17 - Problems Everywhere

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EPISODE 65 - Unseen Angle
Aug 18 2023

Tupe stood up and he asked Macy if she needed some help with her presentation and Macy said that she knew that someone's trying to sabotage her report and she can feel that so she have plenty of backup plans. Bella entered the conference room with a backup flash drive and Macy plugged it on the laptop and started her presentation. Ursula was shocked by Macy's cunning moves and during the presentation, the BOD was impressed by the data that Macy shown while Ursula looks so pissed. Bella looks so nervous as she's drinking water at the pantry and Bren noticed the tension in his friend's face so he asked her what happened so Bella told him that she helped Macy on dodging one of Ursula's bullets as she already felt guilty on jeopardizing her bessy's life. Bren was pissed with what Bella did and he told her that Ursula will surely be pissed once she found out that she's now in Macy's side. Bella told Bren that she's not scared anymore as Macy is her bestfriend and she shouldn't let her bessy suffer from the hands of Ursula. Meanwhile, Berta is not in the mood as she's slicing the veggies so Melda asked her why she look like she's mourning so Berta admitted to her superior that she just missed Mia's presence in the house as she seems like a detoxifier in this mansion. Melda told Berta that she needed to accept the fact that Mia is just a thing of the past and she will never go back here in the mansion as she successfully kicked her out. Tupe heard what Melda said and he felt that there's a huge wall that separates between Mia and Melda so he went to the kitchen and Melda served food for him. Tupe asked her why she didn't like Mia and Melda said that she and Macy are pests here in the mansion and there's no amount of words to describe her hatred towards the sisters. Tupe sighed and told her that he can't do anything about it right now. Macy is now done with her presentation and the BOD applauded her work as its very simple and concise yet straightforward and detailed. Ursula rolled her eyes as Macy smiled and after the meeting, Macy went back to her table and she opened a bottle of soda to celebrate her success. Vivian asked Macy how's her disastrous meeting went and Macy told her that the meeting was a success and she deserves a long and loud applause from her co-employees. The fellow HR employees applauded Macy but Vivian was pissed so she immediately went to the CEO's office. Ursula is now very mad as her plan on embarrassing Macy failed to happen so when Vivian entered her office, she immediately slapped the HR head and told her that she really is a worthless piece of crap. Vivian told her that she really deleted the file from Macy's laptop and she's very sure that there's no way that bitch can still recover it. The villains have no idea that Macy laid a trap on them as she allowed Vivian to delete the file, not knowing that Bella saved the presentation in her flashdrive. The day is over but Macy's celebration has just begun when he invited Bella and Ray on her mini victory dinner at the resto and Ray told her that she deserves all the things that she got now. Bella asked Macy if she already accepted her apologies and Macy told her that she's now very back to her life as her ultimate bessy so the two hugged again like nothing happened. Macy told them that Ursula will never win against her as she have plenty of tricks on her sleeves and  the company will slowly gravitate in the palm of her hands. Ray told Macy that she made him proud on standing against Ursula as he knew how hard it is to find that powerful lady but Macy said that only one Queen will reign a kingdom and that Queen will be her. Yael went home now and Hector cooked paksiw for him as he have nothing left in his pocket as he paid all the money from his pension to their rent. Yael gave his lolo some of his allowance from the scholarship and told him to make sure that they still have money to spend here in their house. Hector told Yael that he needed that money for his studies and he's just fine eating inexpensive meals. Yael felt bad for their situation as his lolo is the one who's suffering after Milano died a year ago. Ursula is now very mad as she went home as Macy won again but Troy told her that its not yet the end of the game as Macy still works in the company so they can still destroy her. Ursula told Troy that she only have small amount of patience left in her body for that woman and she'll make sure that next time, she'll go berserk and kill that woman. Berta heard what Ursula said and that made her feel the creeps as her boss is casually throwing a grave threat to somebody. Troy opened a bottle of wine and told Ursula to stop thinking about Macy and instead, they should drink their problems away. Meanwhile, Mia is cooking her dinner when Wilma and Syl surprised her with a visit and they asked her why she suddenly left the Perez residence so Mia told them that Ursula and Melda don't like her to be there as they felt that she's luring Tupe to love her and she's the one who's getting the blame. Syl told Wilma that maybe that's the reason why Tonet kept on sleeping with them at the condo as she didn't like the chaos inside the mansion and Wilma said yes to that. Syl told them that he already worked now as an accounting staff in a private company and they issued him a laptop. Mia congratulated him for his new achievement but her mind suddenly diverted as she saw the USB port as she remembered the mysterious flashdrive that she found in Mang Dario's room so she asked Syl if she can open the flashdrive that she found at the Perez mansion's garage so when Syl plugged it at the PC, he found an MP4 file that says "evidence.mp4" so Wilma got perplexed and she asked Mia what's the meaning of that. Mia have no clue what's the content of the flashdrive so when they opened the file, they saw Mang Dario talking to the camera. Dario spoke up the truth about Bart's death as he felt that his conscience can't handle the truth about it anymore. Mia, Wilma and Syl are all tuned in to the exposé that Dario is about to do so when Dario spoke up about the death of Bart, he exposed that the rifle that was shot by Macy in Bart wasn't the very reason why he died like what the autopsy was telling to everyone as Bart is still alive when they sent him to the hospital and the bullet was removed 2 hours after the incident happened. Dario exposed that he also managed to talk to Bart after the removal of the bullet and he's actually fine but an hour after he talked to Bart, he went to the cafeteria to eat some snacks but all of a sudden, the nurses rushed to his room and declared him dead as the real reason why he died was  brain failure due to embolism. As Bart was asleep, someone pumped air to his bloodstream and that affected the flow of his blood and killed him in an instant. Dario closed the video with a statement that if he's already dead the moment they watched his video, he's very sure that someone killed him and he didn't suffer any heart attack as he's a perfectly fine person and he has no maintenance taken. Mia felt that what she watched was the thing that she ultimately needs so Wilma told her that Macy is really innocent and they needed to contest that to the court. Mia told them that she already knew that the rifle shot wasn't fatal for Bart to die instantly but her new mission now is to find who really wants to kill Bart. Syl asked Mia if that'll give another reason again to go back to the mansion and Mia said that she badly wanted to but Melda is there and she's a huge hindrance for her to investigate at the mansion. Wilma told Mia that everyone in the mansion can be the suspect on killing Bart. Meanwhile, Ray sent Macy home and told her that he love her so much so they exchanged kisses but Ursula was just at the terrace watching them, feeling envious so when Macy entered the mansion, she was surprised as Ursula welcomed her with a gun pointed on the former's face.

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