28 - Overheard

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EPISODE 109 - Bury A Friend
Oct 9 2023

Macy felt embarrassed so Arthur told her that they needed to leave now as Mia is clearly clueless about the flowers. Ray was now sent to the hospital as he suffered from a head concussion due to the forceful push done by Macy and Mia is now very worried for what might happen to her boss so she told the nurse to do their best. Ursula saw the video of the commotion between Mia and Macy at the resto and she laughed out loud as she considered the two sisters as stupid idiots who kept on biting on all her traps  she told herself that she needs to find  the kidnapper who abducted Tonet as she'll fight back against him. Meanwhile, Arthur told Macy that he believes that Mia is not the one who sent the flowers as she looks so clueless about Bella's death so Macy told him that she doesn't want to hear what he wanna say about that issue as Mia is still a bitch to her. Meanwhile, Ray is now conscious after what happened and his head is now covered in bandage and he noticed that Tonet is in the hospital so he asked her why he's here. Tonet told him that Mia told her about what happened to him and she quickly rushed here to see him. Ray hugged Tonet and told her that he's now fine but he still felt about what happened to her in the campus but she told him that she already filed a police complaint about the one who spread the fake news as whoever did that will face his/her consequences. Ray told Tonet that he wanted to bring her to Baguio for 3 days as he wanna spend time with her and this is also his way for her to escape  the problems that she had in the campus. Tonet got very excited on what Ray told her but her father told her that he won't bring Wilma nor Syl with her as he want this trip to be just for the two of them so she agreed with what he said. Meanwhile, Macy went back to the funeral home where Bella's wake situated so Arthur asked her why he did that to Mia so she explained to him how deep her hatred towards her older sister. Arthur told Macy to learn how to calm herself as it will harm her image if she continue on being a menace to everybody. Meanwhile, Lala is now on preparing their lunch and she noticed that Gene is staring blankly at the sea so she asked him what he's thinking and he told her that he missed his family and he wanted to hug his GF. Lala felt jealous as Gene kept on reiterating about his lover but she tried to keep it calm and told him that wherever she is right now, that lucky girl is also thinking about him and she missed him too. Gene told Lala that if only he has the guts to return to home without thinking about the consequences, he already pulled off a boat and drifted off away from this island. Lala told him that maybe its not the right time for him to do that as it would only make the situation worse. Lala received a text from his Uncle from faraway and he said that he'll go home next week in the island so she screamed out of joy and she told Gene that his uncle will go home next week and for sure, he'll be very happy to meet him. Gene asked Lala if its ok for his uncle to be here so she told him that she already talked to her uncle about him and he's very excited to meet him next week. A few days later, the remaining family of Bella decided to put the remains of the beloved lady in her final resting place. Troy, Arthur and Macy are all present at the final ceremony and before Bella was placed on the metal contraption that'll descend her to her grave, Macy went in front and told everyone that Bella is a good friend to her and her final wish is that they should always remember her as a loving woman and a person of dignity. Macy can't help but to be emotional as she witnessed the descend of her friend to the ground. Meanwhile, Ursula is now watching the livestream of Bella's burlal while drinking champagne in her hospital bed and she told Pilo (who's now at her side) that no one can truly fight her head to head as most of her enemies didn't have any clue that the villain of their stories is just at the corner. Pilo told Ursula that she should start now on doing her therapy as she needed to handle the company again or else, Macy will take over her spot as she's now becoming very close to her brother, Arthur. Ursula told Pilo that he have nothing to worry about as Macy will never step on her throne as she'll make sure that before she become Mrs. Perez via Arthur, she already slain her existence and she will also include Mia on the death toll to make sure that no one will ever interrupt her plans. Meanwhile, Xav went to Wilma's condo as he wanted to talk to Tonet after the incident in the school so when the door opened, he was surprised as Wilma and Syl were there so he asked them if Tonet is here. Wilma told Xav that after what happened to Tonet, he still have the audacity to go here after he abandoned his GF in front of many people. Xav got emotional and he told Wilma that the lady in the video is not Tonet as it was a tampered file where they placed Tonet's face in front of a random girl. Syl asked Xav if that's his way on admitting that he was never loyal with his relationship to their daughter but Xav said that he was very drunk that night and he have no idea whom he's kissing. Wilma felt disappointed with Xavier so she slapped him and told him that he'll never allow to be with Tonet again as he's a monster in the making. Xav tried to explain his feelings for Tonet but it was too late as Wilma and Syl closed the door and ignored him. When Xav is about to go out of the condo, he saw Tonet with Ray at the lobby so he approached his GF if they can talk for awhile but Tonet ignored him and told her dad that she don't wanna talk to strangers. Ray gazed at Xav, making the latter scared so he decided to leave now. Meanwhile, Macy went home with Arthur and Troy at the mansion and they noticed that she was holding a picture of Bella so Troy asked her what's her plan with that picture frame. Macy told Troy that Bella's death deserves justice and by seeing her face daily, she became very eager to stand and find the person who did all of this to her bessy. Arthur told Macy that he'll help her on finding that criminal so the two went upstairs to take a rest. On the other hand, Mia is now about to surprise Ursula by visiting her in her hospital room with fruits and as she's walking towards her destination, she noticed that Ray texted her and he said that he's already discharged. As Mia is now texting Ray back, she heard a person nearby her who has a very loud manly voice but she have no clue that the man she's hearing is Pilo. Pilo told his friend that Ursula gave him a huge chunk of money for killing Bella and she also faked her amnesia so in short, she's now on the roll to destroy everyone that blocks her on getting all the money of the Perezes. Mia was speechless when she heard what Pilo was saying on the other line so she opened her camera and took a pic of Pilo who's now very busy on calling his friend. Mia was now very confused as to how can Ursula fake her amnesia and why she ordered to kill Bella so she asked herself if Ursula is not just Bart's sister but also a high profile criminal. After Pilo ended his call, he walked away and left the hospital so Mia asked the guard if she can see the logbook. The guard allowed Mia to see the logbook and when she saw the name of the guy who visited Ursula, she saw the name "Panfilo Enriquez".

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