🔥Chapter 1: A not so scary...Bear

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(Stella's POV)

The last thing I ever thought was that I would wake up in a luscious green forest. The reason being I went to bed in my actual bed not the forest floor. 'How did I get here?' I thought to myself. As I stared up at the bright blue sky that peaked through the top of the trees as if it was saying 'Hey, I'm here'. After some time I sat up and looked around, The forest didn't look scary or dark like one would imagine. Instead, it was peaceful and quiet with only the birds chirping in the distance to reassure you that you weren't alone, but there was a small feeling in the back of my head that said 'somethings watching you.' I stood up finally awake and curious enough to walk around or at least find civilization.

After what felt like hours I came upon a pond or lake. Honestly, I'm not sure...a body of water. Due To being out of the protection of the shade that the trees provided, the heat was starting to get to me so I decided to sit on the edge of the... body of water? To cool off. Though there was still this annoying feeling of being watched. Finally, I snapped my head toward the forest and said "Whoever's been following me, come out right now!" I was very annoyed by this person. If I was going to die from some serial killer then I will do so fighting. A few minutes went by and I started to think maybe I was going crazy until I saw a huge black bear. The sight of the black bear made me freeze 'Of course it wasn't a person!! It's a bear!! I'm so screwed!!' I thought as fear coursed through my veins.

'Move!! Run!! Do something other than sit there like an idiot!!' I yelled in my head but it was too late the bear was right on me and started to smell me. I flinched away thinking it was going to hurt me. Before I knew it a gust of wind hit and the snout was now a face. I finally gained the ability to move and I turned my head to confirm that I felt what I thought I felt. When I turned I saw a face but it was the face of the most handsome man I have ever seen. My face turned red and I jumped back forgetting I was on the edge of...of a body of water? The man grabbed me and pulled me into his chest, preventing me from falling into the water.

His body was toned, muscular, and he was so large...Everywhere! His hair was black with a blue hue and he had striking golden eyes that screamed predator. 'Wait wasn't he just a...a bear?' I felt him lean down and start tracing my neck with his nose, which had me all kinds of hot and bothered. "What...What are you doing?" I asked as the words stumbled out of my mouth. I could feel the heat coming off my very red face and I think my body had became hotter than the actual heat around us. 

"I'm checking for the scent of your males, though I can't seem to find any..." He paused and then trailed back up to my ear and in a very low voice growled " Though It seems I am to your liking." Getting what he was referring to, I attempted to push him away in embarrassment but failed due to my weak strength. He started his assault on my neck once more but instead of his nose it was replaced with his mouth and boy did he know how to use it. Between the kissing, licking, nibbling, and sucking I was going to unravel very soon. He pulled me even closer than I thought possible and found his left hand up my dress and on my left breast and very delicate nipple as his right  hand found its way into my underwear and on my lady parts...my very needy lady parts. As he pinched my nipple his other fingers found their way into my very wet canal and started working their way in and out. At this point, I was no longer trying to fight this literal beast of a man, as I was moaning uncontrollably from the pure pleasure he was giving me. I can't act innocent and say I've never been with a man but I have been intimate with two of three boyfriends I did have and it never felt like this and they were actually in me. "Female, I want to be your male. I want my cubs in your womb." I don't know what has gotten into me but this stranger has me so wrapped around his finger that I wanted to please him, give him all he desired.

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