Chapter 26: Stella Safe and sound

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I transform back and look at everyone that was there "As you can see, I not only won the challenge but my father has submitted to me. According to our laws, I am King now and as king things will change. My father and brothers saw the deer clan as superior to all but the mystic's and as so they believe that those who eat meat are inferior. I do not share this belief, I see us all as family and I'm protective of this family. Oliver and Archie are my brothers despite our species. Going forward we will be better and more accepting, that being said I was fully expecting to kill my brothers and father tonight. I did not expect them to submit, but even so I can't agree with what they have said and done. As of today My brothers, father, and mother will be exiled from this city anyone who wishes to leave with them may. If you disagree then u may challenge me to a death challenge. I will give you 7 days to gather what you need and leave." I said.

The crowd started to yell and shout in excitement and agreement. King Quinton and King Lance nodded and smiled in agreement. I could see pride in their eyes. King Quinton walked up to me with King Lance "Alexander my boy, look at you...I always knew you would put that old male in his place." King Quinton said.

Realization struck me "Wait? You knew?" I asked.

Both of the Kings turned toward My father and said "oh we knew about your fathers beliefs. We just didn't do anything because we wanted piece"

King Lance Stared at my father with hate and disgust. " You are lucky Alexander showed you mercy. I would have killed you even after you submitted. I guess it just means Quinton and I did a good job raising him, after all we always considered him a son."

My father looked at the ground angry but ashamed. I'm not sure if he is reflecting on his actions but honestly I don't care.

(Archie's POV)

I was worried about Stella's health and the health of the female cubs, she had been on her own for months and I doubt that the scorpions took good care of her. I felt Oliver's magic wrap around us. Stella moved unconsciously in reaction to his magic. Soon we appeared in front of Alexander in his bedroom.

"Archie?..." He asked confused but then leaped into action once he saw Stella in my arms. "Put her on my bed quickly."

I laid her onto Alexander's bed making sure she was comfortable. If it was under better circumstances I would be thrilled to see Stella without anything on, but considering what she has been through and the state she is in, I can't bear to imagine it. I felt anger seeing her like this 'I know scorpions are cruel but to force a female to go through such a thing is disgusting.' I thought.

I almost wish I would have taken my time instead of killing those scorpions.

Alexander came over and placed his hand on her belly. His magic started to flow out wrapping around her body almost like vines wrapping around the trunk of a tree. Just as it appeared, the flow of his magic disappeared. Stella looked much better, the bruises and scars that were once on her body were gone. I couldn't help but feel relieved. Alexander was one of our strongest healers so I knew Stella was in good hands.

Alexander turned to me and whispered " I need you to go and get a bowl of water and some cloth to wipe her down. Also try and find something that we can dress her in and some more furs. Once we clean her the bedding furs will need to be replaced. I can't leave her due to her condition so I am trusting you with this task."

I nodded and hurried to get everything, we need to ensure that she is safe and in a stable condition.

(Alexander's POV)

I watched Archie leave in a hurry to get the things I requested. Stella's condition is worse than I thought when I first saw her. I knew she was in bad condition but I did know how bad it was until I examined her. I healed her physical wounds but her body was still on the verge of shutting down due to the lack of food and water in her system and I'm sure the added stress and the physical activity worsened it. I will have to watch her the next couple days closely to ensure her life and the life of her females cubs. It's already dangerous to give birth to 1 female let alone 2 but in her condition it was a death sentence.

"I'm back with the water and cloth. I figure you can wash her and it will give me time to find something for her to wear." Archie explained.

It was a good idea the quicker we could get the filth off her the better. I nodded in silence as Archie handed me the bowl of water and then Archie headed back out of the room. I brought the bowl closer to Stella and dipped the cloth in the water before getting to work. It angered me that I had to do this, not because it was beneath me or I didn't wish to but because Stella had to go through what she did. It angered me because Stella should be fed, pampered, spoiled, and worshiped. Stella stirred a little but didn't wake up. After I washed Stella clean, it was time to wash her hair but realized that the water was far too dirty for that. Knowing Archie maybe awhile I went and discarded the water before returning back to Stella's side. I sat above Stella's head and repositioned it over the bowl. Allowing her hair to dangle into the water, I started to gently massage the water into her scalp and through her strands of hair. 'I wonder if she would allow me to wash her hair when she's awake?' I thought. 'I would have to be her mate for that to happen and I haven't been the best male not worthy of this goddess, but even if I'm not worthy could I still try.' I wonder.

While in my thoughts I couldn't help but feel relieved that she was here with me...where I knew she was safe. According to Archie, The Lion City took a hit with the scorpion attack and many of their people have left to find a safer place to live. There were still the females that were rescued that resided in the city with males who were interested, but from my understanding many females left in fear of being taken. 'I wondered if they would be open to joining our city. It was my father who insisted that we stay hidden.' I thought. I finished up cleaning and drying Stella when Archie came in with the rest of the things I asked for. He helped me dress her and then I gently picked her up in my arms so Archie could remove the dirty fur and replace them with new.

We both without saying a word took to laying on each side of her and our hands laying on her swelling stomach. "Is Oliver coming back?" I asked.

"Probably it wouldn't be wise to go to the Lion city without proper news. Honestly he's probably having the time of his life. He doesn't often get to kill Scorpions." He said.

I was silent and then said "I'm going to call a meeting to see if the other kings would be open to allowing those of the lion city to join us."

"You know your father won't allow it." Archie said.

"My father is not king...I am." I stated

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