18 - Through The Fire

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EPISODE 69 - Yael's Problems
Aug 23 2023

Hector told Melda that after the dinner, he suddenly felt weak and his heart beats faster so she asked him if she needed to be rushed to the hospital. Ursula saw the two oldies looking so worried so she asked them what"s wrong and Hector suddenly passed out so Ursula asked Tupe and Troy to help them on carrying the old man to her car as they needed to rush him to the hospital. Macy saw the commotion at the kitchen while she's sipping some wine and she just rolled her eyes as she don't wanna interfere with their stuff. Tonet and Bia has now arrived at the hospital and when they went to the room where Yael was confined and when they entered the place, the former saw Xav and Yael talking to each other and she asked Yael if he's now ok. Xav told Tonet that the doctor told them that Yael has a UTI and he needed to be medicated before it results to serious kidney failure. Tonet felt so emotional so she hugged Yael and told him that she can't afford to lose a friend. Xav respected the friendship of the two so he went out of the room. Bia followed Xav outside and he asked him if he felt envious about Yael and Tonet's closeness to each other and Xav told her that he doesn't need to be jealous as he knew that Tonet loves him so much and Yael is just a friend to her. Bia pat Xav's back and told him that the world needs more man like him as most of the guys nowadays are very envious and even sabotages their own relationship because of their stupid little tantrums. Xav told Bia that he believe that being a classy man still pays off at the end. Meanwhile, Mia is now at her house and she's still thinking about the flashdrive as she wanna reveal to everyone the content of it but her heart is now filled with doubts as the moment she fight against the Perezes, it will cost her a huge amount of courage and money to pull it all off so she think that she needed more time to prepare for rhe war. Meanwhile, Ursula, Melda, Troy and Tupe rushed Hector to the hospital and when the doctor checked him, he told them that he needed to undergo on a bypass operation as his heart is now suffering from a heart attack. Ursula got very nervous about the old man's condition as she don't know what to do once something bad happens to him. Melda hugged Ursula and told her that he will be fine as she knew that he's a fighter. Yael is now stressed as he fear that his studies will be at risk once his illness will start to take the best of him but Tonet told him that she will help him on the expenses of his medicine so that he won't be stressed on the financial aspect. Yael hugged Tonet and thanked her for being a very kind friend to him and he felt that he don't know what to do with his life if she's not present by his side. Tonet told him that she will do everything to make the people around him feel safe and loved. Meanwhile, Tupe and Troy went to the vendo machine as they needed to buy coffee but when they arrived at the vendo, they saw Bia and Xavier so Tupe asked them what are they doing here. Bia told the boys that Tonet rushed here as Yael was also confined as he also passed out at the campus but Bia asked them why they're here so Troy explained that Hector passed out too and they found out that he suffered from a heart attack and he needed to undergo on a heart surgery so they went here. Xav felt bad for Yael as he'll surely be very worried once he found out what happened to his lolo but Tupe told Xav and Bia to keep their mouths shut about what happened to Hector as he don't want Yael to worry too as he's also facing a problem of his own now. Meanwhile, Mia is now very worried about Macy's condition as she felt that something bad was happening at the mansion so she went to the village and as she arrived outside the mansion, she saw Berta and asked her why there were no people inside the Perez residence so Berta told her that they're now at the hospital as one of their co workers got heart attack. Macy went out of the gate but she was surprised as Mia was there so she confronted and asked her what is she doing here. Mia told Macy that she already found a way for her to be proven innocent on the crime that she was involved in. Macy laughed and told Mia that she really think that she can redeem herself by saving her from the mess that she's in now well in fact, everything's irreversible at this point. Mia told Macy that she got the flashdrive that will debunk the allegations that Bart died from the rifle shot so Macy felt that what Mia was saying was a strong suit to prove her innocence. Macy asked Mia if what she's saying is true and the latter said yes as Mang Dario confessed on a video that he saved on the flashdrive that Bart survived the accidental shot and he was killed by an unknown man at the hospital and the reason why he died was from an embolism in his bloodstream. Macy can't believe what Mia said and she felt that she lived on a huge pile of lies so she told Mia that she wanna see the content of the flashdrive. Meanwhile, Ursula is now at the waiting area and when the doctor went out of the operating room, he told everyone that Hector is now safe from the dangers of his illness as the heart surgery was successfully done. Melda felt relieved and she hugged Ursula as finally, Hector was saved. Ursula felt that Melda was very happy so she asked her if she really liked Hector but Melda told her that he is just a friend and she don't wanna sound like she's desperate for a man. Ursula felt that Melda has a brewing love for Hector but she just let it pass as she knew that her old nanny will be happy in the long run with her new pursuit. Macy felt that Mia is now making sense but a strong rain suddenly poured and Mia told her that she'll find some time for them to talk about this but for now, she needed to go home as the rain is now about to pour so hard. Macy is now very eager to hear from Mia the truth as she wanna make sure that she'll end up being innocent from the crime that she didn't intentionally do. Mia is now very hopeful that the truth will bring them back together and she can't wait to live a normal life with Macy away from the Perezes. Mia is now riding a tricycle as she's now on her way home when she received a call from Tonet so she asked her what's the matter and Tonet told her that she needed her help as Yael is now at the hospital. Mia asked Tonet what happened to Yael and the latter said that he has a serious illness right now. Mia went to the hospital and she looked out for the names of the patient and when she saw a patient named "Hector De Jesus" she gasped as she felt that the man inside the room is her dad. Mia tried to open the room but Ursula suddenly appeared and asked Mia what is she doing here at the hospital.

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