42 - Birthday Blast

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EPISODE 165 - Kutob
Dec 13 2023

Mia and Lala served the dinner and as they ate the food, Wilma and Syl noticed that Mia looks so stressed again so Wilma asked her if she's now stressed by the bulk of orders in her resto or she's stressed because of some unknown reasons. Mia told them that she's just tired at work and nothing else so she told them to enjoy the food as she helped Lala on preparing on that one. After the dinner, Mia sipped some tea as she's sitting at the veranda so Lala told her that mosquitos might bite her here so Mia told her that its the least of her concerns now as she need to find the man that can ruin her reputation. Lala asked Mia the name of the man so that she can help her on her struggle right now so Mia disclosed the name to Lala as Pilo. Lala remembered when Lando used to live nearby them and she always here the name of Pilo so Lala asked some additional information. Mia told her that Pilo is Ursula's right hand and he's the reason behind Bella's death. Lala remembered when Tupe told her that Pilo was the name of the guy who almost killed him so Lala felt that this Pili is not just bothering Mia but also the whole Perez family. Lala suddenly went to the kitchen and Mia was intrigued as to why the yaya would suddenly leave her but she continued sipping her tea. Meanwhile, Gino/Tupe arrived at the police station and when he saw Ursula, the latter told him that they need to go home now as she fear for her safety. Tupe drove the car back to the mansion while Pilo told himself that he need to make sure that the birthday celebration of Tonet will be very special as the sacrificial lamb for that celebration will be her mother Ursula. Arthur and Troy noticed that the food looks tasty so they ate and Hector told them that Berta cooked that one so Troy asked Berta if her back is now ok and the yaya said yes. Arthur noticed that Melda's nowhere to be found so Troy laughed and told them that maybe they should give her some space as he's very sure that she's sulking again. After the dinner, Arthur went to Melda's room and he asked her if she would continue on acting like that everyday so Melda told him to leave her alone as she's not asking for his opinion. Arthur told Melda that Macy is now part of the family and if she continue on isolating herself everytime Macy's in the dining table, she wouldn't outgrow her anger towards her. Melda asked Arthur what can she do so he told her to be more diplomatic and just accept it that Macy is now a permanent fixture here in the house so Melda told him that she would do her best to do that. Yael is now sitting alone in his chair and he remembered what his Lolo Hector said about the possibility of him dating other women so as he's scrolling through his dating app, Zevy suddenly called him and asked if he's free tomorrow so Yael said yes to her and he asked her where they would meet and Zevy told him that she wanna see him in the park nearby the school. Zevy smiled as she told herself that finally, Yael will be her property and she won't allow Tonet to be attached to him again. Ursula went home now and she noticed that the house is already peaceful so Arthur asked why she went home so late so she told him that she finished her reports in the office so that she won't bother on doing that here in the house. Arthur felt that Ursula is hiding something from him and when she went upstairs, he asked Gino what happened to her so Gino told him that he may not the right person to disclose this information but Ursula got very scared as someone followed her from the office until on her way home and she felt that the one who followed her is a stalker who wanted to kill her. As the night deepens, Arthur is at the library as he's thinking about the person who tried to kill Ursula so he called an unknown caller and asked if he moved differently according to the plan but the man said no so Arthur was confused as to who follows Ursula without his knowledge. Arthur went to the attic as he checked his belongings if the things that he used befote were still there so when he opened the chest, he noticed that his beloved mask was gone so he became very anxious as that mask is the evidence that'll prove that he's the mastermind behind the kidnapping of Tonet that led Ursula to fall from the building. Arthur got mad as someone's really working behind him on killing Ursula and he told himself that he need to find that man as he will make sure that he can skin him alive. Mrs. V is now sipping some wine in her living room while the candles are lit as she's still grieving for Xavier's death so when Pilo arrived, he reported to her that the first step on his mission is now completed and Ursula is now being shrouded by her
anxiety as he followed her from the office to her way home. Mrs. V laughed and told Pilo that he's really a master in his craft so she asked him if he have some personal grudges towards Ursula so Pilo told her that its his personal business so he won't air it to her. Mrs. V suddenly became aggressive towards Pilo and dragged him to the couch and she told him that she wanted some man to keep her in company tonight so Pilo didn't hesitate to surrender to Mrs. V's desire and they spent the night together. Meanwhile, Bill can't sleep as he's still thinking about his affair with Mrs. V so he woke up in the middle of the night and since he's all alone, he decided to go to her mansion. Bill arrived few minutes later as he rode some tricycle and he entered the mansion as the gate wasn't locked and this made him very suspicious as Mrs. V always keep the gate locked but he still continued on entering the mansion. Bill used the main door to enter and he noticed a certain noise upstairs that made him feel curious as to what's happening in Mrs. V's bedroom. Bill slowly opened the door and when he opened it, he was shcoked by what he saw. Mrs. V is naked behind the sheets and she asked Bill what he's doing here so Bill told him that he can't forget the image of her in his mind and he's very skeptical about his feelings to her but he realized that he need her. Mrs. V didn't hesitate to allow Bill in bed while Pilo is hiding behind the closet and as he peek, he noticed that the man that Mrs. V is smooching looks like Bart Perez, Ursula's brother so as they're kissing, Mrs. V signalled Pilo to leave now so he slowly left the closet and Mrs. V is now relieved as Pilo left while she's busy on smooching Bart. Arthur went back to his bedroom and he noticed that Macy is now in her deep asleep but his mind is still thinking about the mask that was lost from his storage at the attic and as he's deeply thinking about it, he felt that the only person that can go to the attic is Hector sko he's now suspecting Hector to be the person who stole the mask from the attic. Pilo went back to his motorcycle and he can't help but to think about the person that Mrs. V allowed in her bed as that man is Bart Perez so few minutes later, Pilo noticed that the man is about to leave the mansion so he hid and waited for him to appear at the gate and when he finally saw his face, he was shocked as the man that Mrs. V is dating is no other than Bart Perez and he's alive. Pilo was very scared about the revelation so he told himself as he drifted away from the mansion that he needs to do his mission as much as possible as the moment everyone knew that Bart is alive, Ursula would surely be placed in jail and he would have a hard time on killing her when she's already behind the bars. Meanwhile, Gino is still awake as his mind is still wandering on Ursula's case as he's thinking who else wants to kill her so he opened his drawer to find some things that he can use to connect the dots and when he opened a random cloth, he noticed a silver mask hidden on it and he's curious as to why would Arthur hide an expensive silver mask on his belongings so he asked himself again if Arthur might be hiding something behind the mask. The speculation inside Gino/Tupe's head is never ending so he called Lala and told her that he can't sleep. Lala is still at the kitchen as she can't stop thinking about what Mia said about Pilo so when Tupe called her, she answered his call and asked what was wrong. Tupe told Lala that he already gathered a lot of evidence in the mansion as he found a mysterious mask in Arthur's closet and he's very sure that it means something. Lala told Tupe that Pilo is just lurking around and his life might be in danger so Tupe got curious as to why she would know that information so Lala told him that her boss told her so. Tupe asked Lala what's the name of his boss so Lala told her that her boss is Mia De Jesus.

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