38 - Drunk In Love

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EPISODE 149 - Ursula's Property
Nov 24 2023

Lala went home to their house and she noticed that Bill is alone so she asked him if Tupe didn't go home yet but Bill told her that he already found a regular job and his boss told him to stay in the working place. Lala have no idea that Tupe already got a new job so she asked him where does he work now but Bill lied and told him that he's working in Manila as a hotel crew and he needs to be there 24/7 so Lala smiled and told his uncle that finally, her dream wedding with Tupe will about to happen in the near future. Bill felt guilty that he needs to hide the truth from Lala as he don't want Tupe's plans to be jeopardized. Meanwhile, Macy served now the lechon belly and Arthur also arrived together with Ursula so she told them to sit down as she prepared dinner for them. As they're eating the food, Arthur loves the taste of the Lechon so he asked who cooked this and Macy raised her hand so Arthur told her that she's now very ready to be a wife. Troy is also at the dining table and he was curious about the wedding date of Arthur and Macy as it seems like its the perfect time for them to get married. Arthur told Troy that he's very glad that he asked that question as he wanted the wedding to be held on Valentine's Day so that the celebration would be fitting to the love month. Macy felt nervous as she's not yet ready to be married to Arthur but she still told them that she's excited for what the future brings. Ursula didn't like the idea of Macy getting married to another Perez so after the dinner, she went to the garden to have some drink. Melda approached her and asked if she's just fine but Ursula faced her and asked for her help as she don't want Macy to be married to Arthur but her mind is still blank on what she need to do to make that happen. Melda told Ursula to leave that matter to her as she's willing to do everything so that Macy and Arthur's wedding won't happen. The next day, Syl is now released from prison after Mia paid the bail money and Wilma and Tonet welcomed him to the outside world again. Syl told them that Yael is the one who always visit him in jail so he told Tonet that she need to treasure that man as he's a very kind person. Mia is cherishing the moment between Syl and his family but she was surprised as Ursula arrived and told Syl that finally, he's released from jail. Syl told Ursula that God really helped them on surviving this adversity. Ursula told them that the condo that she gave them is still open and they can still live there if they wanted to but Mia told them that Wilma and her family already decided to live in her house. Ursula sarcastically praised Mia as she already have her own house to boast so she told her that Ray really gave her his all before he died so she asked him how many nights did she spend with him to get all of his property. Tonet stood against her mother and told her that Mia is not a whore and she didn't use her body to gain the trust of her father. Ursula told Tonet that she risked her life just for her to be saved from those kidnappers so she had no right to disrespect her but Mia defended Tonet and she told Ursula that the only way for her to be respected is to respect other people. Ursula laughed and told them to calm down as she's here to tell them that Macy is now about to be married to Arthur and she invites them on that event. Mia wasn't surprised when she heard that Macy and Arthur would be married anytime but she felt worried as Ursula might do something bad towards her sister so she told Ursula that even if Macy doesn't like her, she would be present for that celebration. Ursula hugged Mia and told Syl that he needs to be careful next time when it comes to dealing with strangers as he have no idea about the quantity of scammers that surrounds them on a daily basis. Tonet told Ursula that she would live with Wilma and Syl in Mia's house so Ursula told her that she have no problem with that as long as she's under Wilma's care, she's confident that she's in good hands. Ursula left but Mia is still hung up with questions in her mind about the Macy and Arthur wedding so she told them that they need to go back home now. Meanwhile, Bill is now finding a decent job as he's now getting broke so he saw a sign that says "Wanted: Gardener" so he pressed the doorbell and he was surprised as a rich madam welcomed him and asked him what can she do to a gorgeous man like him. Bill told her that he needs a job and he wants to apply as a gardener so the lady told her that he's already hired so Bill was pleased that finally, he got a decent job. The lady introduced herself as Mrs. Valencia and told him that she's a widow and she's living all alone with her son as her husband died few weeks ago. Bill sent his condolences to her but Mila told her that she already moved on as her husband is already very old but she's worried about her son who's now facing a serious kind of depression. Bill told Mila that he'll pray for the recovery of her son so he asked her if he can start  his job now. Mila told Bill that there are lots of things needed to be cleaned at the bodega as they've been in Australia for like 2 months so the stuffs there must be very congested. Meanwhile, Syl and his family finally arrived at Mia's mansion and Mia told them that she already cleaned the guest rooms so that they can have some decent rest for tonight. Syl got emotional as he hugged Mia and told her that he felt very ashamed for what he did to the property that was given to them by Ray but he's still thankful that someone like her exists in this world. Mia told Syl that all's well so they advice them to take care of themselves and before they trust anybody, they should consult her first or else, scammers would take advantage of their ignorance. Macy is now in her office table as she's doing job but her mind is still wrapped on the upcoming wedding so she sipped down some tea and sighed loudly. Alma, a newly hired employee gave Macy a chocolate bar and told her to cheer up so Macy smiled. During coffee break, Macy is alone at the pantry and Alma introduced herself to her. Macy felt that Alma is something that she can trust with so she accepted her hands and they shook it together. Alma told Macy that she's really gorgeous in person but she felt that she's sad in her life so she asked her what happened. Macy told Alma that she's tired of trusting people as she felt that most of them tries to take advantage of her vulnerability and uses it against her. As Alma and Macy were talking, Vivian and Bren talked about them and she asked him if he sent that Alma to spy Macy's move so Bren told her that he have no interest with Macy anymore as his heart is now revolving around a very special woman. Vivian was surprised by what Bren said so she asked him if he already moved on from his heartache with Troy and he said yes and he already found the new person that'll make his life better. Vivian hugged Bren and told him that finally, a new man will make sure that he's very happy. Bren told Vivian that the new person that she deemed as his lover is not a man but a girl so Vivian can't believe that the queer Bren that she used to know is now a man so she asked him if he has fever or something as it seems like he's not in his element. Bren told Vivian that the moment he saw that girl, his world stopped and his goal right now is to make sure that his life would revolve around her as she made him a better man. Vivian slapped Bren and Bren was surprised by what the former did so he asked her what's wrong with her. Vivian told him that she can't believe that he's now in love with a girl. Meanwhile, Mrs. Valencia told Bill that for the first 6 months in his work here in her mansion, he'll be a probationary employee but after that, if she liked his performance, he would become a regular employee. Mrs. Valencia saw his son going downstairs so she asked him if he's ok now but the boy didn't answer so Bill told her that he'll talk to him. Bill have no idea that Mrs. Valencia's son is no other than Xavier and Xav is still hurt now after he and Tonet broke up. Xav is at the garden and Bill approached him so the latter asked what's wrong. Xav saw Bill and he was surprised as Bill has a huge resemblance with Bart Perez, the uncle of Tonet. Xav stared at Bill's face and he told him that he really looked very familiar to him but Xav chose to be silent.

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