Chapter 47: Anne-sterminatior

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Okay, so this is it! At the time that I upload this chapter, this will be the last chapter I ever post while either Owl House or Amphibia was airing. Looking back I wish I had acknowledged that in the chapter when Amphibia ended, but oh well. I left my thoughts on the Amphibia finale when it aired, so at least there's that. As I said for that show's finale I am of course a little sad this show is ending, but I'm glad I got to see it, and I'm glad for what it helped inspire me to write. I may have said this before but It's still a bit surreal to me as to how popular my fic got, I can honestly say it's helped give me more confidence and helped me to enjoy writing again. For that, I will always be grateful to these shows!

I'm sure we're all looking forward to the finale and I hope it is amazing! In case you're wondering I will leave my thoughts on it eventually on Deviantart. If you're not following me on there you should as I sometimes release previews of chapters and thoughts on episodes, plus I have a list of images from the fic saved to my favorites if you want to check those out! I actually am going to commission a scene from this chapter at some point, so be on the lookout for that!

The other reason you should follow me on DA is because I post original writings there too, right now it's poems and sonnets, but I do have something else I'd like to eventually post there. A long time ago I started work on an original novel, I wrote about eight chapters and then just kind of stopped (long story, for another time) But now that I have a following, I really want to finish it at some point. If I can get 100 watchers on DA I will release the first chapter of that novel. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it especially if you enjoy my fanfiction. So please watch me on DA and tell your friends to watch me too. Help get me to 100 watchers so I can share an original work with you!

Thank you to all who read and enjoy my work! I hope I continue to impress you...

"And inhale slowly," began Luz. Anne took in a large breath of air.

"Now exhale," said Luz. Anne slowly let the air out.

The two were in the Boonchuys backyard, they had woken up early in order to practice without being disturbed. The sun was just barely coming up into the sky, Luz was playing some relaxing music on her phone to try and help Anne focus. Anne stood barefoot in the grass with her eyes closed as she listened to Luz guide her into activating her powers.

"Uodeela told me you have to feel the magic flowing through you, it flows everywhere in Amphibia," said Luz, "once I activated my powers I used the same exercise to help me unlock my powers when I needed them. I know we aren't in Amphibia right now, but I think helping you to concentrate and center yourself can still help you."

Anne continued to breathe.

"Let yourself feel the wind in your face, listen to the sounds of nature around you, feel the ground beneath your feet," said Luz.

Anne breathed some more listening to the birds chirping around her, the feeling of the sun on her face, she felt the morning dew from the grass against her bare feet. She kept breathing slowly and finally, something in her clicked and she opened her eyes, when she did they were glowing blue like they had the previous times she had unlocked her powers! Anne leaped into the air and landed with a loud slam on the ground. She quickly closed her eyes and deactivated her powers after that, Luz came over to her.

"Whoa, I forget how intense that feels," said Anne standing back up.

"You alright?" asked Luz, putting her hands on Anne to help her to her feet.

"Yeah," said Anne, she felt Luz holding onto her, "but I don't mind if you keep holding onto me."

Luz blushed and pulled Anne closer into a hug from behind, resting her face on Anne's shoulder, Anne smiled in response, she looked down at Luz's hands.

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