33 - New Ship?

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The night sky was beautiful with stars shining and emitting their light making the event glow more and more.

The music show was loved by everyone who came to the engagement, especially Gemini and Fourth. During the whole show, Gemini was starting at fourth and was so deep into the song which his prince and Bright wrote together.

Bright, as all know in the kingdom, likes music and dies for it. He even dedicated many songs to win. But no one knows about fourth, it was unexpected.

While Gemini, fourth, bright, win were enjoying their show, some other people were enjoying themselves in the feast, which was happening at the other end, like Tanhi and Pond.

They both were sitting and enjoying the dinner, tasting every dish as possible. Next to them sits first, sitting with the glass of alcohol in his hands staring at the whole program without much interest or enthusiasm in his face.

He was drinking all alone until someone arrived and stood near him. First didn't bother to look up because he knew it would be some relatives or Northern officials. But it wasn't.

"if you don't mind, can I join you?" a soft and joyful voice heard behind first which made him turn his face towards the owner of the voice.

"Khao" First's face lit up when he saw that.

"Sure, no need to ask" first said and offered the seat opposite to him.

"Thanks," Khao said with his usual smile on his face which made first smile at him.

First like khao.

He has been liking him for more than 5 months. When first saw Khao in his life for the first time at Khao's traditional alcohol place, he was attracted by him.

Unlike him, khao was an easygoing person and has a joyful personality which first finds more attractive.

In addition to it, he likes Khao's handmade alcohol. So, using that chance he went to his place more times. But rather than his place and this palace they've never met anywhere.

Khao kinda likes first, he always cares for first than anyone. From the day he met first, he has been writing letters to him consequently. 

Khao decided to show up today for first because he was worried about his health. Even though first likes his alcohol, khao advises him not to take more.

"Thanks for the alcohol" First says with a smile that he rarely used.

"Welcome," Khao said with a smile.

First and Khao looked at each other's eyes which made both of them happy. They both smiled and parted their eyes.

Khao smiles when he sees first blushing a little when he was with him. Khao likes it.

"Hope you received the letter," Khao asked while drinking.

"Yes, thanks for the concern. I'll make sure to take less" first assured Khao with his smile.

"Don't worry, everything will be alright" Khao said as he places his hand on First's hand which was on the table.

First's heart started to beat fast when Khao touched him.

His soft touch made him fall for him even more!

First didn't say anything just nodded his head. These two looked into each other's eyes with care and love. The music which was played at the distance was so rhythmic in this scene.

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