Chapter 36: Time with the Kiddos

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continued his merciless love making as I could only lay there and take everything he was giving me. I missed this...I missed him...I missed Arthur...I missed Leo...and I missed my cubs. To be able to be so carefree again. We didn't have to worry about attacks or anything else. Just me and him at the moment. It wasn't long after my 4th climax did Theo finally find his. I felt him release his seed as he made sure his member was buried all the way in me. After sometime Theo pulled his member out of me causing his seed to leak out of me. He kissed my forehead and said he would be right back. I pulled the fur over me due to the loss of heat that came from Theo being close to me. The door opened up to reveal Theo with wet cloth, another dress, new bedding and the medicine to ensure I would not become pregnant. Theo cleaned me as I downed the medicine. After Theo was done he pulled me in his arms as we cuddled. This moment would not last long as we heard scratches at the door. "It's the cubs." He whispered.

"Go ahead and let them in." I whispered back.

When Theo opened the door I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. Somehow Luna and Aurora managed to get themselves on their brothers backs. Theo scooped the girls up in his arms and the boys laid around us. I took Aurora due to her being fussy and we all laid down together. After some time, Leo and Arthur joined us, causing us to fall asleep as a family. I smiled as being surrounded by my family was the best thing in the world.


(Stella's POV)

I smiled down at my girls as I fed them. Their eyes closed as they filled their bellies. Arthur has stayed with me as Theo went hunting with the cubs and Leo, Alexander, and Archie are in a meeting with the other kings. I closed my eyes and snuggled closer into Arthur's fur. Arthur took his snout and rubbed it against my arm. I smiled and opened my eyes to look at my loving husband. "Arthur?" I asked.

Arthur rubbed up against me as if saying continue. " When Theo comes back with the cubs, let's go down to the lake. I think it would be nice to get out of this castle and spend some time outside with the cubs."

I let out a giggle as he licked me with his big bear tongue. I kissed his snout and said "I love you, Arthur. I'm so glad I met you in that forest. You have given me a perfect family. You, Leo, and Theo are the best."

As Arthur and I were having our sweet moment the girls decided that was the perfect time to finish feeding. Luna starts making sounds in attempts to talk and Aurora looks around the room in silence. I chuckle and start to burp the girls. Theo and the boys soon came back and they were looking so proud of themselves. The boys came straight to us wiggling their booties.

"Look at my boys, you are all so clean and handsome." I said giving them kisses.

The boys went up to the girls and started giving them kisses, which caused the girls to giggle. I looked over at Theo and gestured for him to come over to me. I had him bend down so I could give him a sweet peck on the lips. "Theo, I want to take the kids out to play at the lake." I said.

"Okay." He said.

I smiled as Theo and Arthur took the girls from my arms. I got up and we all left the room to head to the lake.

When we got to the lake I was just as excited as the boys

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When we got to the lake I was just as excited as the boys. There were only two other families at the lake as well. The boys took off toward the cubs that were playing in the lake. I couldn't help but giggle as I watched them play together. "Those are some of the cubs that the boys have befriended." Theo stated.

We walked over to the others and I introduced myself "Hello my name is Stella and this is Arthur and Theo my mates and these little ones are Luna and Aurora."

"Oh my gosh, They are so cute." The one female said.

"Oh wow, two females. You must be blessed." The other female said.

"Actually, those bear cubs are mine as well." I clarified.

The first female grabbed my hands and asked " Will you mate with one of my cubs once they come of age?"

I nervously laughed and said "I'm sorry, I only mate with males around my age or older."

She pouted and then said "What about your daughters?"

'This girl just doesn't give up does she?' I thought. "I don't mind them courting my daughters but in the end it is my daughters who choose who they mate once they come of age." I said.

The girl squealed in excitement before pulling me into a hug. Afterwards we talked and the girls and I played with the cubs. I found out that the first female's name was Morgan and the Second one was Sarah. Morgan was outgoing and playful where Sara was quiet but kind. Morgan was a ninetail fox female where Sara was a deer female. Sara had two cubs and Morgan had three cubs. They were the same age as me but both had more mates than me. Morgan had 15 mates and Sara had 7 mates. They were shocked to hear that I only have 3 official mates and that I had accepted Oliver, Alexander, and Archie. According to them, females found their closeness to each other unsettling and that's why they wouldn't mate all three. We played in the shallows so the girls could enjoy the water. Both of them were just like their brothers, once they hit the water they didn't want to leave. The girls also seemed to like Morgan's and Sara's cubs. Once the sun started to set, we parted ways but agreed to hang out again. 

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