Chapter 28: Plans

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We helped Stella position each female on one of her nipples, in which they gladly took. The female cubs seemed to be rather hungry like their mother was. " I think I will name them Luna and Aurora." She said pointing at each one. Luna was the white haired female and Aurora was the yellow haired female.

We were both amazed not just because she delivered to females but because it was a mixed litter. Even if her mates weren't known, any male could smell the scent of what tribe they belong to. Theo and Leo will be rather happy to see their mate and daughters. I can only imagine their faces when they find out she had a littler mix.


(Alexander's POV)

It has been a week since Archie appeared with Stella and the news of Stella's rescue spread across the city along with the news of her giving birth to a mixed litter of females. Stella was still in no condition to move let alone meet with anyone. King Lance and King Quinton have been trying to organize a meeting for the three of us and I have an Idea why but with Stella's condition they have not pushed the issue. Oliver had finally come back and was more than excited to finally get some time with Stella.

Which leads me to the situation I am in now. "Stella?! Come on one more bit." Oliver said, making silly faces at her. 'She's not a child you idiot.' I thought. Stella let out the most adorable giggle at Oliver's face and said "One more." Oliver lit up and fed her one more piece of meat. I looked over to see Archie pouting which caused me to sigh. It was only fair that Oliver got time with Stella besides Archie has had the most time with her out of the three of us so he has no reason to pout. Luna reached up and started to try and grab Archie's hair. This caused Archie's attention to switch to the cub in his arms. Aurora on the other hand would only let Stella or I hold her. So she is currently asleep in my arms.

"Stella? Your condition has gotten much better. I believe that it would be safe for me to leave your side to meet with the other Kings, "I said.

Stella's eyes lit up and said "Does that mean You're going to get my mates and cubs?" I could see both Oliver and Archie flinch a little at her reactions. 'Of course she would want her family, I don't know why you two were trying to ignore it.' I thought.

"Yes, it does. It will be at most 4 months before they get here, is that alright?" I asked.

"If I said no, would there be any way to get them here faster." She said,

I smiled, " I guess not."

"Then I guess it will have to do, as much as I want my family I do understand there are some limitations and I'm sure my mates will understand too. They will probably be more than happy to hear that we are safe." She said,

'Even with everything she has been through she still is so understanding. I will do everything in my power to get her family here as fast as I can' I thought. "It is time for me to leave, if Archie and Oliver become too much for you just kick them out. We don't want you to be too stressed." I said which caused the two idiots to pout. I handed Aurora to Stella and headed off to make arrangements with the other kings.

It took some time to get the other kings here but they finally arrived and were eager to start the meeting. "Alexander my boy, I heard that Archie and Oliver found your female and rumor has it she gave birth to not one female but two females. Tell me are the rumors true!" King Quinton asked excitedly. I could see that King Lance was also interested but stayed quiet.

"Yes it's true but there was one small detail that was left out...She had a mixed litter." I said.

King Quinton's eyes sparkled at the news " I can't wait for her to have little ones from you three." He said.

"Though I relish the thought of her pregnant with my child. It still remains that she is in no condition for such activity and we have yet to be accepted. Now on to why I called this meeting. Though Stella is part of it she is not the main subject, I want to open our city up to the world. I know this has been discussed before and my father was the one to reject the proposal but I believe it will be beneficial to us." I explained.

The two kings looked at each other and then back to me " We have discussed this before but your father wasn't the only reason. We could never agree on the method to start with nor figure out the balance. As much as we are eager to see what your rein has in store, I don't think this is the place to start." King Lance said.

They thought this was too big for me and didn't think I thought this through but they are wrong. "The Lion city has fallen or at least that's how it looks. After The scorpions attacked and got inside the city many of the residents, mostly females did not feel safe. According to Archie, they have less than half of their people left plus the females they got from the Scorpion raid. The lions can be strong allies and can help us get our footing in the world. The only flaw to their city was location, they were constantly under attack. It wasn't until recently did the Scorpions become a pressing issue. We have a good location and due to King Lance and his people we have the protection. I believe if we offer them a place in our city that they will accept." I said.

"That does seem like a good plan and we can see that you thought this out but the problem is trust. We have kept ourselves hidden, it would be suspicious to them now after the great ordeal that they went through." King Quinton explained.

"But we have not only their trust but something else as well." I said.

The Kings looked at me unsure of what I was talking about, this is perfect. I got them now. " Archie has been gaining their trust ever since he laid eyes on Stella. He didn't do it on purpose but him going out of his way with some of our males gained favor in the eyes of the people and the King, Queen, and her other mates..." I paused, 'I'm sorry Stella but in order to protect you and the girls I must use you.' I thought feeling guilty. "...We also have Stella by right Oliver, Archie, and I can become her mates due to us saving her. Of course if we are accepted then we would go wherever she wants but the fact that she was healed and kept safe will cause things to be in our favor. Stella is seen as their beloved princess and will want to do what's best for her and her cubs. Her mates will also want her in a safer place and away from the place that caused her the most harm." I explained.

King Quinton let out a loud laugh and said "Lancy I guess we are getting old because we just got outsmarted by this cub."

"I agree, it will make things more interesting going forward but for now let's finish discussing the finer details before sending an envoy out and lets make it quick. I'm sure the female is wanting to see her cubs and mates." King Lance said. Pride swelled inside me, I was able to convince them. 'Don't worry Stella...your mates will be her soon.' I thought. All I wanted was for her to be happy and safe. 


A/N: I may make the bonus chapter that goes with this chapter into a full chapter it's looking like it's going to be long so I may do that. We are going to get to see Arthur, Leo, Theo, Curtis, Apollo, Daunte, and Enzo in current time and not in little bonus chapters taking place in different parts of the story. So that's going to be fun.

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