Chapter 10: Birthday Box (End of Arc 1)

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So the first Arc is almost over. It's been an interesting ride to get to this point. This story got a lot more popular than I ever would have thought, and more popular than anything I've ever written before. That said, if you like this story and are also a fan of Kingdom Hearts, I encourage you to take a look at the Kingdom Hearts stories I wrote or, I guess, any of my other works on this site. I would love to hear what you thought of them as well.

Stay tuned at the end of this chapter, as I'll be talking a bit about the future of this fic.

And now, the end of the first Arc...

When Marcy arrived at school on Monday, she sensed that something was off. She didn't see Anne, Luz, or Sasha before school, and when she saw Anne in a class later, she looked dispirited and downtrodden. She saw Luz in another class and noticed how she also looked sad. The biggest surprise came at lunch, though, when she went to sit down and saw Sasha and Anne sitting together but not Luz.

"Hey, where's Luz?" she asked.

Sasha turned to Marcy and pointed to a table where Luz was sitting alone.

"Why is she sitting alone instead of with us?" asked Marcy.

"Oh, that's right, Mar-Mar, you had to leave the dance early, so you weren't there," replied Sasha slyly. "Anne, do you want to tell her, or should I?"

"I don't really want to talk about it," said Anne morosely.

"Luz kissed Anne," said Sasha quickly.

"What?!" said Marcy in surprise.

"Yep, Luz asked her to dance, and then, while they were dancing, she decided to force herself onto Anne for the whole school to see. Oh, but don't worry, Ms. Bryant put a stop to it, but poor Anne was nearly traumatized by the whole thing," said Sasha.

"Traumatized is maybe a little strong. But in any case, I said I don't want to talk about it right now," said Anne.

"What about Luz, though?" asked Marcy. "Is she okay?"

"Who cares what she feels?" said Anne bitterly. This caught the attention of both Marcy and Sasha, who looked at Anne with concern.

"Well, why don't you go ask her yourself, Marcy?" said Sasha. "Anne and I will be having a gossip-free lunch."

Marcy decided to take Sasha up on her offer and went over to the table where Luz was sitting. Luz wasn't eating and was just looking at her food, and she didn't even notice as Marcy came over and placed herself at the table until Marcy said hi.

"Oh, hey, Marcy. Did you talk to Anne already?" asked Luz, not really caring.

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