Chapter 19: What's Anne Been Up To?

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So this chapter won't be that long. It's another series of short vignettes that take place at various points throughout the first season. For the record, you can basically assume that Season One of Amphibia (from Anne's perspective) was mostly the same as in canon. This chapter will expand on a few moments from season one to show some small changes that happened. The last vignette is entirely original and isn't tied to an episode.

There will, however, be a big change in the next chapter, which takes place during "Wally and Anne". I hope all of you are ready for the end of Arc 2...

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"It's not all that," said Anne. "I miss my home, my stuff, and especially my friends." As Anne said this, she took the picture she had taped to the wall and handed it to Sprig.

"Without them, I just feel kind of lost," continued Anne.

"So these are your friends," said Sprig. "Why don't you tell me about them?"

"Well, the one with the blonde hair is Sasha," said Anne. "I've known her since kindergarten. She's always getting me to try new things and go on adventures with me. The one next to her is Marcy. She's kind of a klutz, but she loves video games and board games. She's the smartest person I know."

"Oh, who's this one?" asked Sprig, pointing to the girl on Anne's left.

Anne realized he was talking about Luz, and a deep pit formed in her stomach as she thought about what to say.

"That's Luz," said Anne, somewhat slowly. "I only met her a few months ago. She was a new girl who came to my school, and it turns out we both liked a lot of the same things. But I haven't known her as long as I've known Sasha and Marcy."

"Still, she seems pretty cool," said Sprig.

"Eh, are you sure about that?" asked Anne. "Thing is, Luz and I have been kind of growing apart. I think maybe it would be best if we stopped hanging out."

"Oh, is there any particular reason for that?" asked Sprig.

"It's just, have you ever had a friend that you thought you knew really well, but then you learned something about them that made you question their motives?" asked Anne. "That's kind of how I feel about Luz right now."

"What was it you learned about her that made you want to stop hanging out with her?" asked Sprig.

"Eh, I'd rather not talk about it," said Anne.

"I understand," said Sprig. "In any case, I was thinking, why don't I be your friend in the meantime?"

"You?!" said Anne in surprise.

"Me," said Sprig, pointing to himself.

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