48 - Setup

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EPISODE 189 - Pretender
Jan 10 2024

Mauro was surprised by what Mia as the latter told him that she don't want to return to her former place so he told her that he would make sure that she would be heavily protected here as he don't want anyone to hurt her. Meanwhile, Tonet is now back in school after the Christmas and New Year Break and Zevy approached her and asked her if she's now feeling better after what happened to her family few weeks ago so Tonet told her that she's still in shambles now as her Ate Mia is still missing and there's no lead yet regarding her whereabout. Zevy held Tonet's hand and told her that she wouldn't allow her to experience heartaches again as she'll be here as her friend. Tonet felt grateful that Zevy is by her side during the times that she's in her worst situation but little did Tonet knew that Zevy is cooking something that'll ruin Tonet's life. Tonet went to the CR as she's putting lipstick on her face when all of a sudden, Zevy locked the CR and she made sure that no one will help Tonet so she placed the "No Entry" sign in front of the door so that no one can ever find her. Tonet is now all glammed up and she's ready to attend her classes when all of a sudden, she noticed that the CR was locked so she screamed her lungs out to ask for help. Tonet did her best to get the attention of everyone but no one seems to hear her. Zevy went to Yael's class and as the latter's class was finished, she asked him if he can join her for a lunch later and she will treat him so Yael didn't hesitate to go with Zevy and they went to the nearest canteen to eat something. Tonet tried to call the attention of Yael to save her from being locked inside the CR but there's no signal  inside. Meanwhile, Arthur and Macy passed by in the hospital chapel to pray for the safety of Mia and as Macy is praying, she can't help but to be emotional as the police still have no lead on what happened to her sister. Ursula is now at the police station as she came with Gino as the latter gave his statement regarding what happened on the night that Mia was captured. Gino told the police that the kidnapper introduced himself as Panfilo Enriquez and he works for someone that's why he abducted Mia as a form of revenge. A group of police arrived and told the chief that they found a dead body in Montevista as the residents there reported a car explosion that happened nearby the cliff and the body that was recovered is now in the morgue. Gino asked the police if he and Ursula can see the body that they found in Montevista. Ursula felt nervous even if she already knew that the body that was burned was Pilo. The two arrived at the morgue and when Gino opened the body bag, he was shocked as the body was extremely burned and when he checked the body of the criminal, he told the police that the burnt body that they found in Montevista is no other than Pilo Enriquez. Ursula can't help but to be emotional as she saw the dead body of Pilo so when Gino went out, she stayed as she told Pilo that she have no choice but to do the crime that'll put him in silence as she doesn't want anyone to jeopardize her plans and grab the crown away from her. Meanwhile, Mia is at the backyard as she checked the plants and when Mauro and Quentin arrived, she asked the two where they've been and Mauro told her that he bought something for her. Mia was very happy to open the plastic bag that Mauro gave her and she was surprised as he bought a duster and some dress for her so she hugged him and thanked him for his kindness. Mauro told Mia that all he wanted for her is to be comfortable in his little abode so he brought some food for her to eat. Meanwhile, Gino and Ursula are now back in the car after they personally saw the dead body of Pilo and Gino noticed that Ursula looks very stressed and awkward so he asked her what's going on inside her head right now. Ursula told Gino that she's just worried about Mia as she's been gone for almost a week now and there's still no traces of her. Gino badly wanted to blame his aunt for everything that happened to Mia but he kept on thinking that if he kill Ursula in the car, his chances of getting the revenge that he wanted would be vanished in thin air. Ursula noticed that Gino blankly stared at her so she asked him if he's ok so Gino brushed himself off and told Ursula that he's fine and he's just thinking of any ways on how to find Mia again. Ursula told Gino to drive now as she wanted to go back to the mansion. Meanwhile, Tonet is now screaming for help as she's still locked inside the CR and she heard a series of footsteps at the back portion of the CR so Tonet stopped everything that she's doing and she observed what's happening at the back. Tonet's heartbeat is now racing as she fear tha someone might be inside the CR and will take advantage of her so as she faced the right direction, she was extremely surprised as she saw Xavier there. Tonet screamed loudly as she saw Xav's ghost and she asked him to spare her from any of his anger and when she turned around on the left direction, she saw Mrs. V's ghost so she screamed back again and Tonet panicked in extreme dilemma. Zevy and Yael were enjoying their lunch time at the canteen and Yael asked Zevy why Tonet went home early so Zevy told him that she's not feeling well and she wanted to catch some sleep. Yael told Zevy that he can feel that Tonet is just around and she needs his help so Zevy laughed and asked Yael why he's acting like that so Yael stood up and went to the CR as he can feel that something strange is happening to Tonet. Mrs. V dragged Tonet by her hair while Xavier is laughing at the side and the old lady told Tonet that she and her mother will never experience a peaceful life as they killed a lot of people. Tonet begged for them to stop it but Xav approached her and told her that he will never let her have the peace that she badly as he will forever haunt her in her dreams. Yael called Tonet but no one answers her phone and as he's walking along the hallway, he heard a very loud scream coming from the CR so he rushed to the direction where the sound is coming from and when he noticed that the sound came from a locked CR, he recognized the scream to be coming from Tonet's mouth so he ran to the guard house to ask them if they can open the locked CR as Tonet was trapped inside. Meanwhile, Ursula and Gino are now home and they noticed that Arthur and Macy were watching TV so Gino went straight to his room while Arthur noticed that Ursula looked pale so he asked her what happened. Ursula told  Arthur that all this time, Mia's kidnapper turns out to be her worse enemy and his name is Pilo, the man who stalked her in P'Dairy and the man who shot them in Tonet's Birthday Party. Arthur was shocked to know about what Ursula said so he asked her how did she identify that Pilo is the assassin who almost killed her and Macy based on the burnt corpse. Ursula told Arthur that the police already have a pile of records of Pilo's criminal history so it's not difficult anymore to trace the identity of the man even if his body was burnt by a car fire. Macy stood up and asked Ursula why all of this mess is happening to them so the latter told her that the Perez family has a lot of enemies and its not a surprise if they knew that Pilo Enriquez was paid by one of their secret enemies, maybe the same person behind the kidnapping incident that happened to Tonet few months ago that almost killed her. Arthur  gulped after Ursula mentioned the kidnapping incident so he told Ursula that she's right and their main goal now is to find the criminal that kidnapped Mia and to search for Tupe too who's been missing for months now. After the conversation between the three, Ursula went to her bedroom as she opened a bottle of wine and celebrated the death of a pest in her life so she laughed out loud and told herself that all she need to do now is to find Mia and make sure that her life would be ended or else, everything that she worked hard for will be gone in a snap. Gino heard the loud laughter coming from Ursula's room and he told himself that he'll make sure that he'll be the one who can find Mia first as he won't allow the enemies to succeed in this round. The guards rushed to the CR to open it as Tonet was locked inside it and when the guards opened it, he and Yael were shocked to see that Tonet is now unconscious so Yael carried her to the nurse's clinic while Zevy smirked as she successfully trapped her bestfriend inside the CR and she told herself that it's just the beginning of her wrath as she will make sure that Tonet will face bigger consequences in the feature.

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