47 - Explosive Truth

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EPISODE 185 - Cliff
Jan 5 2024

Berta is now very stressed as she heard that Melda and Ursula knew the truth behind Mia's abduction so she wrote a mysterious anonymous letter that'll stir all of their minds. Meanwhile, Mia and Pilo arrived at the nearby cliff and its very windy that night so Mia asked Pilo what's going on and why they're here so Pilo told her that he don't need to explain  the place where they're in as this place is where he plans to end it all. Mia was shocked when she saw the cliff and she remembered what Loida told her before that Pilo went to a nearby cliff and he mercilessly pushed Lando there and the poor guy fell on a very sharp rock that impaled him. Pilo asked Mia if Loida told her about the story of how he pushed Lando here in the cliff that killed him instantly so Mia said yes and if that's what he wanted for her to do then she won't hesitate to do it. Pilo was surprised as Mia didn't want to resist anymore and she plans to jump on her own so Mia came closer to the cliff and closed her eyes as she prayed to God that whatever happens to her, she wanted Him to continue on guiding Macy and Tonet and all the people that she loves the most. Pilo told Mia that she looks very at peace now with herseld so he asked her if he wanted some kiss before she die. Mia faced Pilo and she acted like she's about to kiss him but Mia suddenly punched Pilo's face and grabbed the gun from his hand. Mia pointed the gun towards Pilo and told him to stay away from her or else, she wouldn't hesitate to kill him. Meanwhile, Berta wrote a letter and before she can go out from her bedroom, Melda stopped her and asked her where she'll be going so Berta told her that she just want to go to the CR as she wants to pee. Melda noticed the letters that the other yaya held so she asked them what are those so Berta hid it at her back but Melda used her force to get the letters until she successfully did get it and when she opened it, the old yaya was shocked as Berta plans to spill everything to Arthur, Hector and Bia. Berta suddenly cried and told Melda that Mia is now in danger and she can't help herself to just watch and listen to every news about Mia while she can't do anything to save her friend so Melda pushed her back inside the room and told her that she don't like the route of her future actions as that'll surely jeopardize both of her and Ursula's plans against the De Jesus sisters so she grabbed a swiss knife from her pocket and told Berta that she would never hesitate to slice off her tongue if she continue on doing her mission on saving Mia in expense of their downfall. Berta became emotional as she can't do anything to save Mia so Melda grabbed the letters and she warned Berta to choose her enemies properly as she will never hesitate to end an irrelevant person's life. Melda left the bedroom of the yaya while Berta is still very scared from all the threats that the old yaya said. Melda made sure that she'll burn every letter that Berta made so that no one would ever know that they knew everything that happened to Mia. Meanwhile, Bill and Tupe, still wearing their helmets to protect their identity and Troy were now searching for Mia at the forest and the evening is getting deeper so Troy asked the two if they're still willing to help him on his mission as they can easily go back to their home now. Tupe told Troy that they wouldn't allow him to be alone here in the forest as there plenty of bad people living here in this island. As they continue to search for Mia, Bill remembered a very dangerous cliff where most of the dead bodies of criminals were thrown by Pilo so he told Tupe that they need to go to the cliff now just in case Pilo and Mia were there so Tupe told Troy that the only place where they can go now is on the cliff as that's the usual spot where criminals are being thrown. Troy felt very scared by what the bikers said so he told them that even if its very eerie, he would follow their command so the three went to the cliff but they need another 30 minutes to travel there. Ursula is now getting very scared as she kept on drinking liquor and most of the people in their village were now gearing up for the celebration of New Year. Arthur asked Ursula if she's ok but the latter told her that she's very worried for Mia's condition so he told her that he just ordered food for their Media Noche as the yayas have no time to prepare food. Ursula told Arthur that this is the worst New Year's eve ever as everyone wants to go in Mia's house after the mass instead of stayiny here with them. Arthur told Ursula that Tonet and Macy were very close to Mia so they should allow them to let them be in her house even just for tonight. Hector told Ursula that he and Yael and Bia would stay here for her and they would still welcome the New Year with a bang! Wilma and Syl prepared the firecrackers now to welcome the New Year but Macy looks sad as she's waiting for her Ate Mia's comeback so Lala told her that she shouldn't lose hope as Mia is a very religious person and God will truly help her in her ordeal now so Macy told her that she wouldn't hesitate to trade herself in exchange of Mia in that situation just to save her. Lala told Mach that Mia would be very stressed too if she's the one who's kidnapped so all they can do now is for the safety of Mia. Mia slapped the hell out of Pilo's face and told him that he's useless so Pilo used all of his strength and he pushed Mia until the latter rolled to the edge of the cliff. Luckily, Mia held on a root and she's now hanging between life and death and Pilo laughed out loud as finally, the moment has come for him to tell the truth about Ursula. Mia begged Pilo to save her as she can't hold on for her life anymore so Pilo told Mia that Ursula is the true killer behind Bart Perez' death and no one would ever remember it as he'll make sure that she will die tonight. Mia was very shocked when he found out coming from Pilo's mouth that Ursula killed Bart and Pilo also spilled that he let Ursula go home to her family unharmed and she was the one who planned to capture her as a revenge to what she did to her. Mia is now very mad by Pilo's taunting remarks so she used all her strength to get herself up from the cliff while Pilo laughed and told Mia that her end is near. Mia dragged herself upwards as she's very eager to take revenge against Ursula while Pilo is getting ready to go back to the car and leave. Troy and the bikers continued on their travel and the former felt impatient now as he can't see any signs that they're near the cliff. Mia's strength is now winding down but she still pushed herself to be saved until she reached the safe zone and successfully brought herself out from danger. Pilo is now inside the car as he's ready to leave while Mia screamed loudly as she don't want to be left. As Pilo continued driving, he hit a rock that stopped his car and he noticed a beeping sound at the compartment area so he tried to exit the car but it was all too late. Mia managed to stand up again but a HUGE BLAST happened as Pilo's car suddenly exploded and this made Mia very scared as she managed to escape death twice. Everyone in the neighborhood is now welcoming New Year and when the countdown ends, everyone screamed Happy New Year and Wilma kissed Syl while Lala hugged Macy and Tonet. Ursula is now very anxious but Melda and Hector hugged her and told her that they love them. Vivian and Bren also celebrated New Year in the office as they're finishing their projects and they greeted the employees who still works hard even on holidays. Tupe and Bill heard the loud explosion at the cliff area so they warned Troy that something wrong's happening now there. Ursula is now getting worried so she called the goon back and she asked him if he managed to get the bomb out of the car but the goon is now very drunk and he told her that he have no time getting that bomb out of Pilo's car as he's already very dizzy and tired so at this point, the bomb already exploded and the two of them are surely dead by now. Ursula turned down the phone as she's panicking now, believing that Mia succumbed inside the car. Melda noticed that Ursula looks scared so she asked her if she needs help so Ursula told her that there's a possibility that Mia is now dead as the car that Pilo used exploded just now, according to her credible sources. Melda smiled and tod Ursula that if that's the case then they should celebrate now knowing that Mia is now roasted inside a burning car but Ursula was carried away by her emotions and she suddenly slapped Melda and told her that Tonet would be surely devastated if she heard the news so there's no reason for her to celebrate on a crime that she did purposely. Melda was shocked when she found out that Ursula was the one who tasked to put bomb in Pilo's car.

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