Chapter 23: A Blessing or a Curse?

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So firstly, I have a new poll up on my profile regarding Belos vs. Andrias. If you want your voice to be heard, then please vote in that poll. I've closed the first one in regard to Lumity vs. Luzanne. Thank you to all who voted in that poll.

Secondly, I'd like to give a shout-out to DFuryArt who made some fan art of my fic. They gave me some ideas for a costume upgrade for Luz. Not sure if I will use the exact drawing they made, but I will likely use some elements from it. And Luz will be getting her costume upgrade in this Arc.

Finally, my "No Big Deal" AMV on YouTube is very close to getting 100K views! That would be HUGE for me to have a video with 100K views, so if you haven't seen it yet, then please check out my YouTube channel (I use the same name) and show that video some love!!!

And now, here we go!

Uodeela and her students were outside in front of the house. They had cauldrons ready to learn curses finally.

"So, I know I've mentioned this before," began Uodeela, "but curses are inherently dark magic. The effect of the curse varies depending on what effect you wish to cause on the target, but all of them require intention. A curse won't work if you don't have a strong enough intention to cause harm. That is the main reason curses are so dark. You need to want to cause harm to the target, so you have to want your target to suffer."

Luz, Amara, Lilly, and Gustav looked at each other gravely.

"This desire to cause suffering is why you need to be careful," continued Uodeela. "If you give in to these feelings too often and begin using curses too frequently, it is only a matter of time before these dark thoughts turn you into a sadist. It is very easy for a curse user to become addicted to this feeling of inflicting pain and getting joy or pleasure from it. That is why curses are a severe form of magic and should only be used on those who are truly deserving of them."

The students continued to listen as Uodeela continued talking.

"The other thing that makes curses dangerous is that once inflicted, they can only be removed by the caster. So once you've put a curse on someone, they are essentially at your mercy until you decide to cure them."

"There really is no other way to get rid of a curse?" asked Amara.

"As far as I am aware, no," replied Uodeela. "And If I don't know of another way, then it likely doesn't exist."

"This seems like a real bad idea," said Luz. "Why would they make it so that curses can only be removed by the caster? What if the caster doesn't want to remove the curse?"

"You have to remember that magic users tend to be a bit more physically weak than others," said Uodeela. "Curses were a way for us to even the playing field. You might think twice about attacking a magic user if you knew they could put a curse on you. Curses were meant as a deterrent, though these days, there are so few curse users left that you'd be hard-pressed to find one."

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