Chapter 39: Dinner and a Show

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Firstly, just wanted to ask Guest reviewer Shuffollower why you haven't made an account yet. Sorry, I had been meaning to ask this for a while but always forgot. I only bring it up because I can't respond to any of your reviews since you don't have an account here. I'd like to reply to you, but I can't PM a guest. Just curious if there's a reason.

Next, I want to give another shout-out to Julex93, who made the image of Luz in her firefly costume. He did an incredible job! It wasn't quite what I pictured in my head, but I still loved it when he first showed it to me, and I loved it even more when I saw it colored. It's in my "Owl and the Frog" collection on DeviantArt, so go check it out there If you want. I'm going to re-do my description of it here in this chapter.

As twilight descended on the Plantar house, Anne, Marcy, and the Plantars were busy setting up a table outside in anticipation of the dinner they would have tonight. There was a sense of accomplishment in the air as Anne and Marcy hurriedly made their way about the table, setting dishes and utensils on it.

"I can't believe the four of us are finally back together," said Marcy excitedly.

"Yep, we recharged all four stones, and Sasha's turning over a new leaf. Things are really looking up," said Anne.

"That's all great," began Hop Pop, "but did you have to invite Grime?"

"Sasha trusts Grime," said Anne.

"Luz doesn't," countered Sprig, as he jumped down from a pole he was sitting on. Marcy and Anne looked at each other for a second, then back at Sprig.

"Apparently, she doesn't trust him enough to join us for dinner with him," continued Sprig

"Honestly, I would say it's more like 50/50 between both Grime and Sasha," said Luz as she walked over to where the others were gathered, still wearing her normal clothes.

"Hey, Luz. Are you sure about not joining us for dinner?" asked Marcy, looking sadly at Luz.

"I'm sure, Mar-Mar," replied Luz. "I'm still not sure how I feel about Sasha, but I know that right now, I just don't want to be around her. Plus, I've been kinda feeling in the dumps about my whole powers going away."

"So, what are you gonna do?" asked Marcy.

"I'm gonna take a walk out in the woods," said Luz. "It was always a bit calming, and right now, I just want to be alone."

"You sure you don't want one of us to go with you?" asked Anne.

"Oh, I wouldn't mind joining you, Luz," said Sprig. "If it gets me out of having to have dinner with Sasha and Grime, I'm all for it."

"Hey, why do you get to leave all of a sudden?" said Polly. "Why should the rest of us have to suffer?"

"Sprig, you are staying for dinner," said Hop Pop firmly. "I'm the one who Grime and Sasha tried to kill, so if I have to stay, then you do, too."

"Ahh, man," complained Sprig.

"Suck it up, Sprig. We all have to endure Hop Pop's cooking," teased Polly. Hop Pop glared at her.

"Thanks for the offer, Sprig," said Luz, "but I'll be fine on my own."

"I mean, I was kind of hoping all four of us would have dinner together," began Marcy in a pleading voice. "I know things aren't great between you and Sash right now, Luz, but this dinner could be a chance for the four of us to be closer."

"Listen, you guys have known Sasha for longer than I have. You've been friends with her longer than me, so I get that you want to try to fix what you had. So you guys go ahead and have fun," said Luz.

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