Bonus chapter: Oliver's wisdom

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A/n: This event happens after Archie leaves with some males to go help find Stella.

(Alexander's POV)

I stood looking over the city on my balcony, 'I won't let my father destroy so many lives for his hate.' I thought. Ever since that night...the last night I mentioned the beautiful female to my father, I have been secretly training growing stronger. My brothers just like my father have the same mind set so I knew I had to become stronger than them. I had to if I had any hope in saving the people I love...saving this city. It hurts me to have to keep the façade of this heartless cold beast, I knew it was driving a wedge between Archie and I but I hope that he will forgive me once this is all over with. I'm not strong enough to take my brothers and father on, not yet. I want to be A good friend and...even if only a small chance, I could be a good mate to her.

"You're lucky that no one else has noticed." I heard.

I sighed knowing that voice "And what pray tell are you speaking of." I said in a cold voice.

Oliver came up behind me and leaned into my ear " I don't know maybe the act your putting on or the increase in your strength."

I jerked back and the mischievous fox " Must you do that." I said. Oliver is known to not respect boundaries.

He lets out a laugh and said "Well am I wrong?"

I rolled my eyes and huffed "Out of everyone, I should have known you would have notice."

His eyes sparkled with cockiness as a huge smile appeared on his face. " Oh my friend, how could I not notice? You are almost the same level as I. Though what does leave me confused as to why you have yet to challenge your brothers or father. You are stronger than they are." He said. "Could it be because of that...Talk he had with you the last time you met."

"You really should be careful who you eavesdrop on, you nosy fox." I said to him, " and to answer your question, no it isn't...not exactly. I believe that I personally am not strong enough to take them all on."

What I said was the truth, I need to become stronger. "Allow me to give you some advice, Don't wait too long or you may lose more than you think." he said before disappearing.

Is what he says true?

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