Chapter 2: A New Feeling

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**just a general quote from Alex, everytime Minho jokes about her Falling for him, right down the stairs!**


It had been three weeks since they had got a new greenie. Usually he could care less, it just meant another lost scared kid, another hopeless month stuck in this shuck hell hole. But this was a different greenie. It was a She-Bean and real actually Shanket! The shuck creators sent up a shucken girl. It threw everyone for a loop. Some more than others. And some not in a good way. 

He had noticed a few guys constantly leering at her. He had taken it upon himself to threaten them when she wasn't around. When he wasn't in the maze he had his eye on her. But right from the first meeting there was something about her that really threw him. He felt weird and disoriented when she was around. 

Her first afternoon here she just about fell down the Homestead stairs. He grinned to himself when he thought about how he had come back from his shower to see her coming down the stairs, like some kind of fiery haired angel. Newt was throwing his hands around talking. He could see she wasn't paying him any attention, her head was twisting around trying to look at everything. Minho nodded at Newt when he passed only to have the girl fall into his arms. Automatically he wrapped his arms around her. 

His heart stopped when he realized he was holding her around her tiny waist. He gently placed her back on her feet. She looked up at him with her big brown eyes. He felt like his lungs forgot to work. Her eyes were brown, but with bright green and gold flecks in them. They were framed with long dark eyelashes. She was standing so close he could count the number of freckles on her cheeks and nose. He smirked down at the beautiful girl. He felt her warm hands on his biceps, he was pretty sure she was squeezing his muscles. Which made him smirk even more. He watched her open and close her mouth a few times. He leaned in a little closer, he couldn't help it, it was like she was a magnet!

"Careful there, She Bean. You're falling for me already, are ya?" He sassed. He felt his stomach roll over, and his voice caught. 

She opened her mouth again but no words came out. Nothing came out but a squeak, she quickly let go of his arms. He winked at her. He had to get away before he made a fool of himself again. He sauntered up the stairs. 

Dude! Play it cool! Don't be a shuck face! What is with you? You're always cool and collected and now you're losing your voice and your heart is out of control! It doesn't even beat this fast when you run! You shank! Well there was never a girl before. 


Minho had finished changing and putting his stuff away, making a few notes in his personal notebook and went downstairs to help get the bonfire ready. He pushed open the Homestead door and his heart stopped again. The new girl had just stood up from the picnic tables. The setting sun shone off her red hair. It was beautiful. Her hair was gold and red and the setting sun made it shine and glow. 

I bet it feels soft and silky. 

His hands shook, he really wanted to run his fingers through it. His stomach did another weird flip. 

The shuck shank! Pull it together! You don't even know her name! All you've done is say some real stupid klunk to her. 

"I'm pretty sure you're the ONLY cook in the Glade!" She said it so casually, like she sassed people all the time it just came naturally to her. He snickered to himself. She really was a fiery little thing! 

He crossed his arms and watched as Frypan made a big dramatic reply about cooking for her, and he called Minho dramatic. 

"I thought you said this was leftovers. You and I have very different ideas about what gourmet cooking is!" She snarked raising a delicate eyebrow and stuck out a hip. 

Minho couldn't help it, he snorted with laughter. He threw his head back and laughed. And walked over to the kitchen counter. Newt was rolling on the table laughing, and Frypan held out a whisk threateningly at him and narrowed his eyes. 

""Stay away from her. She's a sassy little shanket already. Quiet, but the sass is there. I don't need your snark rubbing off on her! You're bad enough already! We don’t need two!" 

Minho glanced at the girl. She had a small shy smirk on her face. There was no way he could stay away. 

"Hmmm. No promises." He smirked back at her. 

He spun on his heel and sauntered away. He needed to get his wild beating heart under control again. He literally just met her and she already made him feel out of control and weird.  But it wasn't a bad feeling, it was just…uncomfortable and he wasn't used to it. It was a nice replacement for the dead empty nothingness he was starting to get used to. 

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