Chapter 33: Maddie, Marcy, and Luz

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So, I'd like to give a few shout-outs to some people who made fan art for this fic. You can find all these images on DeviantArt; I have them favorited on my page in a collection if you want to find them easier.

Firstly, to R-Doll, he drew two images. One of Luz in the St. James uniform and another with her in the BFF picture. Thank you so much!

Next to a user named Szart98pl, he drew an image of Marcy comforting Luz.

Finally, to a user named PeterVanHelsing (though I think the actual person who made it is named Crosshot, not sure) Who made an image of a Luz figurine from the Newtopian News.

To all of you who made this fan art, a HUGE thank you. If you are on DeviantArt and make something, then please feel free to let me know. As I've said before, I can't draw, so I always like seeing things other people draw. And feel free to tag it with "theowlandthefrog" so I can find it easily. Two more things.

#1. I have put the one-shots on Archive of Our Own now. Like the main story, that version will be updated at the same time as the version.

#2. I have a poll up on my DeviantArt page. Nothing major, just vote on who you think Emperor Belos is. Just curious to hear what you think.

One final note, if you want to get a sense of what happened between Uodeela and Maddie before reading this chapter you should check out the one-shot "Meeting Maddie." You don't need to read it before reading this chapter, but it can provide some additional context.

Aside from that, here we go!

1000 Years Ago

The Demon Realm

"You despicable newt!" yelled Phillip Wittebane as he struggled to remove himself from the ice he was currently trapped in. Sheresade had summoned some ice that had trapped his arms and the lower half of his body. "Let me out!"

"Why should I?" growled Sheresade, coming up close to the human, blood dripping from her left arm, which was now a stump. "First, you tricked me into helping you find some rare book, then you tried stealing my notes in my journal, and when that didn't work, you cut off my hand!"

"How could you be so selfish, Sheresade?" said Phillip, trying to pivot and turn on the charm. "I thought we were partners—partners who shared research notes."

"Please don't try charming me now. I know what you're really like," growled Sheresade. "I can see your pathetic attempts to try to flatter me to get what you want. By the way, I was never fooled. I only played along because you had something I wanted."

Sheresade advanced forward and picked up Phillip's journal where it had fallen to the ground. She flipped through it, looking for a certain page.

"Ah, the notes you have on glyph magic. Very interesting. I must say, it's actually commendable that you, as a human, managed to discover some way to cast magic here. But you need to draw out the glyphs to use them, and well, that's going to be hard for you to do with your arms trapped, isn't it?"

Phillip only growled in response to that.

"It's curious because, you see, I've theorized that my world has a similar background field to the one that exists here. This makes me wonder if perhaps it's possible that glyphs exist in my world too," remarked Sheresade. "This will require some more research to be sure, but hey, I'm smart enough that I'm sure I can figure it out."

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