Chapter 1: New School, New Friends

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So welcome to the first chapter of what I hope is a remarkably interesting story, as I try to combine the plots of both "The Owl House" and "Amphibia". Firstly, this first Arc of the story takes place roughly a year before the events of Amphibia. This idea was replaying a lot in my brain, and I just felt I had to get it out there. As this first Arc is completely original, I hope there's enough material to work with in terms of the interactions between Anne, Luz, Sasha, and Marcy. With all that said, I hope you enjoy!

A girl all alone sits without friends

Must make an attempt, must make amends

She will try a new school, a new change of scene

Will it help her to focus? Help her be keen?

Are you ready for answers? Ready for fun?

Adventure abounds here in Arc One...

ARC 1: In The Human World

Luz slowly woke up, her hand fumbling by her bedside to try to turn off the alarm on her phone. She hadn't gotten enough sleep last night on account of being nervous about her first day at a new school. Still, she eventually got out of bed and headed over to her closet to get dressed. It was at that moment that she remembered one of the reasons she was not too thrilled about this first day. As she looked in her closet, there were new clothes in it that she never would have worn by choice but had to wear now, as they were a part of her new school uniform. Luz couldn't remember the last time she had willingly worn a skirt. Even at a young age, she had not found them comfortable and, when given the choice, would always prefer shorts over a skirt. Her mother had made her wear one occasionally for photos or formal events but had mostly respected Luz's decision and not forced her to wear traditional women's clothes. Now that decision was no longer hers, and part of the new school's dress code required girls to wear skirts, not pants or shorts. The skirt wasn't even a color she liked; it was a faded mauve or pink, and Luz preferred darker colors. The shirt wasn't too bad, though it too was rather plain. It was grey with a collar and it also bore the crest of the new school she would be attending: St. James Middle School.

Sighing, Luz managed to get herself dressed and looked at herself in the mirror. It was a strange sight that she was looking at. It felt wrong to be wearing this new uniform. This plain gray shirt and the faded-looking skirt. There were two things about her appearance that she had been granted some leeway on. She wore a pair of dark blue tights under her skirt. The dress code had not allowed for leggings, so Luz had gone instead with some tights that were similar in color to her old leggings. She had also been allowed to keep her white Keds. In fact, it was the only thing from her old look that was still there. As Luz closed her closet, she looked one more time at her old cat hoodie shirt and sighed, wishing she was wearing it instead.

 As Luz closed her closet, she looked one more time at her old cat hoodie shirt and sighed, wishing she was wearing it instead

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Luz came into the kitchen, where her mom was already there cooking breakfast. Her mother turned to face her as she entered.

"That new uniform looks good on you, Mija," she said.

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