36 - Breakup

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EPISODE 141 - Family Dinner
Nov 15 2023

The fight between Macy and Vivian was so intense that Arthur interrupted the fight and told them to stop this mess as they both looked unprofessional. Macy faced Arthur and slapped his face. Arthur was surprised by what Macy did but all the latter did was to walk out and he was very confused on what just happened. Vivian told Arthur that Macy got mad because she already knew that he paid her just to be kind to Macy and she was extremely frustrated by that. Macy went to the bathroom as she cried her heart out as she have no one to trust in the company now since most of the people there didn't treat her right. Meanwhile, Mia went to the condo that she rented for Pilo and she visited him so Pilo was surprised as he didn't expect that she'll come. Mia told Pilo that this is the time that she need to know the truth about Ursula's shenanigans and she wanted him to say everything in an unfiltered manner and he won't leave any detail untouched and no stones will be left unturned. Pilo told Mia to calm down as she already gained his trust so he told her that Ursula is a wicked woman as she's the reason why Bella died and she also tasked him to kill Tupe. Mia was shocked when she found out that Ursula planned to kill Tupe so she asked him what urged Ursula to kill Tupe. Pilo is now ready to say everything to Mia when all of a sudden, his phone rang and when he answered it, he heard the voice of his son and his wife in Romblon and they told him that they missed him so much. Pilo told them that he will go for Christmas there so they don't have to worry but Mina, Pilo's wife told him that there's a man who visited them in their house and they kept asking details about him but they can't provide any answer. Pilo asked his wife what's the outfit of the person who asked them about him and his wife told him that he wore a blue shirt and his name is Tony Balbuena. Pilo was terrified when he found out that Tony went to Romblon to ask about his presence and he knew that Tony was Ursula's powerful goon and this means that his family in Romblon is now in danger. Mia asked Pilo if he's ok but he told her that he's not ok as Ursula is now eyeing his family and once she became impatient, his wife and his child will die a horrible death. Mia told Pilo that she can protect him from those men but he told her that he have no time left to waste as he need to do his next move and that's to go back to Ursula's side and plan to kill her. Mia was shocked by Pilo's sudden change of plans so she asked him if he's not afraid to die once Ursula knew that he's now her enemy but Pilo told Mia that his family is now at risk so the fear of his own death won't bother him anymore as he wanted to prioritize the safety of his family first. Mia felt nervous with what Pilo wanted to do next and this also shifted her plans as Pilo is now about to kill Ursula, opposite to Mia's plan on making sure that Ursula will remain alive so that she'll suffer the consequences of her actions. Pilo prepared now his gun and he thanked Mia for everything but he needed to handle Ursula now before Ursula handled his family and he won't allow that to happen. Mia is now stressed by the sudden change in Pilo's plan and she told herself that Pilo is now becoming an obstacle to her plans and if necessary, she would remove that blockage out of her way so that she can do her own plans. Troy called Mia and told her that there will be a special dinner in their mansion later and Arthur wanted to see her too so that they can discuss the business partnership between her resto and P'Dairy on becoming the primary supplier of meat and dairy to her resto. Mia told Troy that she'll be there in their mansion and she won't be late. Melda and Berta are now very busy on cooking as Arthur told them to cook the best dinner as they have a very special guest for tonight. Macy went home and her eyes are still red so when Arthur tried to kiss her cheeks, she dodged and immediately went to her room as she's not in the mood. Hector noticed Macy having tantrums again so he asked Arthur why he hurt that little girl. Arthur told him that he just want her to have a shoulder to lean on after Bella died so he tasked Vivian to console her and be her friend but Macy found out that Vivian is just using her for money and there's no sincere connection between the two of them. Hector told Arthur to fix that issue immediately or else, that'll create a huge gap in their relationship. After school, Tonet told Zevy that she don't wanna go home early as she don't wanna see her selfish mom there so Zevy told there that they can have some drinks there. Xavier saw the two girls so he asked them if they'll go to the bar and Zevy said yes. Xav told Tonet that finally, they can have some good time inside the bar. Yael saw Tonet being with Zevy and Xav so he approached her and asked her where they'll be going. Zevy told Yael that Tonet will now have the time of her life as they'll drink inside the bar but Yael told Tonet that her Mama Wilma will be mad if she found out that she's now entering those sinful clubs. Tonet told Yael that she's all grown up now and she don't want anyone to dictate her actions so she told him to backoff as Xav and Zevy will bring her to the place where problems don't exist. Yael was left out as the 3 entered the bar so he went back home. Ursula is now about to go to her car when Bren saw her and he told her that Macy is now a loser as she filed an undertime form earlier so Ursula told her that he and Vivian did a good job on destroying that lady so she invited him for a dinner in their house as Arthur prepared good food for them. Bren didn't hesitate to accept Ursula's invitation and he went inside her car. Mia is now looking gorgeous as she wore the dress that she bought in the mall for the dinner so Lala told her that she looks like a celebrity as she's effortlessly glamorous. Mia told Lala that she's also very talented on putting makeup on her face so she told her that she'll have some bonus for her labor. Lala smiled and asked Mia if this is the night that she and Troy will be officially in a relationship but Mia stopped for awhile and told Lala that she need time to think about it. Troy arrived and he asked Mia if she's now ready as he'll give her a ride to their mansion so Mia told him that she's excited to leave now so Troy held Mia's hand and they left the house. Lala giggled and when she saw Wilma, she told her that she can now smell the fragrance of victory as its obvious now that she's the winner in their bet but Wilma told her to stop being overconfident as she knew that Mia is just riding the waves of Troy's feelings and she wouldn't allow herself to be drowned by that wave. Lala told her that she's still very optimistic that Troy and Mia will be the endgame. Ursula and Bren already arrived outside the mansion and as the two of them went down, Bren asked her what's the occasion but Ursula told him that she's very clueless about the true intention of Arrhur. Bren noticed that there's a car approaching so as the car came closer, he noticed that it was Troy's so he asked Ursula where did that man came from but she told him to stop asking questions. Troy went down from his car and he was surprised that Bren and Ursula were together so he asked his aunt why Bren is here. Ursula told Troy that she just want Bren to eat some luxurious food as he always eat crackers in the pantry. Troy told them that he invited a very important person so that they can discuss the future business plans as she's a very powerful businesswoman. Ursula got excited by Troy's introduction so she asked him who's that lady as she want to make her one of her amigas. Troy opened the door of the car and when the beautiful lady emerged from the vehicle, Ursula and Bren were shook as it was Mia who looks like a socialite now. Ursula asked Troy if he's kidding as that lady is not a businesswoman but Mia told her that she's the reason why the dinner in the mansion is now happening as she and Arthur will have a very important thing to talk about. Bren noticed that Troy is now getting very close to Mia and this ignited the flames of jealousy in his heart. Troy told them that they need to go inside the mansion now as the mosquitos are now biting them.

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