33 - Raging Scenarios

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EPISODE 129 - Nervous
Nov 1 2023

Tupe warned Ursula before he left that the next time they'll saw each other, he'll make sure that Troy and the whole Perez clan will know the truth that she's the perpetrator of his dad, Bart Perez's death. Ursula is now very nervous as she can't do anything to save herself from Tupe's wrath as she can't contact Pilo and she have nothing by her side. Tupe returned the uniform to the nurse at the female CR but when he went out from the CR, Lala saw him and she asked him why he went to the girls CR so Tupe explained to her that he already saw Ursula and he's very grateful that he managed to control himself or else, he already killed that criminal. Lala told Tupe that he shouldn't allow himself to be surrounded by the thoughts of killing someone as its very evil but Tupe told her that they need to leave now as their Uncle Bill might be getting impatient now at the waiting area. Meanwhile, the halloween party continues at the P'Dairy activity area and Mia was surprised as she saw Berta again together with Hector, Melda and Bia. Troy told Mia that he brought the workers in the mansion to join them on the party so Mia told Troy that she's very proud of him for being more inclusive. Hector greeted Mia and told her that he rarely sees her so its an honor to be with the new owner of the Resto so Mia told him that she's very thankful as God is still blessing her with a work and she became an instrument to help other people who needs job. Melda kept on staring at Hector and Mia as she don't like the forming connection between the two so she asked the old man to join her on the dancefloor. Hector didn't hesitate to join Melda and they both grooved in the music. Macy is just around the corner as she's drinking wine when Bren approached him and asked him if she want to have a drinking partner so Macy told him to get another bottle of wine as she wanna drink her frustrations away. Bren grabbed a new bottle of wine so he asked Macy what bothers her right now so she told him that Arthur cheated on him and Mia is being a jerk again. Bren told himself that Macy deserves everything that she got as she's such a bitch. Mia is now alone i  the dancefloor so Troy asked her if he can dance with her so she smiled and told him that she's very open to dance right now. As the music played, Troy stared at Mia and he felt that he's very attracted to the powerful and feminine presence that she exudes. Zevy is now on the roll to make bad stuff again so she splashed Tonet's drink with some laxative so that she would defecate more. After Tonet consumed the drink, her stomach felt painful so she asked Wilma and Syl where's the CR and Wilma said that she'll guide her there. The Halloween party is now looking like a prom as the staff and crew are now dancing with partners to the tune of romantic tunes. Berta saw Syl being alone so she asked him if they can dance even for awhile so Syl told her that he's already married but Berta told him that she just wanted a dance partner so Syl allowed himself to dance with the yaya. Macy saw Arthur at the corner as he have no partner so she told Bren that she wanna go somewhere. Arthur was surprised as Macy approached her and she asked him if they can dance and he said yes. Yael danced with Zevy as Tonet is still in the CR while Bia is alone so Bren asked her to dance with him just for them to not look awkward. As the dancing continues, Troy slowly put his lips on Mia's cheeks and he told her that he likes her. Mia felt that her feet is now trembling as she never expected that Troy can bring her some romantic sensation again. Mia placed Troy's hand down and she rushed outside as she felt that what's happening between her and him is now getting awkward. Troy followed Mia and he asked her what's wrong so she told him that she's not allowed to have feelings to him as he's already taken and Bren might slap him like what Macy did to her. Troy told Mia that he can dump Bren and allow her to be his GF. Mia is now very nervous as she never expect that aside from Tupe, she would also fall in love with Troy. Bren noticed that Troy is gone so he asked Bia if she saw Troy hooking up with some waiters or bouncers so Bia told him that Troy didn't hooked up with any men here as the person that he danced with is no other than Mia. Bren continued dancing so Bia asked him if he's not threatened that Troy chose Mia over him in dancing so he told her that he have nothing to be threatened as Mia is a girl and Troy don't like girls. Troy held Mia's hands and told her to just allow him to love her and he will never hurt her but Mia told him to stop it as she don't want to be treated like a spare tire. Zevy is now enjoying her dance with Yael but the latter's attention was not in the dancefloor so she asked him if he's really present here in the party but Yael told her that he's just worried for Tonet as its almost an hour ago when she went to CR. Macy went to the CR and she saw Wilma there so she asked her what's happening so Wilma told her that Tonet is now having a diarrhea after she ate some of the food. Macy told Wilma that its Mia's fault that Tonet is now struggling diarrhea so she rushed back to the venue and expose Mia's dirtt preparation. Wilma tried to stop Macy but Tonet asked for another toilet paper as her bowel movement now is in shambles. Meanwhile, Tupe, Lala and Bill are now waiting for taxi as they're now very ready to go to their newest home in the city. As Tupe is waiting, Lando and his gang are now planning for their next gig as they will destroy the party of P'Dairy and kill anybody as Pilo's act of vengeance to Ursula. Tupe heard the convo of Lando and his gang mates before they rode on a van so he told Bill and Lala that he needed to call someone in the party right now so that he can warn them. Bill told Tupe that what he'll do will be very dangerous but the latter told him that he needed to do this so that  he can protect them from an upcoming peril. Meanwhile, Macy grabbed a mic and told everyone to stop the dancing for a minute as she wanted to announce that the food that was served by Ray of Lite catering services is subpar and dirty as Tonet is suffering right now with diarrhea in the toilet after consuming food served by Mia's resto. Loida was offended by what Macy said and she told her that all of their food were cleanly cooked and served hot so her accusations that their food is spoiled is false. Troy grabbed Macy's shoulder and told her to stop this nonsense as this party is for employees to have some happy moments and not an avenue for her to fight her older sister again. Mia faced Macy and told everybody that they cooked and served their food with love and on contrary with what Macy said, they shouldn't stop on patronizing Ray of Lite as they never fail to serve the highest quality food to the masses and they made sure that they'll not just be filled with food but also be contented by the taste. The people felt that Mia is very sincere with what she said and Macy looked so embarrassed after accusing her older sister. Troy told everyone to continue on dancing as they don't deserve to be interrupted by a nuisance who just wanted to disrupt the event. Mia told Macy that she's tired of fighting with her as she's now a hopeless case and she told her that if she wanna think that she already won the fight between them then she won already just for her to stop all her nonsense crap. Melda received a call and when she answered it, she have no idea that Tupe was the one who called so he told her to beware as a group of criminals might attack their party. Melda asked the guy what's his name but Tupe told her that it's not important who he is but what matters most now is for them to be cautious with their surroundings as a group of armed men are now on their way to attack them. Melda felt scared by what the unknown guy said but she just continued on dancing as she felt happy that Macy was embarrassed.

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