Chapter 31: Family by Choice (part 1)

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It had been about three years since Alex met Minho at the end of a romantic sunset beach isle and they got hitched. Everyone in their group paired off and got married or engaged. Minho and Alex were doing their best as adoptive parents to Chloe and Reagan.

Even though they were suppoded to sleep with the other girls in a cabin they moved the girls into their own cabin. Vince didn't even fight them on it. He was at the wedding and had seen how they formed their own family, he knew the two girls were in good hands.

They forced Chloe to go to the school that was built. It wasn't much, but there were two ladies who used to work in a school, they took on the roll of teachers with the help of Aris- who had a knack of teaching kids. Chloe grumbled saying she didn't need to go to school.

Alex and Minho forced her anyways. "Until you are a legal adult you will shucken go to the bloody school! Now march your shanky little arse over there and drop your sister off at Kindergarten!"


Life was simple. Everyone had jobs, everyone did their part. Every time there was a trip to the mainland more people were brought in. Meaning the med hut had to expand, they had to check everyone, quarantine them for a week, just to be sure and then they were welcomed into their thriving community.

Brenda announced she was expecting a year after they got married. Thomas looked pale and sweaty when they announced her pregnancy. A month later Sonya announced she was expecting as well. This was her second pregnancy, her first ended in a miscarriage. Frypan was so sweet with her.


One evening, after a long shift in the MedHut and tucking the girls into bed, Alex was curled up on the front porch swing, wrapped in a blanket. She hadn't said much at supper, and retreated to the quiet of the porch. Minho came and sat down beside her, handing her a steaming cup of tea.

"Girls are asleep now. Wanna talk about it?" He asked her quietly, pulling her close.

Alex looked down at the steaming cup, and played with the rim. She sniffed.

"Min...I got my period again this morning...I don't know if being a mom is in my cards." She whispered, tears threatening to fall. He hummed and kissed her temple.

"It's been more than a year. We have been trying for over a year...and like clockwork my heart is crushed every month." Her voice raw with emotion.

"I'm sorry. I can't imagine what it's physically like for you. I wish I could take your pain away. Maybe we should talk to Dr Prior. Maybe he has some answers. If it's not in our cards to be parents to our biological kids, that's okay. I absolutely love those two little hooligans in our spare room and I will always always love you, Alex. Cross my heart." He said quietly.

He held her close as they watched another beautiful sunset together, feeling quite melancholy.

Two weeks later they met with Dr Prior, and he did a few tests. The scavenging group had managed to find an ultrasound machine, and with the help of science, Alex and Minho had an answer.

"So it looks like, when you took that gunshot escaping WICKED, it damaged this fallopian tube and ovary, here." He said pointing to the screen.

"So that would cut your chances by half. Meaning you're only working with one working ovary. Your body can heal itself incredibly fast, but I guess this was beyond its ability to repair. I'm sorry Alex. The good news is your uterus and everything else is perfect. I see no other issues." He said smiling sadly at them.

Alex and Minho walked back to their little cottage hand in hand, not saying much. Good news and bad news.

That night Minho surprised Alex after her shift at the MedHut. Chloe and Raegan were picked up from school by Newt and Simon and were going to have a sleepover with their uncles. Minho surprised Alex with a beach side picnic, complete with all her favourite snacks and wildflowers.

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