Chapter 34: The Second Temple

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Okay, so big announcement with this chapter.

I have character images for the amphibian counterparts! You can find them on my DeviantArt page. They were drawn by the lovely and talented Cartoonkatzenjammer, the same one who made that animatic for me! Please check out her YouTube Channel and show her some love! I appreciate you doing this for me, and I really enjoy your art style! I think you captured what they looked like perfectly! Thank you again for bringing life to these characters!

In fact, I wanted to ask the TV Tropes people if we could get a link to the animatic that Cartoonkatzenjammer made on the TV Tropes page for this fic. If so, that would be great. If possible I'd also like to get the images for the amphibian counterparts on the Characters page as well. I'd really appreciate it!

Aside from that, two other things I wanted to mention.

#1. A lot of you pointed out how the timeline for Sheresade meeting Phillip is wrong (they existed at different times), and yeah, you are right. So I think I will do my first official "handwave" as an author and just say that "for the sake of this story, the two met and existed around the same time." If, in the future, I find a better way to justify this, then I will, but yeah, that's what I'm going with for now.

#2. I honestly expected to get a lot of hate lobbed at me for that little tirade I did against Dipper in the last chapter (I almost didn't put it in because I was scared of that), and yet I didn't, so I guess you guys are a lot more understanding than I thought, so thanks for that!

Anyway, on with the show!

The Amphibian Arctic was a wild and beautiful place. Snow covered the mountains and plains as far as the eye could see. As Joe Sparrow glided over this wintery scene, the Plantars, and the girls looked out over the area in awe and wonder.

"Hey, look! Woolly Mantises," said Sprig.

Joe Sparrow touched down, ready to let his passengers off. Unfortunately, he landed on a patch of ice and immediately began sliding around before crashing into a snowbank.

As the group dug themselves out of the snow, Marcy explained where they were.

"Welcome to the Amphibian Arctic, everyone!" she said, popping out of the snow. "I triangulated the tacking beam from the green stone, and..." She pulled the stone out of her pencil bag to show the group where it was pointing. Though unfortunately, Hop Pop was standing in the way.

"Hop Pop, move!" commanded Marcy.

"Oh, sorry," he said, getting down on the floor and out of the way.

"The second temple must be right through there," said Anne, pointing to where the beam was shining. The group followed the beam to an archway that had a blue stone in it. As Marcy shone the beam on that blue stone, writing appeared on the archway, which she read.

"Just beyond these snowy gates, a grueling, perilous temple awaits."

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