Chapter 13: Tomato Terror!

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Sorry about the delay of this chapter. I had a bit of writer's block as well as not being able to figure out what I wanted in this chapter. You see, I planned out all the chapters in Arc 2 and had an idea of what I wanted in each of them, but then I ended up putting things from the original version of this chapter into the last one. So that kind of left me stuck.

So, I haven't talked much about my YouTube Channel. It's still relatively new, and I only just started learning how to edit videos last year, but I have a few Music Videos that I've made (mostly of Owl House and Amphibia) and a few other things. I've been taking an online course on how to edit videos. It teaches you about the fundamentals and principles of editing and also teaches you how to use Adobe Premiere Pro. I've also started working with ClipChamp, so far, I like it, and I hope to get better at editing. I only bring it up because I've been thinking of doing something when this story hits 100 reviews (which is very close to happening), so I thought I would make a video of some kind to celebrate that.

There's a link on my Deviantart Profile, but you can also search for me on YouTube (I use the same name: ChampionElCid) if you'd like to check out any of the videos I've done there.

And now, on with the show!

Luz yawned and stretched as she got out of bed. The floor had been a little uncomfortable, but she still had a refreshing night's sleep for the first time in a long time. Moving over to where she kept her clothes, she changed back into her old school uniform. It had been nice to take those clothes off for a bit, as she had worn them for several days in a row. As she put her uniform back on, though, she noticed just how worn it had become in her time, traipsing through the wild.

Her St. James shirt had stains all over it, and her skirt was relatively undamaged, but her blue tights had a big hole around the knee where she had fallen and scraped them against a rock. Her white Keds were all but brown, having walked through so much mud. On more than one occasion, she almost lost one of her shoes to the mud of Amphibia, though she was glad to have both of them.

"Ugggh," she said out loud, "I don't suppose I'll be able to get new clothes out here, but I don't fancy wearing this all the time either. Still, it's all I really have for now, so I guess we'll see what happens."

When Luz was finished getting dressed, she finally went upstairs to see that the rest of the household was seated at a table eating.

"Good morning, everyone!" greeted Luz cheerfully. "How are we all doing this morning?"

"Pretty good," said Gustav and Lilly.

"Fine, until you showed up," said Amara coldly. "So it's true then. Teach said you'd be staying with us for a while. Here I was hoping she'd be able to just send you back to your world."

"Trust me, we were both hoping that," said Luz, trying to be friendly to Amara. "But hey, in the meantime, it means I get to stay here with you guys and learn magic."

"What?!" said Amara, dumbfounded.

"Oh, did Uodeela forget to mention that?" said Luz. "I asked her if I could learn magic like you guys, and she said yes."

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