39 - Leap of Death

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EPISODE 153 - Where is Beth
Nov 29 2023

Gino hit a girl as he was running to the toilet and he was surprised that the girl that he hit was Mia and she looks very different now so Mia apologized to him and told him that she needs to go to the meeting now. Gino was confused as to why would Mia go to the meeting and why she works again for the Perezes after she was fired by Ursula before. Mia arrived at the conference room and she apologized to Arthur as she got late since she had a prior appointment so she needed to attend that first before this meeting. Arthur accepted Mia's apology and told her to sit down as they need to discuss the Year End plans especially for the Christmas celebration and the spike of sales on ham and cheese needs to be monitored. Troy discussed that the company has a very huge increase in sales and that's because of Mia and the partnership of P'Dairy and Ray of Lite so he asked them to give Mia a round of applause. Everyone applauded Mia except Ursula so she told them that this is not just Mia's efforts as it's also the effort of the employees who worked nonstop to generate the demands. Mia told Ursula that the employees need a salary increase and not just mere verbal recognition as it won't feed their families especially this Holiday Season. Vivian smiled and told Arthur that what Mia said was right even if they have their differences, the employees' welfare should be the ultimate thing that needs to be prioritized. Troy smiled at Mia and he told Arthur that this is a very good idea especially now that Christmas season is just around the corner so this will be a very huge blessing to the employees. Arthur considered what Mia suggested so after the meeting, Vivian spread the news that there might be a salary increase before the year ends so Bren and other employees cheered as they didn't expect this thing to happen. Macy felt that this is a miracle so she asked Vivian who suggested the salary increase so the latter told her that Mia is the one who did it and even if she's pissed by her presence, she felt like she's still an angel for voicing out their long battlecry. Macy felt that Mia saved so many lives this Christmas season so when she saw her big sister, she asked her if they could talk for a while. Mia and Macy went to the corner and they discussed the salary increase thing so Macy thanked Mia for her heroic deed to the employees as no one dared to ask that. Mia smiled and told Macy that she's happy that at least, this time she made her happy and it's so refreshing that finally, they got the moment with each other where they're not fighting. Macy told Mia that maybe she's really a kind person but that's it, there's no more than that and after what Macy said, she left and Mia smiled. Ursula was extremely pissed by what happened at the meeting so she opened a bottle of wine and told herself that Mia won't be happy in the long run as she'll make sure that something bad will happen to her. Lala is still thinking about what Wilma said about her cheating so she called Tupe and told him that they need to talk to each other later as she needs to tell him the truth. Tupe asked Lala what's the thing that they need to talk about so Lala told him that she just wants to say it later at the park so that she can burst out her emotions to him. Tupe was confused as to why would Lala have a serious conversation with him at the park. Meanwhile, Alma noticed that Macy's smile is through the roof so she asked her bestie if she loves the good news of salary increase that's why she looks so vibrant. Macy told Alma that it's just refreshing how she suddenly wants to make amends with her big sister so Alma giggled and told her that maybe this is the time for them to reconcile and to stop the hate that they've got for each other. Macy sipped some water and she told Alma that it was not as easy as they thought as the wound that was done by the conflict that they got from the past. Alma told Macy that at least, with the sweet gesture that they shared with each other, it starts the healing process between the two of them and later on, that step by step healing will result in a more rounded result. Meanwhile, Mia is still in the car as she kept on thinking about Beth and where she is right now so she called Loida and told her to hire a private detective for her as she needs to find Beth and get the flashdrive from her. Loida told Mia that she knew someone who could help her in resolving her issues but when Mia ended the call, her phone rang again and when she answered it, it was Tonet who was on the other line. Tonet is very emotional as she called Mia and asked her if she can go to the mansion for awhile as she just wants someone to talk to. Mia didn't hesitate to answer her yes and told Tonet that she'll always be there for her. Meanwhile, Ursula tells Gino to go home now as she will go with Troy for dinner later and she doesn't need to use her own case as Troy will send her home so Gino goes back to the mansion. Mia arrived at the mansion and the moment she went down from her car, she saw Melda and the old yaya looked like she was disgusted to see Mia. Melda told Mia that she looks like a high profile yaya now with her dress so Mia ignored her antics and asked her where's Tonet. Tonet saw Mia outside the mansion so she asked her to go inside as she wanted to talk to her about her sentiments. Mia and Tonet are now sitting at the garden and the former asked the latter how she's feeling right now but Tonet immediately cried and hugged Mia as she shared to her that she and Xav are officially done. Mia consoled Tonet and told her that life has its ups and downs and this is the downs that she needs to face in order for her to appreciate the new ups and losing Xav in her life is not the end of everything as there are still good people around her. Tonet felt that she needed to take a break from being in a relationship as she wants to focus on her academic life. Melda noticed that Tonet and Mia were getting closer so she tried to call Ursula but Hector stopped her and told her to let them live and to stop reporting everything to Ursula. Melda told Hector that she doesn't want Ursula to be left behind while her daughter is being brainwashed by the sinful sisters. Hector told Melda that Tonet is closer to Mia and Macy as they've been together for so long so it's just normal for the young girl to be attached to her cousins and it will never change the fact that Ursula is still the mother of Tonet. Melda felt that Hector is now on Mia's side so she's now thinking of a way to remove him from the picture. Meanwhile, Ursula had dinner with Troy and she asked him if he was getting serious with Mia and he said yes about it and he also has plans on marrying her early next year. Ursula asked Troy on the possibility of Tupe's comeback so she asked him if he would still marry Mia even if Tupr came back. Troy smiled and told Ursula that he already invested his love and affection towards Mia and at this point, no one can ever hinder him from loving her so even if Tupe came back, he will never be swayed by his decision on marrying Mia. Ursula felt that Troy is now very firm on his decision on marrying Mia while Macy and Arthur are now on their way to marry each other so she thought that the only way for the sisters to be veered away from the chances of getting married to a Perez is to kidnap them or worse, kill them so that no one can ever grab the riches from her and Tonet. Troy noticed that Ursula looks like she's thinking very deep so he asked her what's on her mind now and Ursula smiled as she told Troy that she's excited that Mia will be part of their life and she will be very happy to welcome them in the mansion and in their family as she believes that their past beef is irrelevant and this is already her second life so its better to spend it with forgiveness and reconciliation in her heart. Troy hugged Ursula but little did the bachelor know that his aunt was already on her way to put the De Jesus sisters to their end. Mia is still in the mansion and when she told Tonet that she needs to leave, Tonet went with her at the gate but when they opened the gate, Mia was surprised to see the man that she hit at the P'Dairy Building so she told the man that he looked very familiar. Tonet told Mia that the long haired man at their front is Ursula's newest driver, Gino as Bia already went back to the province so she hired a new one. Mia stared at Gino's face and she told him that he really looks good with his mustache and beard. Gino ignored Mia as he didn't want to be attached to her again and hurt himself in the long run.

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