Chapter 21: Kiddnapped by Scorpions

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(Stella's POV)

The last few months the security around the city has increased and I haven’t seen much of my mates. Between the building of our home and the attacks from the scorpions, it has been crazy. I mostly see Theo and Leo, my sexy teddy bear has been contributing to help with guarding the town so I only see him briefly when it’s time for bed. I tried to protest when the boys came up with the plan but failed due to their explanation. Theo and Leo are the strongest of my mates and it would make sense that I and the cubs would stay with them for our protection. Speaking of my babies, They have grown so big already. I pout sometimes when I struggle to hold them.

Currently we are cooking some dinner. “ I’m going to get some more garlic from the cellar, I’ll be right back.” I said before heading down stairs.

I was going through the vases only to frown ‘Do we not have any more garlic?’ I thought. I decided to go into the room that we have planters and see if we had any in there. I checked to see what had grown and sighed when I didn’t find anything. I turn around to see a flash of black before passing out.

(Leo’s POV)

The food was almost done but Stella had yet to come back up from the cellar. “Theo? Can you go help her?” I asked.

‘Arthur had to find something down there earlier, so I assume he messed with where everything is.’ I thought.

As I was thinking I heard a distress roar from Theo. I was about to hurry down the stairs but Theo beat me to it and met me at the top. “Stella’s gone!! It was scorpions!!” He yelled.

“How did they get in without us noticing?” I questioned.

“The only thing I can think of is that one of them has to or has their final star.” Theo said.

“Damn it! Find Arthur and have them start searching the city for Scorpions! I will go to my father!” I said as I rushed to inform my father.

(Stella’s POV)

My head felt as if it was spinning and I felt nauseous. “The female is pregnant!” I heard a booming voice.

“Yes, My king, She is pregnant with two females! It shows that the rumor of her fertility was true!” I heard a Weasley voice.

“I guess that female we captured was telling the truth, make sure to reward her and inform her we will call on her again.” The voice boomed.

I sat up hoping that the voices would quiet and the spinning would stop. ‘What happened?’ I asked myself. The last thing I remember is being in the cellar.

“Your up female? Good. I'm impatient.” The booming voice said.

“Who are you? Where am I?” I asked, trying to get my eyes to adjust to the darkness of the room.

“I’m Scott the scorpion King, You're currently in my colony.” He said smugly.

A/n: Hey guys, I know it's been awhile since the last update. I got Covid twice, I know best luck in the world. It's the reason I haven't Really updated. I'm still recovering so updates my be slow.

I also want to thank everyone for there support. It really means alot to see how much people enjoy my story.

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