Chapter 38: Grandparents meets the New Additions

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(Stella's POV)

I took Oliver's hands and pulled him to where I wanted us to go. Oliver copies my movements as I sit down. "Oliver, I have talked with Alexander and Archie. So now I want to talk to you. Would you like to be my mate?" I asked.

Oliver was silent at first making me think that he may not want me until He pulled me into a kiss. I felt Oliver's hands start wandering my body as he deepened the kiss. By the time we parted I was all hot and ready but I had to try and cool down because it was not the time for that kind of activity. "If you have not guessed, my answer is yes." He said.


A/N: I searched through the book and could not find Leo's mothers name. So if I missed it, can someone let me know in the comments. I will change it.

(Elizabeth's POV)

The Queen turned to Leo and walked to him cupping his cheeks. "It is good to see you healthy and happy."

I turned to my dear cub, the last of my cubs and smiled at him. He looked healthier than the last time I saw him. When Stella was kidnapped his health deteriorated, he did not eat and only cared to find Stella. He tried to be there for the cubs but anyone could tell that he was not in the right state of mind to care for the young. My mates, his father, and I would watch the cubs when Theo or Arthur could not. We all were worried for the three of them and as months went by and our fears grew. My king and I stressed over the clasp of our beloved Kingdom and family. Everyone was in pain from the attack, the loss, and the betrayal. Alexander, Archie, and Oliver brought hope to what little people we had left. Brought happiness and joy back to our son, they saved and healed our dearest Stella. My hope has always been that Stella and the boys would accept those boys into their family.

My son brought one hand up to cup my hand that was on his cheek and said "I'm glad too."

Oliver had disappeared and Alexander and the others were squaring away shelter and resources as well. "Leo, Would you like to take your parents to see Stella...and The others." Alexander said.

I was curious as to why the young king had said it in that way. My little boy lit up and said "That is a perfect Idea."

I looked over to my mate and he looked curious too. "Alright, give me a moment." I said.

I turned and walked back to my beloved males, They started kissing me and showing affection in which I accepted. "My loves, Leo wishes for I and Calumm to come see Stella. Could you do me a favor and pick a temporary home out for us and get it ready for us." I asked sweetly.

They all agreed in excitement and were ready to fulfill my request. I kissed all 15 cheeks and turned back to make my way to Calum and Leo.

Leo led us into a magnificent palace. I felt My King gently touch my back and leaned in "I will ensure, I make one just as grand for you." He whispered.

I let out a giggle when I watched my little cub tense up and shivered in disgust. "Not right now, our cub seems to be...uncomfortable." I whispered back.

We came to a door before the door opened, I heard the cries of babies. I looked up at my cub and he smiled and nodded. I stepped forward and opened the door to see Theo holding a female and Stella holding a female. Stella looked up and smiled brightly when she saw us. "Your highnesses, i'm glad you made it here safely." She said,

I smiled and walked and sat next to her "Please, how many times do we have to tell you to call us mother and father." I said before asking "Are these little ones yours?"

"Yes, This is Aurora. She is Leo's Daughter." She said, referring to the beautiful blonde haired baby. She turned toward Theo and said " This is Luna, She is Theo's daughter." She finished.

I looked at the two beautiful bundles of joy and said " They are beautiful"

"Would you like to try and hold Aurora? I will warn you, out of the two Aurora does not like people very much. She wasn't fond of Leo at first." She said,

My king chuckled as I let out a giggle. 'Leo was the same way.'I thought. "I would love that." I said

Stella put Aurora in my arms and at first she made a sound of displeasure but then quieted down as I rocked her. I heard little bits of laughter, I looked over to see My love holding Luna who seemed excited to meet a new person.

"My old friend, Congratulations on having a cub." My king said.

I smiled knowing that the best god heard our prayers and Theo was gifted a mate and cub. I will say that the beast god has humor because we prayed for the same thing for Leo was gifted the same mate.

"My little cub, You have done well. You and Theo are blessed for having Stella as a mate." I said looking back down at the miracle in my arms.

"We know" Was all my Leo said. 

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