Chapter 16: Body Swap Bash

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So being completely honest, I didn't want to write this chapter. When I first planned out Arc 2 I had an idea for all the chapters I wanted to have in it, but as I mentioned before I ended up moving things around, so it resulted in some things getting moved to other chapters, while some chapters got completely reworked from what they were originally. I found writing this chapter to be kind of hard, mostly because writing a body swap episode in the text is a lot harder than seeing it on screen. I don't think I'll do another one. I hated writing this chapter so much that I ended up alternating between writing this chapter and the final one in Arc 2. Sorry in advance if this chapter is bad, I just wanted to get through it as quickly as I could.

On the plus side, as of this time, I'm almost done with the final chapter for Arc 2 and I was thinking that maybe I'll wait to upload it on the same day as the season 2 finale for Amphibia proper.

What do you think of that?

Luz woke up in a nervous state. She had spent the previous day working on a new elixir and had tried her hardest to make this one correctly. Now she was awake after having let the elixir brew all night. Part of her wanted to wait a few more minutes before checking on it, but another part of her was ready to check on it now!

Luz went up from the basement and into the living room, where her pot was simmering. She looked closely and saw that her elixir was red, but once again, not the bright red that it needed to be. She had been trying to brew the Elixir of Fire, and the finished elixir was supposed to be a very bright red or crimson, but hers was much darker, more like burgundy. Still, Luz decided to scoop some up in a bottle to see if it might still work. At that moment, Uodeela entered the room.

"Wanted to get an early look at your elixir?" she asked knowingly.

"I... yeah," admitted Luz, "but it looks like another failure. It's not quite the right color."

"Yes, that is true," began Uodeela, "but remember what happened last time?"

"Yeah, that's why I bottled some up," said Luz, showing Uodeela her bottle.

"Here, let's go outside and test it," said Uodeela.

The two went outside to the front of the house, where Luz drank her elixir. After a few moments, Uodeela spoke to her.

"Listen, Luz, I want you to try to envision a ball of fire in your hands."

Luz closed her eyes and concentrated. At first, nothing happened, but eventually, a tiny orb of fire formed in Luz's right hand.

"Whoa!" she exclaimed.

"Good," said Uodeela, "now throw it like you would a ball."

Luz threw the orb and made contact with a small bush a few feet away. The bush instantly caught fire, and Uodeela rushed to put it out.

"Yes, that was great!" said Uodeela.

"Why do you think the elixir is having this effect on me?" asked Luz.

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