Chapter 38: The Fourth Temple

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So, I want to give some more shout-outs to some new pieces of fan art that have been created for this fic.

Firstly, again to R-Doll, who created two new pieces. An image of Cindy from Chapter 2 (though I may consider bringing her back in the future), and an image of the title with symbols and colors. It's really cool and looks awesome. Thanks again, R-Doll! You rock!!!

Next, to Szart98pl who made an image of Luz and Anne eating lunch together from Chapter 4. It's a nice scene that I'm glad I got to see an image of. Thank you!

Next, to Shephard1234567, who made a hypothetical image of Luz vs. Darcy (I'm not sure how I will handle that scene, but I liked his description of it). An interesting idea for sure, and one I will think about. Thank you, my friend.

Finally, to Julex93 (though this one I did commission from him), who made an image of Luz with her Calamity Powers. It's really cool-looking, and it was nice to finally see something I've imagined in my head so many times. Muchas gracias par su servicios!

If you want to see any of these images, I have a collection for them on my DeviantArt page (I also post updates and thoughts on episodes of both Amphibia and Owl House, so follow me on DA to stay up to date on those types of things). For any new images that are created for this fic, I will make sure to add them to that collection. Since the TV Tropes page for "Owl and the Frog" has a section for image links, I wanted to ask the troupers if they could put a link to that just so people could see all these images.

Thanks in advance for that!

As the group arrived at the mountain location, Joe Sparrow practically collapsed on the ground. Considering he was carrying the combined weight of the Plantars, the humans, and Frobo, it wasn't that much of a surprise. As Joe Sparrow lay on the ground, panting heavily, Anne pulled out the box to point the group in the right direction.

"And whapam!" she exclaimed as she held up the music box at the side of a mountain, causing an arch to appear on it.

"The entrance to the fourth temple," said Anne, causing the Plantars to gasp.

Sprig ran up to Marcy, eagerly wanting to know what the writing on the archway said. "What's it say, Marcy? What's it say?"

Marcy stared at the archway before looking at her book and saying, "Well, this can't be right. Lift to enter brawh?"

Deciding that it was worth a shot, Frobo marched forward and simply lifted the door. The Plantars and the humans all applauded his effort.

"Wow! Way to go, Frobo!" cheered Hop Pop.

"You guys think we should take him in there with us?" asked Luz.

Marcy looked between Joe and Frobo before replying, "We've been handling the temples by ourselves so far. Let's leave him out here to look after Joe Sparrow." With that, Marcy motioned for Frobo to go and look after the Sparrow, who was still collapsed on the ground.

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