Chapter 4: My First Village of Beasts

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It has been about a week since Arthur and I mated and we were learning more about each other and it's been going amazingly. I learned that once a male mates with a female a mark of the type of beast the male is will appear somewhere on the female's body and that it is believed that the closer to the heart the more love the female feels for that male. Which is where Arthur's mark is on me.

(Imagine this smaller and on her heart

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(Imagine this smaller and on her heart.) 

I also found out that beastmen gain stars the stronger they get, the highest star you can get is five. Arthur is a four-star beast, and if it wasn't for how he looks most females would have pursued him and that he did have some females pursue him but only because he was a four-star beast and only as their guardian I found it funny when after he said that he started to panic and say that he would have never accepted any of them. I reassured him that it was okay if he had because we hadn't met at that point and then I told him that those females were stupid because he was the most handsome man I have ever met. These words caused us to have sex once more and after many climaxes, my big teddy bear cuddled me and happily held me. My teddy bear also found out that my people have sex for pleasure not just reproduction or mating. That seemed to excite him and also explained why I wanted him every day, not that he minded because he loved being wanted by his female.  He also made me new clothes due to mine making me stand out, which I was completely fine with since this was my pj's. We begone into a routine of him hunting and cooking for me and then we would go on walks and I would bathe in the river close to our cave. At night we would do our adult activities then again we would also do that during the day as well sometimes. Before I knew it a month had passed by, I hadn't even realized that I hadn't got my period until tonight. As we were cuddling after our fun time the realization hit me. " Arthur?" I called out to him.

"Yes, my flower?" He said as he nuzzled my neck affectionately.

"I just realized, I haven't had my period," I said. 

I felt him tense up "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" He asked unsure if he was hearing me right.

"I think so, I mean there's a possibility that due to the change of environment that it has come due to that, But because of we are, I think I might be pregnant," I said. 

"If you are you are in the early stages so I won't be able to tell but there is a healer in a village nearby. If you would like we can go and have him check you to be sure." Arthur said as I felt him place his hand on my belly and start to rub it gently. I could feel the happiness in him, I'm sure his hoping I'm pregnant. The thought of having Arthur's baby made me so happy, I never thought I would have a child let alone be married but here I am. I'm starting to think that my coming here was a blessing in disguise. 


The next morning, Arthur gathered our things to take with us to ensure nothing would get stolen. He mentioned that the village that we are going to is full of mostly beastmen.After everything was packed he turned into his bear form and started to put things on his back before I got on his back I went in front of him and kissed his snout before climbing on. Arthur had said it would take half a day due to him having to carry me, hence why we left at sunrise.  It was long and Arthur stopped a couple of times to allow me to stretch, eat, and drink some water.  By the time we go there, it was midday, and was met by the entrance by some men. I tightened my grip on Arthur as we got closer. 

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