Chapter 3: Writing with Marcy

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Well, this story certainly is growing in popularity. I appreciate all the reviews, especially the longer ones. I hope my writing continues to live up to your expectations. Thank you to all who leave reviews! I will try to respond to as many of them as I can. I'm starting to get ideas for the future, so we'll see what ends up happening.

So one thing that I've decided. In order to make things a bit more interesting, since it seems I will have to make up a few students/teachers for this story (since we're spending so long in the human world and the source shows don't have fleshed-out characters for this) I'm going to name the students/teachers after real people that I knew growing up. (I doubt any of you reading would connect them to their real-world counterparts.) Whether they seem to be good or bad characters will depend on my experiences with them, so a little extra to watch out for...

The days and weeks continued to fly by as Luz adjusted to life at her new school. Her new reputation was actually a welcome one, and she enjoyed the occasional high-fives that kids would throw her way. In addition, she started getting used to her schedule and was thrilled that she shared some classes with Anne, Sasha, and Marcy. Currently, she was on her way to English class, which she shared with Marcy. They had previously had a test, and Luz was dreading the results. In an effort to distract herself, she got to talking with Marcy about Azura theories again as they walked together to their class and managed to find seats together.

"So, in conclusion, Luz," said Marcy as she finished her theory, "that's why I feel in book 6, it is inevitable that Hecate will betray Azura. Their alliance was only made out of an 'Enemy Mine' scenario against the Arch Mage, and that kind of alliance is fragile at best."

"I see where you're coming from," said Luz, "and it's true they were enemies in books 3 and 4, but hear me out on this. I think that not only will Hecate and Azura continue to be friends, I think they will progress to become lovers."

Marcy had to stop herself from laughing at this before continuing, "Lovers?! You think after everything that happened between them that they could become lovers?"

"Yes, I do," said Luz defensively. "Here's why: Firstly, while it's true that Azura challenged Hecate to a duel, she only did that to prove herself. Even though Azura lost, she was actually very gracious about it, and Hecate even told her after the duel that she felt Azura put up a good fight and was tougher than she thought. Hecate straight-up told her that she respected her. Secondly, during their fight against the Arch Mage, Azura got injured and Hecate seemed really worried about her, she stayed by her bedside until she woke up. Finally, there have been subtle hints throughout the books that maybe the reason Hecate has disliked Azura is because she's not sure of her own feelings regarding love. She was also raised in a very controlling family, and they were cold and distant to her, so she never really knew what love was, and that's why she has trouble expressing it."

"Hmmm, that's a lot to consider," pondered Marcy, "but they're both still on the quest to get the Sapphire Staff, and only one of them can claim it. Don't you think they'll have to fight again in order to determine who gets the staff?"

"Maybe that will be the big twist at the end of the book. Instead of fighting, they'll decide it isn't worth the friendship they've built, and then Hecate will confess her feelings to Azura," answered Luz.

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