45 - Where's Ursula?

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EPISODE 177 - Hunting
Dec 27 2023

Ursula is now on her way to the place that her informant told her to be as Mrs. V and Pilo are both there but she didn't expect that she'll receive an email and when she opened it, she was surprised as the content of the email is an image of her informant's dead body so she stopped the car and she got very anxious after that but her phone suddenly rang and she's scared to answer her phone. Ursula didn't allowed her fear to consume her so she answered the caller and asked him what does they want. The caller on the other line told him that Pilo and Mrs. V killed the informant and they're now burning the body. Ursula is now very mad towards them so she need to face them and make sure that they can kill them. When Ursula put down the phone, Bill laughed as he was the one who called her and he told Pilo and Mrs. V that his job is done here and he will leave them alone. Pilo asked Bill what does he mean by that so the latter explained that his real boss will come here and she's very excited to see both of them in that condition. Mrs. V asked Bill why he allowed himself to be a subordinate to another person so he told her that he need money and now that he's paid so well, his job here is done and his boss will end the two of them. Pilo asked him who's his boss so Bill told him to just wait and see as she'll arrive later on. Meanwhile, Mia told Macy that she need to go home now as she need to get some rest so Macy hugged her sister and told her to take care. Troy asked Mia to stay for today as he wanted to have some time with her but Mia told him that she really wanted to do that but she need to sleep as her head is pulsating in pain. Wilma noticed that Syl looks so uneasy and anxious as he's drinking his coffee so she asked him if he's drunk but Syl told Wilma that he didn't drink and maybe he just needed sleep because they pulled an all nighter here in Perez mansion. Arthur noticed that Ursula is gone so he asked Melda if she saw her but the old yaya told him that she have no idea where she is but she brought her car with her and she drove it all by herself. Syl and Wilma already went home with Mia and Lala and Syl is still very shocked after he knew the real identity of Gino. Wilma approached him and asked him if he was ok but Syl told her that he's not as he has no idea how to hide the secret that he found out last  night so Wilma asked him what is that so Syl told him that the Perez family is a very wild family as they have no idea that the person that they've been searching for so long is just living with them inside the mansion. Wilma was confused what was Syl is talking about so Syl told her that he found out last night that Gino, Ursula's driver is no other than Tupe, the brother of Troy and the heir of all the properties owned by Bart Perez. Wilma laughed and told Syl that he's delusional as Gino looks like an old man who have no future in life while Tupe looks handsome and fit so its impossible that Gino and Tupe are the same person. Lala heard what Syl said so she quickly responded to Wilma's laughter and told her that she's right as Gino is already 37 years old and he looks like a chainsmoker so its impossible for him to be the lost brother of Troy. Syl realized that Lala covered him up so he told Wilma that he felt that he was just hallucinating because of the drinks that he had last night. When Wilma left, Lala pinched Syl and told him that no one should know that Gino and Tupe are the same person as that would jeopardize their whole plans. Syl scratched his head and asked Lala when do they need to hide this secret so Lala told him that as long as the criminals who killed Bart Perez are still free, they won't stop seeking justice. Syl told Lala that his mouth really needs zipper as he can't resist the urge to tell everything to his wife. Meanwhile, Ursula is now on her way to the place where the caller told her to be and she felt scared as she have no one with her but she told herself that she don't need to be coward. When Ursula saw a small hut, she noticed that there are four men who were guarding so she felt scared. Nardo approached her and asked her if she's Ursula and she said yes so the goons brought out the body of the dead informant and placed it in front of her. Ursula was shocked when she saw her informant's dead body and she asked the goons why they did this to him so Nardo told her that it was just the order of their boss. Ursula asked Nardo who's his boss so Nardo told her that all of the things that happened to her like the person stalking her in the parking lot of P'Dairy and the shootout in Tonet's birthday party were done by their boss, Pilo and Mrs. V. Ursula slapped Nardo's face and asked him why they followed the evil duo's orders so Nardo pulled out some theatrics and told her that he's just doing their job. Ursula is now very pissed so she entered the storage room and made sure that she can see the criminals who perpetrated the crime and she was surprised as there's no one there so she called Pilo and told him to get out of his cage and face him as she will never hesitate to peel off his face from his skull. Mrs. V appeared and told Ursula that she's the evil witch behind all the things that happened so Ursula laughed and asked her why she looks like she's hiding something under her outfit. Mrs. V didn't disclose to Ursula that a bomb was placed inside her outfit so she told her that she's just hiding a weapon. Ursula told Mrs. V that she respected her desire to mourn for her deceased son but to task someone to kill her and Tonet is beyond the boundaries and she will make sure that she will die a horrible death. Pilo emerged and told Ursula that she's a wicked woman who plotted a lot of things against him and he will make sure that she will also die a horrible death. Bill watched all the scenes in the storage room as he attached CCTVs in every angle so that he can see the reactions of everyone in the game that he started. Meanwhile, Tonet is now at the garden and Bia noticed that she looks sad so she asked her if she's fine but Tonet said that she felt that her mom's absence during the Christmas time makes her anxious as she felt that danger is just looming around. Bia told her to calm down as Ursula is not in danger now and she can defend herself if something happens to her. Melda is now in the kitchen and as she's washing the dishes, she slipped a glass and when it fell on the floor, it shattered and she felt a surge of anxiety and she tried to call Ursula but no one answered the phone. Meanwhile, Mrs. V told Ursula that she kept on blabbering when all this time, she's also a criminal as she already knew her darkest secrets. Ursula stared at Pilo and she told Mrs. V that she felt bad for her as she's now being brainwashed by a stupid guy who betrayed her. Pilo told Ursula that she's the most evil woman that he knew as he ordered someone to kill Bart Perez and he also tasked him to kill Ray, Bella, and ordered him to burn Mia's house and blame it all on Macy. Ursula applauded Pilo and told him that he really is very eager to destroy her that he's now making up stories so Pilo told her that he's born to be a killer but he's not born to be a liar and he won't hesitate to cooperate with the Police to make sure that she would also pay for killing Bartolome Perez. Bill was shocked when he heard that Ursula was the one who killed Bart, his twin brother and he remembered what Tupe said that he'll make sure that he would find an evidence that will put Ursula to jail so he told Nardo to make sure that Pilo won't die as they need him as the witness to make sure that Ursula will pay for all her sins. Nardo told Bill that he had no idea where is the bomb as they made sure to mix it up and either Pilo or Mrs. V will explode in no time. Bill is now pressured as he don't want Pilo to die as he needs him to make sure that Bart would have justice. Ursula noticed that Pilo and Mrs. V wore a backpack so she asked them what's the meaning of that thing but Mrs. V told her that its none of her business. Ursula tried to come for Mrs. V's bag but Pilo noticed a ticking sound inside the backpack so Bill told Nardo that he already kickstarted the timer on the bombs and he don't care about the Bart case anymore as what matters most right now is Ursula will die to pay for all the sins that she did to his brother Bart. Pilo ran to the field as he tried to remove the backpack but a sniper was pointed on him and Nardo told him that one wrong move and he'll explode immediately.

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