46 - Fight Of Their Lives

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EPISODE 181 - Face Off
Jan 1 2024

Mia realized that she was betrayed and Pilo already knew the truth about the dirty trick that Mia pulled on him so he pointed the gun on her face and told her that her end is near. Gino removed his wig and beard and told Pilo that he's a coward and a loser as the only thing that he can oppress is a woman so he asked him to face him. Pilo was shocked when he saw that Tupe is back and very alive so he told him that finally, he can kill him right now. The two got on an intense brawl and Tupe made sure that he can take revenge from what Pilo did to him before and Pilo was heavily damaged as Tupe made sure that he would look like a mess after he showered him with punches. Meanwhile, Melda grabbed some water as she gave it to Ursula and asked her what really happened and why everyone thought that she was kidnapped so Ursula told them that she's perfectly fine and nothing happened to her as she just attended the Christmas Party of her batchmates. Lala knew that Ursula is lying so when she saw a bruise on her arm side, she asked her where did she get that mark so Ursula told her that she don't entertain the questions of the yayas who wanted to instigate and start another mess. Wilma asked Ursula that she don't need to be rude as she was just asking questions and she's just concerned about the random bruises on her body. Ursula told them that she's fine and they have nothing to worry about and they need to sleep now as its been very late and they'll prepare for the New Year in the next few days. Hector felt that there's something fishy so he asked Wilma where's Mia and Gino now so Lala  told him that someone called Mia and they said that they kidnapped Ursula and the only way for them to release her is for Mia to go there on the site and all of a sudden, Ursula came home like nothing happened so she told Hector that he's correct with his suspicion as someone's playing a game within this family. Bill is still on the storage room as he can't sleep after Pilo escaped and he was surprised as Lala called him so he answered the phone and asked her what's happening there. Lala told Bill that Pilo surely tricked Mia and Gino as they went to his old house in the portside   since Pilo told them that he captured Ursula but all of a sudden, Ursula went home in the mansion and she told everyone here that she just visited a friend for a Christmas Party. Bill was extremely pissed with what Ursula did as she really made sure that her name would be excluded from the crime scene while Pilo successfully trapped Mia so he lashed out and told Lala that this is the time that he need to fight Pilo as he won't allow Mia to be hurt. Lala told him that Gino was there with Mia so he have nothing to be worried about as he'll surely use all the skills that he gathered to kill Pilo and save Mia from that madness. Bill told Lala that he won't allow Pilo to succeed so he need to go there at the portside and save them. Meanwhile, Ursula is now cleaning her space in her bedroom when she remembered everything that she did to remove herself from that situation. Ursula was tied by Pilo on a chair and he also placed tape on her mouth so that she can be silenced when Pilo suddenly felt that Ursula is not moving so he removed the ties and tape. Ursula quickly moved and grabbed the gun from Pilo's pocket and told him that she's not his enemy here and she never hired any goons to attack him. Pilo questioned Ursula's credibility and told her that she's very good in lying and he will never believe in her again so Ursula told him that after all the things that they've been through, she can never just dump him as she knew that he's one of the most loyal workers that she got. Pilo felt that what Ursula said so he asked her who did all of those random attacks that happened so Ursula told him that Mia have all the reason to exact revenge against him so all of those attacks were orchestrated by Mia. Pilo felt betrayed after what Ursula told him so the latter told him that instead of putting her here in the chair and abducting her, he should kidnap Mia and make her suffer for what she did to him. Pilo was fueled by his anger towards Mia so he called her and announced that he kidnapped Ursula and the only way for him to release her is  to go to his house nearby the port and get her. After Pilo relayed the information to Mia, Ursula told him that he don't need to worry as he can still pretend that he kidnapped someone so when a woman passed by the house, Ursula smashed her back with a wood that made the lady unconscious and she told Pilo to wrap this lady's body and replace her in the chair so that Mia would believe that they still have Ursula in his captivity. Pilo followed Ursula's instructions and he told her that he can now go back to her family but the moment she spills anything to the police,  he wouldn't hesitate to kill Tonet so Ursula hugged him and thanked him for being very kind to him. Ursula used her car and she drifted back home as if nothing happened. Ursula is still cleaning her vanity area in her bedroom and she told herself that Pilo is still the same old fool that she knew before and she would make sure that he will die before he kill anyone in her family. Tupe and Pilo are still fighting while Mia grabbed the wood and she smashed it on Pilo's back that that made Pilo hurt so Tupe kicked him and gave him powerful punches but Pilo grabbed his leg and bit it that made Tupe injured and Pilo stood to capture Mia. Tupe was shocked as Mia was immediately hostaged by Pilo and the latter used a swiss knife that was placed in his pocket to hostage the lady. Tupe asked Pilo to spare Mia from his wrath as the woman didn't have any idea what was going on so Pilo laughed and told him that Mia looks innocent but she's the one who organized the crime that made him believe that was done by Ursula and that's the reason why his life spiralled down. Tupe asked Mia if that's true so Mia got emotional and told him that she just want to give justice to Bella's death as that lady was raped for so many times. Tupe didn't know that Bella was killed by Ursula's men so Tupe's anger against his aunt is now becoming very intense. Pilo told Tupe that he have no choice but to bring Mia to a place where no one would bother them and no one can also follow them. Mia was pushed by Pilo to the car and the latter told her that he don't want any unnecessary noise to come out from her mouth. Tupe tried to stop the car but Pilo warned him that one wrong move and Mia will die in an instant so he froze there while Pilo drove the car with Mia in it. Tupe felt frustrated as he didn't save Mia from the hands of the criminal and he was surprised as Bill arrived too and asked him what happened. Tupe told Bill that Pilo kidnapped Mia and Ursula is not here anymore so Bill told him that based on what Lala said as she called him earlier, Ursula is now in the mansion and she pretended that nothing happened as she told everyone that she just came home from attending a Christmas Party that was organized by her college friends. Tupe was pissed and he knew now that Pilo is still Ursula's ally and he's very sure that they joined forces to go against Mia and put her in a dangerous situation. Bill told Tupe that they need to follow Pilo as he fear that he will kill Mia so Tupe told him that they need to follow them. Bill brought his motorcycle and he told Tupe that there's only one place that he knew that Pilo might bring Mia and that's on the island of MonteVista. Pilo and Mia are now about to cross the ocean by a ferry and Mia felt that she's losing energy already so she asked Pilo if she have some food as she's starving right now so Pilo told her to stop as he don't have anything with him. Pilo was shocked as before they entered the ferry, a group of police checked them and when Pilo was asked by the police who is the girl and why she looks scared. Pilo is now scrambling as he have no idea what to say to the police so Mia told the police that Pilo is her husband and she looks scared because their children were left in the house and no one attends them so they need to go home now. The police allowed them to enter the ferry and Pilo didn't expect Mia for what she did so he asked her what was the meaning of that so Mia told Pilo that she knew that he's just a lonely man who needs love and affection so she told him that once they reached the island, he would make sure that she would shower her with what he needs. Pilo was surprised by Mia's actions and he became very excited for what she can bring to his life but he have no clue that Mia was just playing around and she's making sure that she can find a way to kill Pilo and end his reign of terror.

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