43 - I Miss You

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It’s been a week since Gemini went to the border and Fourth was all alone in the kingdom. He misses his bodyguard every single time. It’s weird for Fourth to get up and roam around the palace alone. he had been used to being with Gemini all the time and now he was not here which was making him suffer a lot.

Even though there were so many people in the kingdom, fourth felt no one except the absence of his bodyguard. He misses him, he thinks about him every day which makes him cry at night.

The room, the bed and every fucking thing felt empty without his bodyguard. Fourth was trying to be normal but he couldn’t.

He received a letter from the crown prince a few days ago stating that they’d reached their destination safely. Fourth was doing things on his own for two days when the king, the Majesty, assigned a new temporary bodyguard for Fourth.

Fourth doesn’t want anyone to replace Gemini’s place but he couldn’t go against the king. The new bodyguard was very strict and prohibited Fourth from doing his favourite things like going to the mountains, waterfalls etc…

He strictly follows the order given by the king and does not obey what the youngest prince says to him. Fourth doesn’t like to be monitored 24/7. He wishes Gemini to be back soon.

Fourth was in his room getting ready to go to the garden where he planned to meet his friend, Ford. He hasn’t seen him since the engagement party. He wants his friend’s comfort.

Now Mark has gone Ford was also alone but he was used to it because they’ve been in this situation many times. This was something common to them as they were in different kingdoms.

Fourth made his way to the garden area while his bodyguard followed him.

Fourth misses Gemini so badly and everything he does to cheer him up comes to his mind whenever his temporary bodyguard irritates him.

even during his walk, Fourth remembers Gemini walking beside him and speaking about what he likes. The smile, the walk and the care Gemini gave to him cannot be compared to anyone in this fucking world.

Even though he tries to distract the thought of missing him by doing something, he ends up missing him more. Every work he tries to do, he sees Gemini in everything.

“You can wait here” Fourth said to his bodyguard and went into the garden where he saw Ford admiring the flowers.

“Hey fourth” Ford made his way to his friend and hugged him.

“Hi,” fourth said with a small smile.

“What happened? Why are you so dull?” Ford asked and they both sat at the stone bench.

“I miss him,” Fourth said and hugged his friend.

“It’s okay, he’ll be back soon,” Ford said and caressed his back. Ford was used to this but fourth wasn’t.

Everything that happened this week came to his mind which made his eyes watery.

“I couldn’t do anything but miss him more” fourth said and the tears slowly fell. He tried to hold the tears but he couldn’t do it after seeing his friend.

“Don’t worry, he told you to not cry, right?” Ford knew how much Fourth loved his bodyguard. “yes” Fourth said and Ford continued “Then, stop worrying and try to be happy, okay?”

“Hmm” fourth said still hugging his friend.

Ford broke the hug and wiped the tears from Fourth’s eyes.

“You’re so whipped for your bodyguard” Ford said and laughed trying to cheer his friend up.

“Not like you who come to my kingdom just to sleep with Mark” Fourth said and started to laugh.

“Soon you’ll get to know the pleasure,” Ford said and they both laughed.

“I’m not like you,” fourth said and laughed.

“Fine,” Ford said and shook his head.

“Shall we go to visit the moon goddess tomorrow?” Fourth asks after their laughing session.

“Seems like someone wants to pray for their love” Ford said and ran into the garden.

“Hey, you little…” Fourth chased Ford and went into the garden.

These two enjoyed their time in the garden and now fourth doesn’t like to go back to his room where he would be all alone. but he has to accept the things.

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