01 - Two Lovely Flowers

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EPISODE 01 - Dawn of Sin
June 5 2023

In the town of Batangas, two girls lived in perfect harmony and they both have their lives ahead of them. Mia, the elder sister is a nun and she lives her life peacefully in the convent while the younger sister, Macy is living her simple but youthful life as a waitress in a restobar & she wanna earn money so that she can go to Manila to work a high earning job. The two were very close to each other when they were young as both of their parents died on a horrible sea accident that perished both of them. Mia became the breadwinner until she earned money to support Macy's education and when Macy finished high school, she chose to pursue her calling as a nun and told Macy that she needed to enter the convent to accept the calling. Macy became very hesitant about her sister's decision at first but she have no choice but to accept it. Its been 3 years since Mia entered the convent and Macy felt that she experienced the most hellish part of her life as she's now living alone. Mia only got a very small amount of time left on her to visit Macy as she already took an oath that she will dedicate her life to church. Sr. Beth is the mother superior in Sta. Ana church and she's the person that Mia asked for help when she needed someone to talk to. Mia voiced out her frustrations about her life in the convent as it prohibited her to look after her sister who's now in the state of hardship but Sr. Beth told her that she don't need to blame herself nor the convent about Macy's hardship as all of them are facing different battles and Macy needs to learn how to fight her own demons. Mia was confused on whether she needed to end her tenure as being a nun for her sister or not so she continued to seek guidance by praying to God for an ultimate sign. Meanwhile, Macy is living alone in a cheap apartment that she started to rent 6 months ago but for the past 6 months, an old rich man suddenly appeared outside and started to have a conversation with her. The man in question is no other than Bart Perez, the 65 year old man who's now single as his rich wife died few years ago and he wanna pursue his desires by dating a younger girl. Macy became very desperate on her financial issues so she took a bite on the forbidden fruit and entertained Bart during his loneliest hours. The old man fetched Macy as they'll be having a date on a fancy resto so Macy didn't hesitate to go with Bart. Macy felt that her life is perfect now as she bagged a very wealthy man and she can eat the fanciest food that she wanted to eat. They arrived at the resto at 8PM & Macy wore the dress that Bart gave to her days ago that made her feel fabulous for the night. Bart told Macy that she looked like a goddess now and he wanna marry her the soonest since he's already getting old. Macy giggled and told him that they're just months into their relationship and she needed more time to digest everything. Bart told her that he have no more time left in his life so he wanna marry her the soonest. Macy smiled but deep inside, she despised the old guy and wanna put him on his deathbed as all she only want is his money and power of being a Perez. The dinner was kinda awkward but Macy made it exciting as she told the old man that she wanna go back to college and she already took an entrance exam to a local university. Bart was very happy about Macy's achievement and he told her that he will make sure that he will support her on whatever she wanna pursue in her life. After the dinner, Macy was sent home by Bart and before she left, he asked her for a kiss so Macy gave her the hottest kiss that she can give and even told him that one day, she and him will have the hottest sex in bed that even his nurses would be gagged by her performance. Bart gulped after what Macy told him as he felt that someone wanna bang him to death on his bed. The old man left and Macy laughed as she felt that her spot as Mrs. Perez is now secured and she would never allow anyone to rob all what she worked hard for. The next day, Sister Mia and the sisters of Sta Ana church were involved on a medical mission in Tarlac where they helped plenty of locals there to have their own medicine kits and other needs to lessen their worry about the rising cases of flu and other contagious diseases. Mia was smiling as she watched the kids getting immunized and adults getting all the free vitamins that the rich benefactor donated to them. Sr. Beth asked Mia if she's ok now after what they talked about last night and Mia said that she's now trying to live her life for herself and not for anyone else so Sr. Beth hugged her and told her that she can survive whatever problems she's facing right now. The rich benefactor that is still unknown to everyone in the convent finally arrived and Mia is very eager to meet the guy who gave the locals of Tarlac the medical care that they needed. Everyone in the place welcomed the man who donated 300K pesos for the medical mission, he is no other than Mr. Bart Perez. Mia was starstrucked when he saw the fine old man and she felt that her heart beats for him. Bart gave a small speech on how poor he was before and how he worked hard to gain all the money and power that he have now. As Bart speaks to everyone with gusto, Mia felt that her world is slowly revolving around the old man and she imagined him and her dancing on a nearby fountain at night while the fairylights are twinkling. Bart asked Sr. Beth who came up with the idea of medical mission and Sr. Beth told him that it was Sr. Mia so Bart called Mia to go onstage but she's still on a trance. Everyone stared at Mia as she looks so dazed and all of a sudden, she came back to her consciousness and quickly composed herself. Mia went onstage and Bart told everyone that Mia should be their role model as her kindness seeps through the darkest clouds of hatred and hopelessness that emanates on everyone. Mia can't help but to be enamoured with Bart's way of words so after his speech, she went with him downstairs but she slipped and almost fell on the stairs. Bart quickly caught her hips as she blushed when the old fine man touched her and it seems like that touch unlocked her hidden desire to be loved by a man. Bart told Mia to be careful next time as she might fall again and he's not there to save her. After the medical mission, Mia asked Bart if she can have his number as she felt that they can be good friends so Bart, like the generous man that he is, gave his number to her and told her that he wanna see her again since he visits the church daily and talk about further plans on the medical missions. Mia told him that he will never disappointed on all the donations that he's pouring to the church and the foundation. Bart left but Mia's smile remained as the fine man caught her heart. Mia went back inside the convent but she realized that what she's feeling now is forbidden as she's now married to God.

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