapped Berta and told her that she really is a useless piece of crap in the mansion and she deserves to be fired but Mia quickly arrived and defended Berta. Mia pushed her sister and told her that she have no right to hurt Berta but Macy told her that she also have no right to go against her as she's Troy GF. Mia told Berta to go to the kitchen now as she wanna tell her sister that she's nothing here in this mansion as she's just a leech sucking bitch. Macy slapped Mia and the two got on an extreme catfight and Macy punched Mia's face that left a huge bruise. Mia told Macy that she can accept everything from her but she reminded her that the time will come that Troy will remember everything and that will be her biggest downfall. Macy got nervous with what Mia said so she told her that she would never let that happen. Mia told her sister that she don't have any idea what's really going on now so maybe she should start praying now. Macy put all her baggages to her room and she called Bella and told her that they need to see each other as she wanted to do something to Mia. Few hours later, Bella saw her bessy again and she asked why she look so haggard and Macy said that she's extremely pissed now as the man of her dreams, Ray is Ursula's ex husband and Tonet's dad so she have no choice but to stay away from him now. Bella told her bessy to order some food now as they needed to catch up on what happened at the pier and how Tonet vanished. Meanwhile, Tonet and Yael have finally recovered from the hunger and sleeplessness so Hector asked them what will they do next and Yael asked his lolo if they can have some decent dinner as he missed eating good food. Tonet told them that she will treat them as she still have money left in her but Sara told them that she will treat them later as she will cook good food for everyone. Hector thanked Sara for her efforts on helping them but he's not sure how they can repay for her kindness but Sara told him that she's used to help people as she's also a Barangay Health Worker and a kind person. Sara cooked food for everyone and when the dinner is ready, Tonet felt happy as she can finally eat a nutritious meal. Sara told them to help themselves as that's what she wanted them to do. After the meal, Tonet went to the garden as there's a huge tree and she sat down underneath as she missed her Ate Mia and family so much. Yael approached her and asked her why she look sad again and Tonet said that she missed her loved ones so much. Yael told her that if she needed a shoulder to lean on then he's just here to be with her. Tonet leaned on Yael's side and told him that she's thankful that she is with him. Hector saw the two teenagers being so close together so Sara asked him if they're lovers and Hector said that they're just friends but he will not be mad if they'll end up together as Yael is a kind man and he raised him like how he raised Milano, a very decent and respectful man. Sara asked him what happened to Milano and Hector told her that he died but his corpse wasn't found as he died in Cagayan De Oro from a shootout and his body was thrown on a dump so that incident left a huge scar as his son don't deserve that kind of death. Yael realized that Tonet already slept on his shoulder so he looked behind to tell his Lolo to bring Tonet inside as there are lot of mosquitos now. Hector and Sara carried Tonet inside but on the other side, Xav missed Tonet so much so he called Mia and asked if he can go there. Mia told him that the mansion is not a good place for them to talk so she asked him to meet her at the nearest cafe. Mia went out of the mansion and walked to the nearest coffee shop but she have no idea that Macy and Bella were following her and they planned to make Mia's name dirty in front of Ursula. Mia arrived at the coffee shop and when she saw Xav, she immediately hugged him and told him that everything will be fine. Macy saw what's happening at the coffee shop and she told Bella that Ursula won't like what her sister is doing to Tonet's BF so she grabbed her phone and took videos and photos of them. Xav got emotional and he asked Mia if Tonet is really gone but Mia told him that Tonet is alive and she's very sure that she's just somewhere. Macy didn't waste any time and she told Bella that she already sent the photos to Ursula and for sure, Mia will face the wrath of a longing mother so Bella told her that Mia will surely experience more pain right now. Ursula is at the hotel room now when she received an anonymous email from an unknown source with attached photos of Mia and Xav hugging at the coffee shop with a caption "When the cat is away, the mouse will play #Xavia #Xavier #Mia" and this pissed Ursula off as she felt that Mia is taking advantage of Tonet's absence to flirt with Xav so she quickly went to the parking lot and drove back home to face Mia about what she saw. Meanwhile, Macy is now back at the mansion with Bella as they're drinking tea at the garden and Macy told her bessy that few minutes from now, a huge war will happen again. Ursula is now on her way when she called Mia and asked where she is now. Mia answered and she said that she's on a coffee shop now so Ursula ordered her to go home now as she wanna talk to her personally. Mia got nervous about what Ursula might tell her so she told Xav that she needed to go home now and Xav said that he will send her there but Mia told him that she can handle herself. Ursula arrived at the mansion and she asked Berta where is Mia and she said that she went outside. Macy arrived and asked Ursula why she went home early and the latter said that she's here because her whore sister is flirting with Tonet's man. Mia arrived and she asked Ursula what she wanted to say to her but she didn't expect that Ursula will slap her and she asked her what's the meaning of that. Ursula shown to Mia the pic of Xav and the latter at the coffee shop and she asked her what's the meaning of this.

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