Chapter 32: Frobo and the Toads

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So, at the beginning of this chapter, I was going to give some more shout-outs to some people who had made some fan art for this fic. I've decided to do that next chapter, I promise.

Instead, given current events (at the time of this chapter's upload), I wanted to give another shout-out to DfuryArt on DeviantArt. He lives in Ukraine and has been posting updates on his page about what is happening there right now. If you want a first-hand view of what is happening in Ukraine, then please go check out his page. One of his posts has a website where you can go to help the people of Ukraine, so please visit that website and help if you can!!!

It's such a weird feeling that even though I've never met you, when I heard about the invasion, I felt a deep pit form in me thinking that you would be in danger. Thank you for posting about the war on your page, and please continue to keep us informed so that we know you are okay! I will go to that website and see how I can help... Wish I could do more.

If you are reading this far in the future and have no idea what I'm talking about, well, this can be an interesting history lesson. Look up "Ukrainian Invasion 2022" and educate yourself about humanity's past.

For if we fail to learn from history... we are doomed to repeat it...

"Sir, are you certain about the decision to reduce stall rents by 10%?" asked Toadie to the Mayor as he prepared himself for bed.

"I thought we was done talking about the major business of today," replied Mayor Toadstool. "Besides, it's nearly time for bed. I need my 12 hours of beauty sleep, Toadie."

"It's just, well, the whole reason we raised rents in the first place was for... well, embezzlement," said Toadie, "and then you ended up using that money to fix the potholes on 6th Street."

"Yeah, well..." the Mayor trailed off as he thought for a long time. "It's just that ever since I saved some lives back at Toad Tower, I've been feeling something. I can't quite describe it, Toadie, but I feel like I genuinely want to help the people of Wartwood, and well... A reduction in stall rent would help them all a lot."

"Certainly, sir," said Toadie. "It's just, you know, the toads put you in charge to keep the frogs in line. I doubt Grime would appreciate you going easy on them."

"Toadie, did you miss the part where Grime is gone? Toad Tower is destroyed, and there is no way Grime is coming after me for anything," said the Mayor with confidence.

"True, sir. It's just that I would hate to see anything bad happen to you. If something happened to you, I don't think I could go on!" said Toadie, dramatically throwing himself to the floor.

"Now stop that, Toadie. Everything will be alright!" said the Mayor. "Besides, it's time for bed."

"Of course, sir. Do you need me to tuck you in?" asked Toadie.

"No, I can handle that, but what I do need is my cuddly, squishy spider," said the mayor, his eyes going wide as he said that.

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